Svyatoslav Igorevich - biography, photos, personal life of Prince and Board



Prince Novgorod and Kievsky Svyatoslav Igorevich ruled by the Russian state from 944 to 972 years. The ruler is known for its military campaigns and conquests, battles against the Bulgarian state and Byzantium.

Monument to Svyatoslav Igorevich in the village of Old Petrovtsy, Kiev region

The only son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga became Svyatoslav. The exact date of the birth of the future ruler is still not known. According to the Ipatiev list, Svyatoslav Igorevich was born in 942 (in some sources 940 years). Event record is absent in the Lavrentiev List. This causes a lot of issues in the researchers' environment, since information is contradictory. In literary sources, 920 declared, but historians consider this invention, and not true.

Portrait of Svyatoslav Igorevich

The upbringing of the Prince Son was assigned to the shoulders of Varyag Asmud, who made focus on basic skills. Young Svyatoslav received knowledge that came in handy in military campaigns: the art of combat, horse management, roaming, swimming, masking mask. For the headquarters, another mentor was answered - Voivod Sveneldld. The first data on Svyatoslav, to see which in the Russian-Byzantine Agreement of Prince Igor, began to appear in 944. A year later, the prince dies.

Sculptural image of Svyatoslav Igorevich, Evgeny Lancer

The ruler's death led discontent with the Treaks about charging too much Dani. Since Svyatoslav Igorevich is still a child, the Brazuds of the Board are moving towards Mother - Princess Olga. A year after the murder of her husband, Olga goes to the land of Drevlyan. As it should be led by the head of state, 4-year-old Svyatoslav begins the battle along with a squad of his father. The young ruler won the battle. The princess made the razlyan obey. So that such tragedies do not occur in the future, Regent is implementing a new government system.

Svyatoslav Igorevich - biography, photos, personal life of Prince and Board 17013_4

In the chronicles it is said that in childhood Svyatoslav Igorevich did not part with his mother and constantly lived in Kiev. Scientists have found evidence of the infidelity of this judgment. Byzantine Emperor Konstantin Bagryanorovnoe talked the following:

"The monoxilles coming from the external Russia in Constantinople are some of the Nemogard, in which Sfendoslav was sitting, the son of Ingora, Archont Rosia."

Researchers believe that Svyatoslav has moved to Novgorod at the request of the Father. It was in the chronicles mention of visiting Olga to Constantinople. At the same time, the future of Prince say, without calling the title of Svyatoslav Igorevich.

Beginning of the Board

In the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is said that Svyatoslav Igorevich's first campaign happened in 964. The main goal of the ruler was the deposition of strikes on the Khazar Kaganat. The prince did not be distracted by Vyatichi, who met along the way. Attack on Khazar collapsed a year later - in 965. In the chronicle, the following is said:

"In the summer 6473 (965), Svyatoslav went to Khazar. Hearing, the Khazars came to meet him with his prince Kagan and confused, and defeated Svyatoslav Khazar in the battle, and hare and White Visey took. And won Yasov ICASOVOV. "

Interestingly, the contemporary of Svyatoslav presents events in another key. Ibn-Haukal argued that the prince dealt with the Khazari later specified in the annals.

Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich

The contemporary recalled other military actions against the Volga Bulgaria, but there is no such information in official sources. This is what Ibn Haukal said:

"Bulgar - the city is small, there is no numerous districts in it, and was known for the fact that he was a port for the states mentioned above, and his Rus was devastated and came to Khazaran, Samandar and ITIL in the year 358 (968/969) and went immediately after To the country Rum and Andalus ... and al-Khazar - side, and there is a city in it, called Samdar, and he is in the space between her and Bab Al-Abvab, and there were numerous gardens in it ... but they came there Rus, and not Left in the city Tom neither grapes, no raisins.

In 965, Svyatoslav Igorevich arrives in Sarkel on Don. Several battles needed to conquer this city. But the ruler celebrated not long celebrated, because ITILE appeared on the way - the main city of Khazar Kaganat. The conqueror got another settlement - Semender. This glorious city is located on the banks of the Caspian Sea.

Map of Svyatoslav Igorevich for 970

Khazar Kaganat fell before Natio Svyatoslav, but this was not enough to the ruler. Prince tried to win and consolidate these lands behind him. Soon Sarkel was renamed White Visey. According to some reports, in the same years, Kiev received Tmutarakan. It is believed that the power was determined until the beginning of the 980s.

Domestic politics

The internal policy of Svyatoslav Igorevich was active. In front of him, the ruler set a goal - strengthening the authorities by attracting military buddies. The policy did not attract the young prince, so there were no special changes in the internal activities of the state over the years of the Board of Svyatoslav.

Monument to Svyatoslav Igorevich in Zaporizhia

Despite the dislike for the internal affairs of Russia, Svyatoslav Igorevich introduced some adjustments. In particular, it has formed a new tax collection system and submission. In different parts of the ancient Russian state, special places were organized - grades. Here they gathered money from the inhabitants. Svyatoslav Igorevich was able to overcome Vyatichi, who are rebeling against the ruler. During the campaign, the prince was pacified by the brown people. Thanks to this, the treasury began to replenish again. Despite the work in this direction, the princess Olga took the majority of worries.

Grand Duke Svyatoslav Igorevich

The wisdom of the Great Prince manifests itself after the birth of sons. Svyatoslav Igorevich was necessary to put on the thrones in different cities of loyal and devoted people. In Kiev, the rules Yaropolk, in Novgorod - Vladimir, Oleg became the prince of Drevlyansky.

Foreign policy

Foreign policy has become a passion of a young prince. On his account several large wars - with the Bulgarian kingdom and Byzantium. A lot of versions in history have these important events for Russia. Historians stopped at two variations in the fight against the Bulgarian kingdom. The first opinion was that it all began with a conflict between Byzantia and the Bulgarian kingdom. In this regard, the Byzantine Emperor applied for help to Svyatoslav Igorevich. It was his warriors who had to attack Bulgaria.

Monument to Svyatoslav Igorevich in the Belgorod region

The second opinion lies in the fact that Byzantium tried to weaken the Kiev Prince, as the ruler was able to conquer their land. And in the Byzantine state there was no peace of mind: the ambassador who arrived at Svyatoslav decided to arrange a plot against his emperor. He sentenced Russian prince, promised him the Bulgarian lands and treasures from the treasury of Byzantium.

Svyatoslav Igorevich on horse

The invasion of Bulgaria occurred in 968. Svyatoslav Igorevich managed to overcome opponents and conquer the Pereyaslavl, located at the mouth of the Danube. Relations with the Byzantine State began to gradually deteriorate. In the same year, a raid of Pechenegs was made to Kiev, so the prince had to return to the capital of Russia to return to the capital. In 969, the princess Olga died, which was engaged in the internal policy of the state. This pushed Svyatoslav Igorevich to attract children to the Board. Prince did not want to stay in the capital:

"It's not anyone to sit in Kiev, I want to live in Pereyaslavs on the Danube - for my middle of the earth is there, all the benefits are flown there: from the Greek Land Gold, Pavolok, Wines, various fruits; from the Czech Republic and from Hungary silver and horses; From Russia and wax, honey and slaves.

Despite the fact that it was the Byzantine government that organized a raid on Bulgarians, the latter turned for help in combating Svyatoslav to them. The emperor thought for a long time, how to do, but then decided to strengthen his state with a dynastic marriage. At the end of 969, the sovereign dies, and John Zimischi ascended for the throne. He did not allow to gain the Bulgarian son and Byzantine Virgin.


Realizing that Byzantium is no longer an assistant, the authorities of the Bulgarian state decide to conclude an agreement with Svyatoslav Igorevich. Together the rulers go against Byzantium. Military tensions between the empire and the Russian state increased. Gradually, troops pulled up to the fortresses. In 970, an attack on Byzantium was happening. On the side of Svyatoslav were Bulgarians, Hungarians and Pechenegs. Despite the serious advantages in the number of military, in the general battle, Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich was crushed.


A year later, the troops restored strength and again began to make raids on the Byzantine state. Now I ran into the battle of the rulers. Again the fighters of Byzantium were more successful. They captured the Bulgarian king captured and got close to Svyatoslav. In one of the battles of Prince wounded. After that, the Byzantine emperor and the Russian ruler sat down at the negotiating table. Svyatoslav Igorevich leaves Bulgaria, but restores trade relations with Byzantium. Now the eastern part of the Bulgarian state obeys the emperor. Western areas have gained independence.

Personal life

Military trips were the main goal of Svyatoslav Igorevich. Prince's personal life was successful. The ruler became the father of three sons - Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir. On the shoulders of young sons there was a concern for the internal policy of the state, while the Father won new territories.

Svyatoslav Igorevich with his wife and children

In the official documents of that time there is no information about his wife who gave birth to two senior sons. It is known about Mother Vladimir. The woman did not marry the prince, but was a concubine.

Death and Memory

Svyatoslav Igorevich's biography is broken in March 972. Prince could not stay at the mouth of the Dnieper. Together with the army, the ruler tried to spawn through the ambush of Pechenegs. It was a catastrophic mistake, since weakened fighters fell from the hands of nomads. Brotherly crushed Pechenegs with Svyatoslav:

"And he attacked him smoking, Prince Pechenezhsky; And Svyatoslav killed, and cut off his head, and made a bowl of the skull, walking the skull, and after drank from it. "
Death of Svyatoslav Igorevich

During the reign, the prince expanded the territory of the state and received the nickname brave. Svyatoslav is so called in historical references. The memory of Svyatoslav Igorevich still lives. The image of the prince-warrior was used in artistic literature, art. At the beginning of the 20th century, the first monument "Svyatoslav on the way to King Grad" appeared. Sculptures are located in Kiev and Ukrainian regions.

Portrait of Svyatoslav Igorevich according to the descriptions of contemporaries

A peculiar photo is available on the Internet. The masters according to the descriptions of the contemporaries of the prince created a portrait: a man of medium height, smoky, with thick eyebrows, blue eyes, long mustes, strong population and wide breasts.

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