Louis Garrell - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Favoring a permanent registration in the hearts of a weak half of humanity Actor and director Louis Garrel became famous after the release of Bernardo Bertolucci "Dreamers" to the large screens of the Chamber Erotic Drama. The seductive intellectual for 28 years has been pleased with the fans of deep psychological films with their fantastic game. Louis Garrell appeared on June 14, 1983 in the capital of France - Paris. Professional Career Garrel was predetermined from birth.

Actor Louis Garrel

Louis is the son of the great director of Philip Garrel and the actress Brigit Si. His grandfather Maurice also achieved success in the field of hyseride. According to the memoirs of the Master of Disposal, the atmosphere of all-consuming creative anarchy reigned in the family. Parents never limited him to anything, providing the right to choose. Sport, singing, drawing - where Louis, Philip and Brigitus would support the choice of the heir. Despite similar permissiveness, it is difficult to imagine that such creatively gifted parents have a child to mathematical sciences.

Louis Garrell in youth

At the age of 6 years, the actor starred in the film of his father "Spare Kiss." 12 years after the debut in 2001, he again appeared on the big screen in the film Rudolf Marconi "This is my body." In the same year, young talent was enrolled in the National Paris Conservatory, in which a talented guy Corpel over textbooks, scrupulously studying dramatic art.


In 2003, Louis played one of the three main roles in a provocative melodraman of the recognized Master of the Cinema Bernardo Bertolucci "Dreamers." The film takes place in 1968 in Paris. Young American Matthew (Michael Pitt) comes to Paris under a student exchange program to improve his knowledge of French.

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There, the guy meets the twins Isabelle (Eva Green) and Theo (Louis Garrell). New acquaintances invite Matthew during the lack of parents to move to their apartment. The guys torn off from the world of student unrest are indulging in sexual and psychological experiments, washing the boundaries between the concepts of good and evil.

Louis Garrel and Eve Green

In 2004, a talented actor appeared in the film of the director of Christoph Onev "My Mother", in which his partner on the set was an outstanding actress Isabel Yupper. In 2005, Louis received the "Cesar" award for his role in the film of his father "Permanent lovers." The following year, a talented actor appeared in the paintings "Paris History" and "Prelude". In 2007, the cinematic piggy bank of Garl's images was replenished with the role of Bisexual Ismael.

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Film "All Songs Only About Love" received the Golden Palm Branch of the Cannes Film Festival. In May 2010, the premiere of the film "Imaginary Love" took place at the same festival. In the ribbon of Canadian director Xavier Dolan Louis got an episodic role of a guest invited to party. The period of 2011-2014 was marked by the entry into the light of the works "Beloved", "shells", "Castle in Italy", "Jealousy" and "Saint Laurent. Style is me. "

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In 2015, a full-length directorial debut of Garrel took place. The viewer was released on the large screens into the emotion cycle, reigning inside the love triangle, the picture "Friends." The main role in Ribe Louis gave the actress Gollshifte Farakhani. In the same year, the actor was involved in the work on the films "My King", "in the shadow of women" and "Astragal".

Louis Garrell and Golshifte Farakhani

2016 I remember the viewers of the paintings "false recognition" and the "Illusion of Love". The first story tells the story of hopelessly in love with a rich Widow Araminem (Isabelle Yupper) Young Drama (Louis Garrel), and the second tells about the difficult life of a woman's free spirit, which is looking for salvation from the serm of everyday realities in the illusory world of love.

Personal life

The relationship with representatives of the weak half of humanity Louis has never been particularly applied. Despite the efforts of the Master of Revolution, not to betray his personal life, it was always possible to calculate the specimens to whom the charming Frenchman experienced tender feelings. It is reliably aware that the actor who loved the audience was married twice. The first spouse Valery Bruni-Tedeski is the older sister of the wife of the ex-president of France Nicolas Sarkosicarla Bruni.

Louis Garrel and Valeria Bruni Tedeski

Young people met in 2007 on the set of the film "Sleep of the previous night". Garrel played Alexei Nikolayevich - inexperienced timid young man, in love with trying to find himself in this world Actress Marseilin Berovskaya (Valery Bruni Tedeski). As often, prisoner in the framework of cinematic timekeeping, love has moved from large screens to real life. According to the memoirs of the close friends of artists, Louis and Valeria did not move away from each other.

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The difference in the age (Tedeski older garl for 18 years) in no way affected their relationships. In conversations with media representatives, the actress has repeatedly stated that serious, thoughtful garrel perfectly understands its subtle mental organization and condescendingly refers to periodically occasional mood drops. In 2009, the seregal girl appeared on the world a year earlier. Baby called Celine.

Louis Garrel

Four years after this significant event, Louis and Valeria broke up. The reasons for the sudden rupture were not covered by any print edition of Europe. A year later, rumors about the new passion of the actor crawled. This time, the carbohylase brunette drew attention to the former Angel Victoria's Secret Caste's Leticia. Contrary to popular belief, the relationship of the Master of Disposal and the models developed by seven-world steps.

Louis Garrell and Caste's Leticia

Having had one failed marriage and three children in the shoulders, the Leticia did not hurry with his head to dive into the amur experienced worries. The beloved during the couple of years looked after each other. In June 2017, the 39-year-old Frenchman and a 34-year-old actor officially legalized their relationship. The marriage chamber ceremony passed on Corsica Island. Among the invited guests were only relatives and close friends of the newlyweds.

At the moment, the spouses enjoy the charms of family life and lead active social life: they go to the presentation, attend film images and, of course, participate in charitable events.

Louis Garrell now

In May 2017, at the opening of the 70th Cannes International Film Festival, the premiere of the French thriller Arno delemed "Ghosts Ismael" took place. In the center of the plot, the film was the history of the life of the director Ismael (Mathie Amalric), who for 20 years tried to solve the mystery of the disappearance of his beloved Carlota (Marion Cotionar). In the film Louis, the role of Brother of the main hero of Ivana was assigned.

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In November of the same year, Molodrama Michel Khazanavichus "Young Godar" will be released in world rolling. The film for the film was the autobiographical novel Anne Vyazemsky "a year later," telling about family and working relations between the actress and the director. The main roles in the painting got Louis Garlie and Stacy Martin. Also, the reincarnation wizard will appear in the picture of Pierre Scholler "People and His King", the release of which is scheduled for the end of 2017.

Louis Garrel in 2017

Despite the fact that Garrel is not in "Instagram", in the social network "VKontakte" fans of the reincarnation wizard created a community in which the latest news from the life of their favorite is published. In addition to specially cut scenes from films with actor participation, photos and interviews, which periodically appear on the pages of all sorts of Internet resources periodically appear regularly.


  • 1989 - "Spare Kisses";
  • 2003 - "Dreamers";
  • 2005 - "Permanent lovers";
  • 2006 - "Prelude";
  • 2007 - "All songs are only about love";
  • 2008 - "Beautiful fig tree";
  • 2010 - "Imaginary Love";
  • 2011 - "Beloved";
  • 2014 - "Saint-Laurent. Style is me ";
  • 2015 - "My King";
  • 2016 - "The Illusion of Love";
  • 2017 - "Ghosts of Ismael";
  • 2017 - "Young Year of God";
  • 2017 - "The people and his king."

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