Nikolai Trubach - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



The name of the singer Nikolai Trubacch Melomanna was remembered after the Chit "Blue Moon" sounded on the Russian stage. Duet Trumpeter and Pepping Boris Moiseeva added the song "Perchnku" and threw off all sorts of doubts in the true sense of the spat. For years, Nikolay Trubachka had to prove that he was "not like that."

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Kharkovets (he is Nikolai Trubacch) was born in Nikolaev in April 1970, but grew up in the Ukrainian village of Tribanovka of the Nikolaev region. He did not hesitate to talk about his rustic origin, that in the adolescence she worked in the field on the tractor. The guy earned considerable money at that time - 80 rubles, helping parents.

Music talent manifested itself as a child: Kohl played a pipe in the school pop orchestra, which was led by Semyon Daykovich. The boy at the age of 6 came to the music school, but after the first year of study was deducted for behavior.

At the first concert of the orchestra, he, like any student of the preparatory class, was not allowed to play on the pipe. But Kohl who was on stage could not stand and issued several sounds of the nefple. From the deductions of the guy, it was not even saved that at that time the Palace of Culture was led by his father. However, Kharkiv managed to recover in a music school, where he began to show high results.

Later with the permission of the head and parents, Nikolai began to work out, playing at weddings, dancing and funeral, than and now proud.

Music experience acquired in adolescence was useful: in 1985, Kharkovets easily entered the Nikolaev Music School. The able guy took immediately to the 2nd course. At the end, Nikolai became a certified trumpeter (hence the scenic pseudonym) and a choral conductor.

In 1988, Trubacha called on the army, he served in Anapa in the border troops. On the second year of service, the musician played the orchestra. The creative biography of Trubach started there: Nikolai recorded the first songs of its own essay.

After demobilization in 1990, Nikolai Trubach, the existence of the Russian-Ukrainian producer and arranger Kim Breitburg and producer Evgeny Friedlyand in Moscow, met in Moscow. In his youth, to the very departure to the capital in the mid-1990s, Nikolai Trubacch lived in his native village, in the parent house, and 3 years worked out a diploma of the music school as a school teacher of music.

Personal life

The popularity of the Russian pop star in the 1990s reached incredible sizes: the artist chased the fans of both sexes. They climbed into the windows of hotels where the singer was settled on tour. However, few people knew that Nikolai's personal life was happy. Trumpeters have long been married and adores the family. About his beloved wife, Elena Vershubskaya and daughters, Ternubach told on the program "Life as a song".

The couple met in the mid-1990s in Nikolaev, where Lena, at that time married and raised her daughter, worked as a DJ in the studio that her husband was headed. The musician fell in love with Elena, but learning that she was incompatible, he left the city for 3 months to think about the situation in the distance. Realizing that he was experiencing not a fleeting passion, but love, the guy returned to Nikolaev and admitted to feelings. Love turned out to be mutual, Elena divorced her husband and married a singer.

My daughter was born in marriage. While the show business and fans attributed the trumpet of the novels and argued about his orientation, the spouses raised two children - Sasha and Vica's daughters. Only close friends of Nicholas knew about the existence of his wife and strong family. The adopted daughter man brought up as a native. Now Victoria is a master of the Higher School of Business Moscow State University, in 2020 she became a mother.

In 2015, Nikolai Trubacch noted the 45th anniversary. Friends of the singer - Colleagues Yuri Laova, Vladimir Presnyakov - Senior, Alexander Ivanov, Igor Sarukhanov, Alexey Gluzin, Singer Lyubashe, and two more well-known musicians and two more well-known musicians were gathered. Elena Trubacch and daughters gave the jubilee tube Bach Stradivarius hand assembly, which he had long dreamed of.

The artist shares creative and personal life. He values ​​the rest of his relatives, and with fans prefers to communicate only at concerts. The personal account in "Instagram" at the singer is not, but its photos often appear on social networks.


Living in transplant, Nikolai Trubach was in Moscow, where he collaborated with the brothers Meladze and recorded the "Dialogue" studio his first hits "Women's Love", "Five minutes" and "learn to play the guitar." Trubach songs wrote during the army service in Anapa, and thanks to Britourg and Friedland they were heard in Russia and Ukraine.

The musician felt comfortable in the parent house and earned, playing in restaurants and at weddings. He was not eager to move into the noisy capital, but in 1995 career gained momentum, and moving to Moscow was inevitable.

In the summer of 1997, Nikolai Trubacch recorded the first disk "History", in which they came across radio and television of hits. In 1998, the musician presented fans the second album, called "twenty two". It includes the finalized songs of the first disk and five new, among them hit the Blue Moon, filled with solo. Interestingly, his most successful hit singer wrote in just one day.

At the end of the 1990s, the peak of the popularity of Nikolai Trubach, which was contributed to the duet with Boris Moiseev with the same "blue moon". At the hit, a video clip was removed regularly on TV.

Another joint composition with Moses on the words and music of Breitburg - "Nutcracker". A clip also appeared on the song, in which the trumpeter was executed on the tube an excerpt from the same name of Peter Tchaikovsky. The program "Prime Minister" starred in the video.

For many, the "Blue Moon" performed by the trumpeter and Moiseeva began to see the singer in a non-traditional sexual orientation, for which Nikolai Pariroval: "If I sang with Borea, this does not mean that I am blue."

The new century Nikolai opened a hit written in a duet with a friend and singer Igor Sarukhanov. In 2000, the performers presented to music the song "Boat". The composition entered the new album "Adrenaline" in 2001. The next year marked the premiere of a new disk "White ...". For the name, the trumpeter used the song of the same name, which became the title composition of the album.

In the same 2002, Nikolai in a duet with Alexander Marshal presented the fans a song "I live in paradise", which became a hit. On this, the light strip in the performer's career ended: Trumpeters ripped a contract with producer Friedlyand.

Ranking, Nikolai could not frankly talk about his orientation, but it was obliged to keep intrigue, without confirming and not denying rumors. At that time, the singer was married, he grown two daughters, and he was tired of obsessive rumors and gossip.

However, there was another reason why trumpeters, staying at the career peak, for a half decades disappeared from show business: the musician is seriously ill.

Saturated concert-tour activities without rest and weekends, cold in hotels without hot water, treatment of colds on the ambulance hand and chronic fatigue poured into bilateral pneumonia. With her singer and hospitalized, but in a week, not wanting to bring producers, Nikolai escaped from the hospital chamber.

The disease aggravated, and doctors, examining the newly received patient, were horrified: the diagnosis did not leave chances to survive. Nikolay Trubachka was offered to remove one light, but the operation would supply a cross on a career. The musician refused and together with his wife struggled for life and complete recovery.

The treatment was long: Nikolai stayed in the hospital ward. During this time, he survived 4 relapses. The singer escaped the operation, but the lower share of one of the lungs was dying due to the suffered disease. The performer has lost weight to 56 kg, whereas in everyday life its weight reaches 100 kg with an increase of 170 cm.

In 2007, the vocalist reminded himself by replenishing the discography of the next job "I do not regret anything ...". In 2011, in a duet with Sarukhanov, he sang and recorded a clip on the song "Happy ticket".

In 2012, Nikolai Trubach, who returned to Estrada, presented the album "Were and We", in which a joint composition with Igor Sarukhanov and the song "Daughter", "Foresting" and "Let Love". At the same time, the actuator repertoire is replenished with the composition "Guitarist".

In 2015, the vocalist, together with Lyubash, recorded a new song "Remove the fur coats", where not only sang, but also played on the pipe.

The singer finally returned to concerts and tours, continued to please the fans of surprises, one of whom is the song "Palm on the lap".

Nikolai Trubach appears on radio and television. In early 2017, the musician came to the broadcast of "100% in the morning," where he discussed the favorite theme - Football. Nikolay Trubach - a long-lasting fan of "Spartacus".

Random acquaintance with the director Alla Surikov gave Nicholas the opportunity to debut in the movies. In the film "Love and Sax" Trubuch played the role of a bandit. The artist was contaminated beyond recognition - on the screen it appeared with a lot of scars on the face and with a mustache.

Nikolai Trubach now

In April 2020, Nikolai Trubach became the hero of the transfer of the "Fate of Man". In the studio Boris Korchevnikova, the singer stated about how in 2018 transferred the next pneumonia due to coronavirus infection. The artist described in detail all the symptoms preceded by its serious disease.

According to the trumpeter, the virus acts on the body very quickly. Over the night, the body temperature rises to a critical mark. In the muscles and ribs, strong pain is felt, and the cough and other signs of Orz are missing.

Nikolay was lucky - his spouse was familiar with the situation. She took her husband to the clinic, where he was determined in intensive care. Doctors managed to cope with the disease.

Again to get out of a complex state, like almost 20 years ago, Nikolai helped the game on the pipe. He noted that the doctors recommended him not to throw the overall tool. Other patients doctors advise at least 10 balloons per day. Such training is beneficial to the health and state of the lungs.

The popular topic at the beginning of the 2020 artist raised and on the air of the program "Stars agreed" of the NTV television channel. Today, the artist periodically appears on the stage. In the spring, he took part in the concert of the memory of Alexander Barykin, who was held in the metropolitan restaurant "Gladiator".

And in the fall of the same year, the singer fought for the victory on the project "Superstar! Return". Alice Mont, Vlad Stashevsky, Vladimir Levkin and other stars of past years came out with a trumpeter on the scene of the show.


1997 - "History"

1998 - "Twenty two"

2001 - "Adrenaline"

2002 - "White ..."

2003 - "Best Songs"

2007 - "I do not regret anything ..."

2012 - "were and"

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