Vladimir Ivashov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, movies, Svetlana Svetlynaya, filmography



Vladimir Ivashov - Soviet and Russian artist. For the audience, he was forever remained Alesh Skvortsov, the hero of the first role in the movie from the painting Grigory Chukhray "Ballada about the soldier."

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Ivashov was born on August 28, 1939 in Moscow. Artist's parents were simple Soviet workers.

Mom worked on a sewing factory, father - at the aviation plant. Son from childhood was given independence. From an early age he knew how to make it, cook. Volodya dreamed of playing movies still as a child, adored the puppet theater. After graduating from school, he entered in 1956 in VGIK (Mikhail Romma Workshop).

"Ballad about a soldier"

In 1959, the director Grigori Chukhray found a 19-year-old student Vladimir Ivashov in the corridors of Vgika. Participation in the picture was luck for the actor, because Oleg Strizhenov and Lilia Aleshnikov were approved to the main roles, but the director revised the decision, replacing them with Ivashov and Jeanne Prokhorenko.

The role of the ordinary Aleshi Skvortsov in the Military Drama "Ballada about Soldier" made a novice artist world famous and laid the beginning of his cinematic biography. The fans recognized the actors on the streets, in the "Soyuzpex" kiosks appeared photo Ivashov.

The "ballad of a soldier" won more than 100 world premiums, and Vladimir Sergeevich received a nomination for BAFTA in the category "Best Foreign Actor". And together with the performer of the main women's party, became the first of the Soviet artists who visited the United States at the Film Festival in San Francisco.

Grigory Chukhray a few days later, from the life of a simple boy was able to transfer the entire horror of the catastrophe that occurred with Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. The film conveyed longing about millions of emulsioned young lives.

In 1965, the memory of the ribbon was strengthened by typing the postage stamp with the image of the main characters.


During study in Vgika, Vladimir Ivashov starred in several pictures. The comedy of 1962 "Seven Nyank" was popular for the 1962 of the director of Rolan Bykov, in which the artist played Victor.

Interestingly, in one of the episodes, the hero of the Seeds of Morozov, having in mind Victor, says: "Yes, he is all waiting for this Jeanne - the artist Jeanne Prokhorenko." The phrase was a reference to the character of Ivashov from "Ballads about a soldier."

After graduating from VGIK, Vladimir Sergeevich entered the service of the Moscow State Theater of the film actor, which worked until 1991.

In 1965, the director Stanislav Rostotsky invited Iwashov to the role of Grigory Pechorin in the picture of the hero of our time. The artist played together with Alexey Chernov, Nikolai Burlyaev, Sofia Pilyava and other actors. Pechorin performed by Vladimir Sergeyevich is a bright person, dismissed personality. The hero Mikhail Lermontov played by dozens of artists was associated with the Soviet viewer precisely with the image created by Ivashov.

In 1968, the film "Adventures of Elusive" with the participation of the artist was released on the screens. Ivashov played Lieutenant Perov and executed vocal parties. Adventure film show Edmond Keosoyan had a deafening success from the Soviet spectators. The film watched 66 million people. In 1970, the Contractor was held in the continuation of the painting - tape "Crown of the Russian Empire, or again elusive."

In 1972, Boris Vasilyev's military drama was released "And the dawns here are quiet ...". Director of the picture with the same name - Stanislav Rostotsky. The story of the girls who died while trying to delay the detachment of German intelligence officers, did not leave indifferent spectators. Vladimir Ivashov played in the film "And the dawns here is a quiet ..." scientist who stopped on a distant taiga borrowing visiting the family of the film, Lisa Brichkina.

In most paintings in which Vladimir Sergeevich played, the director exploited the vivid appearance and popularity of the actor. Despite the large number of roles, Ivashov did not fully implement his talent of the characteristic artist.

It was not fully realized in the theater - for many years of work, the actor played only a few serious roles.

In 1974, Vladimir Ivashov played the main role of partisan Alexander King in the Military film directed by Vitaly Chetnerikova "Flame". The picture was discontinued based on real events that took place in the territory of the occupied Belarus in 1944.

In the same year, the artist played in one military tape - the piercing drama of the Soviet and Polish authors "Remember your name". The film was based on the real story of the Muravyov family and the Mother and Son, which were separated, becoming prisoners of Auschwitz.

The last role in the filmography of Vladimir Ivashova came to 1993. It was a picture of Vladimir Laptev "Felixsky's Device Bureau". On the set, Evgeny Leonov, Natalia Krachkovskaya, Igor Dmitriev, Alexander Zakharova, together with the artist. In the life of Evgeny Leonov, the tape also became the last. For artists, heavier time has come for the 90s. Vladimir Ivashov said that he said about his unwillingness to film in films: "Today's cinema for the sake of the effect is ready to put everything that remains in a man of kind, joyful, saint in the man.


The song "Russian Field", Spetya Ivashov under the guitar in the continuation of the "elusive avengers", became the decoration of the painting and gave the audience the opportunity to get acquainted with another talent of the versatile artist.

The spiritual performance of the hero of Vladimir Sergeevich - White Guardian - the patriotic song was highly appreciated, and in the last part of the trilogy, the artist again demonstrated the brilliant execution of the romance to the poems of Sergey Yesenin "above the window of the month."

In the future, Ivashov once sang for the film. In the film "When September" sounded performed by him "for you!", In the drama "Dame Tango" - "Cranes", in Putin's tape - "Let the conversion to us be shining."

Personal life

In the youth, Vladimir Ivashov arranged a personal life, marrying the actress Svetlana Svetlynaya. With his wife, the performer lived with a student bench and until death. In marriage, artists had two children - Sons Oleg and Alexey. Alexey chose the profession of the dentist and works in Moscow, Oleg died at 33 years from liver toxicosis, surviving the Father for 10 years.

Vladimir Ivashova remained the granddaughter of Masha and the great-grandfather, named after His honor. After the death of the younger son, Oleg Svetly broke the relationship with the senior and granddaughter. The reason served the apartment question. Now, according to the actress, the world in the family of Ivashov recovered.


In the 90s, many artists remained without work. Vladimir Ivashov and Svetlana Svetlynaya, like many colleagues, were dismissed from the theater. To maintain the financial situation of the family, Vladimir Sergeevich was forced to go to work at the construction site. Heavy setting caused an aggravation of ulcers from the artist.

On March 21, 1995, on the way to work, the actor became bad. Two days later, Vladimir Ivashov died. The cause of death is internal bleeding after the operation on the stomach. Artist was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow. Next to the Father - the grave Oleg Ivashova.

Svetlana Afanasyevna, after the death of her husband lived in the area of ​​Yasenevo. The actress will not be married for a long time with the artist Sergey Sokolsky.


  • 1959 - "Soldier Ballad"
  • 1962 - "Seven Nyanyck"
  • 1973 - "Most disappearance"
  • 1975 - "Diamonds for the dictatorship of the proletariat"
  • 1975 - "Yaroslav Dombrovsky"
  • 1981 - "Right to Shot"
  • 1981 - "Through Gobi and Hinghan"
  • 1985 - "Day of Wrath"
  • 1990 - "This is us, Lord!"
  • 1992 - "Russian Brothers"

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