Nicholas Sparks - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Books, Films 2021



Nicholas Charles Sparks - American Writer-Romanist, author of bestsellers on the topics of love, Christian values, moral landmarks. Nicholas was born late in the evening on December 31, 1965 in the city of Omaha, Nebraska. The ancestors of the boy were immigrants from the Czech Republic, Ireland, England and Germany. Father Nicholas, Patrick Sparks, taught at the university. Mother, Jil Sparks, devoted himself to the ministry of the family. Sparks regularly visited the Catholic Church.

Nicholas Sparks

In connection with the work of the Father, the family often moved from place to place. Nicholas, along with his parents managed to live in Los Angeles and Golde. After graduating from school in 1984, the young man became a student of the Finance Faculty of the University of Notre Dame. Since Nicholas professionally engaged in his childhood, he received an increased scholarship for participating in a sports team. Study in the first year, Sparks became one of the winners and record holders of the competition on the run on the 800-meter distance.


In the student years, Sparks wrote the first two works that were not published - "parting" and "royal killings." After the completion of Nicholas's training is completed for several years, he worked as a seller of orthopedic goods, a waiter, sales agent, real estate appraiser. In 1990, the Olympic champion of 1965, the Stayer of Indian origin Billy Mills offered Sparks to write a popular science book dedicated to psychology. The work was called "Vukini: a journey to happiness and self-knowledge of the lacot tribe."

Already in the first year of implementation, the book became a bestseller. She was published twice: the first time the forces of the publishing house "Fizer Publishing", whose headquarters was located in Sacramento, the second time - in 1994 in the publishing house Random House. Two years later, Nicholas got a pharmacist in a major medical company and changed the place of residence for the city of Greenville in the state of South Carolina. In the same place, Sparks were addicted to literary creativity, in the free clock creating the first novel "Diary of Memory."

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Two years later, Teresa Park agent was met with the work of a young writer, who after some time on behalf of the writer signed a $ 1 million contract with the publishing house. In 1996, the first week of release, the book of Nicholas came to the first place of the top-list of the Bestsellers of the month according to the publication New York Times. " After the grand success, the novel began a new stage in the creative biography of the writer.

Books of Nicholas Sparks

Two years later, the author released the second novel "Message in the bottle", to the creation of which he inspired the love of his own parents. A year later, the director Luis Mandoki created the shieldation of the Sparks novel, in which Kevin Costner, Robin Wright and Paul Newman played the main roles. Following the second book of Sparks, the novels "Hurry to Love" and "Salvation" followed. At the turn of the centuries, the name of Nicholas Sparks headed the list of the best writers of the year according to People Magazine magazine.

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In 2001, the next masterpiece "Cool Rotate" appeared from under the pen of the novelist, a year later the novel "Nights in Rodantte" was published. In 2002, the Melodrama of Adam Schungmanna "Hurry to Love", which described the mutual feeling of a graduate of high school and his classmates, who was told on the cinema scales. The main roles played young American artists - Shane West and Mandy Moore.

In a year, Nicholas Sparks released a new book "Guardian Angel", which combined a love story and a detective. In the next Wedding Production, Sparks paid attention to the issue of fading love after a few years of living together. After a year, the light saw the book "For three weeks with my brother."

Books of Nicholas Sparks

In 2004, the director Nick Kassavetis took the creation of a film on the first novel of the Writer's "Diary of Memory", about the love of the young heroes of Nov and the Ellie, which Rachel Makadams and Ryan Gosling played. The world film distribution of melodrama brought the creators a profit of $ 115 million in 2005. In 2005, the writer released two new novels - "Miracle of Love" and "At first glance." A year later, pleased the fans of the new work - "Dear John", about the broken feelings of a young man who was burned in the existence of mutual love.

In 2007, the "Choice" edition appears on the shelves of bookstores, about the life of the harmonious bachelor, which is satisfied with life without family and relatives. In 2008, the book "Lucky" is published, in the same year the director George S. Wulf starts working on the Drama "Nights in Rodantte" with Richard Girome and Diane Lane starring. The film took the second place of rent in the first days of showing cinemas, gathering $ 13 million.

Books of Nicholas Sparks

In 2009, Nicholas creates another novel "Last Song", which a year later was played by the director Julie Ann Robinson with Miley Cyrus, Liami Hemsworth and Greg Kinnir in the lead roles. In the new product, the writer again raises the discerning the relationship of fathers and children, love and incurable diseases. Since 2010, the books of Nicholas Sparks "Quiet Harbor" and the "best in me" are overlooking each other. In 2012, the next screen version of the drama "lucky" director Scott Hicks appears.

The Roman 2013 release "Far Road" uses the director George Tillman-ml. To create a movie of the same name about the love of two jokes - Luca Collins and Sofia Danko. In October 2015, the nineteenth novel of the author falls on sale - "Look at me." Sparks novels are published in 45 world languages. Total sold about 100 million copies of the writer's books, many of whom are dealt with quotes.

Personal life

In 1988, Nicholas Sparks, resting during the university holidays, met his peers Katie. A year later, a wedding of young people took place. On the first fee from the edition of the first book Nicholas bought a spouse ring. Since Nicholas and Katie, over the years of marriage, five children were born - the sons of Miles, Ryan, Landon, Daughter Lexi and Savanna.

Nicholas Sparks with Wife and Children

Together with the family, the writer lives in his own home in North Carolina. The wife shares the religious feelings of Nicholas Sparks, with whom the School of Baptism of the Lord in New Bern. Nicholas continues to play sports. In addition to daily jogs, the writer mastered the battle style of Taekwondo and became the owner of the black belt. In January 2015, a message appeared in the media about the divorce of Nicholas and Katie after almost 30 years of marriage.

Nicholas Sparks now

In 2016, 20 Roman Nicholas Sparks "Twice Two" appeared about the hero of the Rassell Green, who had to start life from the new page. In February of the same year, the premiere of the film "Choice" was held, which was removed by the writer's own film company.

Nicholas Sparks in 2017

In 2017, Nicholas planned to run on the CW television channel on the novel "Diary of Memory", but due to the unprofitability of production temporarily frozen the shooting process. Now Sparks is working on a new book, the name of which is still kept secret.


  • 1996 - "Diary of Memory"
  • 1998 - "Message in the bottle"
  • 2001 - "Steep turn"
  • 2003 - "Guardian Angel"
  • 2005 - "Miracle of Love"
  • 2006 - "Dear John"
  • 2007 - "Choice"
  • 2009 - "Last Song"
  • 2011 - "Quiet Harbor"
  • 2013 - "Far Road"
  • 2015 - "Look at me"
  • 2016 - "Twice two"


  • "Love like a wind - you do not see her, but you feel ..."
  • "You are my only hope, my dream, my salvation, and whatever I prepare for us the future, every day with you is the best in my life."
  • "The longer the silence lasts, the more difficult to answer."
  • "It is impossible to live your life for others. It is necessary to choose what you need, even if you do not like this.

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