Pierre Cardin - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, fashion designer, shoes, clothing, site



Pierre Cardin is a name, from the sound of whose hearts and fashionistas worldwide. A talented fashion designer, a bold creator and a competent businessman, this man created his own fashion empire, proving that hardworking and dream are capable of much.

Childhood and youth

Future couturier was born on July 2, 1922 in the Italian town of San Bjajo di Callar in a large family. Pierre's father was a serviceman, and then became a winery. In 1924, Karden's parents with heirs moved to France. In his youth, Pierre took the first step towards the fulfillment of the dream: settled to work out the assistant tailor. Three years later, taking experience and self-confidence, the young man moved to the city of Vichy, where she got a full-fledged tailor to the shop of a male dress.

By the 23rd of the years, Carden could already be called a completely held professional. At this age, Pierre and went to conquer Paris. There, the young master passed from Atelier in Atelier, gaining experience and acquiring new acquaintances associated with the world of fashion. In the end, such dating and helped Pierre get the first serious order: Master had to sew costumes for the film "Beauty and the Beast" director and playwright Jean Cocteau. So the creative biography of the artist began.

Design and Fashion

After two years later, Pierre Cardin became the main designer of the House "Christian Dior", having kept at this honorable post of three years. During this time, Kuturier managed to establish himself a bold master who ignore the classic attitudes and not afraid of bold experiments. It is at this time that the cult Carden "dresses-bubbles" appear and the first clothing in the style of unisex (which was incredibly provocative).

Collections of Pierre Carden caused a lot of supports and woven, but much more they caused admiration and the desire to have stylish things. Later, the Kuturier will be called an avant-garde style discoverer in fashion: clothes, shoes and Pierre's bags Carden were indeed unusual and outrageous, a much dilapidation of their time.


In 1957, Cardin presented the first collection of women's clothing models. Masters waited for dizzying success: oblique cut, bright shades and semi-maritated dresses had to make up the simplicity of all ages, and strict fashionable critics, storm for approval. Also Pierre Carden mankind is obliged to fashion for tunics, glasses and clothing of non-standard cut.

The first own store Pierre Cardin opened in the mid-1950s. Boutique was called EVE. Three years later, the second fashion designer is opens - Adam. It is not difficult to guess that "Adam" offered clothes for men, and "Eve" - ​​outfits for the beautiful half of humanity. Multicolored clothes men are also required to be a great couture: Cardin first in the 20th century suggested a strong floor outfits not only dark, gray and brown tones. At that time, such a decision was required by non-life courage and character forces, since the strict public was unnecessarily reacted into manifestations of dissent.

Another distinctive feature of the Carden is love for bright and non-standard show. The master was worth it to arrange a show directly on the street or in the store. Nowadays, this seems familiar, and at that time it was just a flaky hacking of stereotypes.

Fashion house

Pierre Cardin's own trendy house opened in 1950, executing, finally, a children's dream. At the same time, the fashion designer showed himself not just as a talented couture, but as a tough and calculating businessman who knows exactly what is needed for business, and knows how to regularly install prices.

The artist became the first person in the fashionable industry, who guess to enter the market not only Europe, but also Russia, China, Japan and other countries. Under the name Pierre Cardin, in addition to clothes and accessories, perfumes with thin flavors began to leave lighters, alarms and even a frying pan. Pierre achieved the goal: the name of his empire became nominated, and even those who did not follow the fashion were found to know the logo.

In 1957, the fashion designer personally went to Japan, where he received the title of Professor of the Japanese College of Fashion and Design. In 1959, the designer presented the PRêT-A-PORTER clothing collection (that is, clothes available at the prices of all segments of the population). This act shocked the fashionable public, and Carden even crossed out the lists of the Paris Association called Chambre Syndicale, which at that time controlled everything as regards high fashion.

The 60s are marked by the clothing of unusual forms and bright colors: the master remained faithful to himself. However, gradually the couturier softened the "glow of passions" in the design of everyday urban clothing, realizing that not everyone could afford to appear in a bright suit. In 1961, Pierre went on concessions to traditions and stereotypes, opening a clothing store, stitched by classic canons.

In 1966, Pierre Cardin first introduced work in New York. The delight with which the avant-garde collections met, even bold expectations of the fashion designer surpassed, and soon another brand store opened in New York. This year was also marked for the couture of the honorary award "Golden Spread", which the master was awarded in Germany.

In the late 60s, the fashion world covered the real "Space Fever". The "Pioneer" of Yuri Gagarin went to space, after NAS NAS NASA, the first stepped on the surface of the moon. All this has become an inspiration source for fashion designer. Futuristic costumes appeared in the collection.

In addition to the fashion of Carden, other manifestations of art were always interested in: architecture, theater. In 1970, the Great Master bought the theatrical complex in Paris and called him Espace Pierre Cardin. On the stage of this institution managed to play the stars of the West and the USSR. The designer himself confessed himself in an interview that he dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood and even starred in films - True, in episodic roles.

One of the bright celebrities appeared in Espas Cardin, became Kinodiv Marlene Dietrich. Couturier dreamed of getting an actress into his theater, led long negotiations, protracted for 2 years. German turned out to be a capricious, demanded huge fees for themselves and musicians, but Pierre was ready to fulfill all the conditions, only Marlene shine on his scene. Cooperation turned out to be heavy for fashion designer, but fruitful - concerts were held with great success.

By order, the couturier after each performance to the legs of the actress from the balcony threw 300 red roses. Upon completion of the contract, the capricious performer sent a letter to the master in which he thanked for the excellent organization of her ideas. But by the time Cardin is so tired of the whim of the Blond Venus, which broke her message.

No less significant for Espace Pierre Cardin, the ballerina of Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya was perfect. For the first time, the fashion designer saw the dancer in the Ballet "Carmen", when a large theater was tours in Paris. The sophistication and refinement of the performer delighted Pierre, making Plisetsk "Eternal" Museum of Designer. When Maya Mikhailovna received a major role in the formulation of Anna Karenina, Cardin created 10 dresses for the favorite.

The artist stood a difficult task - to preserve the shape of the noble female costume of the XIX century, while making the scenic clothes of the ballerina easy and convenient for movement in it. However, the name of the fashion designer did not fall on the posters - the references to the "West" were afraid of the Councils. In addition, Pierre gave the ballerina everyday and evening toilets.

In 1998, on the occasion of the arrival of Couturier to Russia, Plisetskaya organized the show "Fashion and Dance". The public was able to see the work of the wizard created by him for the scene. Maya Mihaylovna's care in 2015 became a tragedy for the Frenchman.

In subsequent years, Pierre Cardin, despite the old age, continued to hold his hand on the pulse of his own brainchild. Collections and catalogs presented on the official Pierre Cardin website were constantly replenished and updated, and Pierre was looking for new ways and decisions that led to the company's development.

In 2017, the designer traditionally pleased the brand fans with new seasonal collections and bright photos from the shows. Periodically, Cardin made attempts to sell the company, motivating this by the fact that he had no heirs, and the case should stay in reliable hands. However, until now, the Great Empire has not found the buyer. Perhaps the case is in the cost requested by the artist.

Personal life

Personal life of Carden was no less rapid than clothing models. The master did not conceal his own interest in men, but in the heart of Pierre there was a place and a lady. Actress Zhanna Moro, which fans considered the artist's wife, became a muse for him, the subject of adoration and worship.

"I walked this woman and felt at the top of happiness. As if she was created specifically for me. She turned the whole of my soul, "Cardin is confessed later.

Their relationship lasted four years, then the will of Fate Communication Zhanna and Pierre stopped.

Another close person of Pierre Carden - Andre Oliver, the former for the couture by another, a faithful ally, a partner in business and, by rumors, lover. Pierre himself so commented on his own personal life:

"I slept with women, I slept with men. Im free person".


December 29, 2020 it became known that Pierre Cardin died. The master was 98 years old. He died in one of the Paris hospitals. The death of the fashion designer was informed by his relatives.

After the death of the great artist, Carden Empire continued to exist, assimilating with the needs of fashionists. On the official website of the brand presented models of shoes, costumes, jeans and other samples. Clothes and accessories are also sold in online stores and boutiques.

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