Sinbad Sea - biography, legend of seven seas, main characters


Character History

The author of the entertaining stories about the lucky navalwater is a charming Shahryzade. The hero of her fairy tales visited the seven dangerous marine expeditions, each of which brought the brave wealth, fame and material for exciting memoirs.

History of creation

The legends on Sinbad-Savior entered the notorious book "1001 night". Researchers argue that the stories about the adventures of the brave merchant were not included in the original compilation, and added later. Therefore, find out when and who wrote stories about marine travel, is impossible.

Min Zheng HE - Syndbad Prototype

The merchant name gives reason to believe that the fairy tale came from Persia. But literary critic argue that the prototype of the hero is Min Zheng He. The navigator had nickname Sanbao, consonant with the name of the main character. Chinese seven times journey in the Western Sea (part of the modern Atlantic Ocean).

The routes that Sinbad swims during maritime adventures is not at all chaotic. The merchant's road is partially borrowed from the existing paths, partly repeats the road mentioned in Indian and Persian fairy tales. It is noticeably influenced by the work of the Epos of the Ancient Greeks - the plot echoes the "Odyssey" of Homer.

Biography and travel

Syndbad was born in the family of a secured merchant trading in Baghdad. The boy's father died early, leaving his son a lot of money. The young man who since childhood is not used to work, quickly spent taking off. Having woke up on the threshold of poverty, Sinbad sold the remaining land, bought goods and went on a journey through the sea.


The first stop of the sailor was made from an unfamiliar island, on which there were wonderful flowers and trees. The ship's team is already located on the shore, when suddenly the island came into motion. It turned out that the whole earth is a large fish that emerged on the surface.

Sinbad ran to the ship, but the fish quickly went under the water. By chance, clinging for a swimming trough, the merchant saved from death. Waves and wind delivered a non-sustainable Sinbad ship to the shore. So the man got to the king al-Mihrzhan.

The good ruler highlighted the hero in the house in the house and gave work in the port, where Sinbad met his own vessel. The crew, the ship and goods were saved. The merchant returned to his hometown and swore again never go beyond Baghdad.

Syndbad-Seaido beyond

Father's case brought profits, but boredom defeated the merchant. Screening the goods, Sinbad went to the Basra. On the way back the ship has stopped a stop at an unfamiliar island. Tired of trade and maritime travel, the brave predicted under the tree to relax. When the merchant woke up, the ship has already despair from the coast. A confused man remained alone on a desert island.

After examining the territory, the merchant came across a big bird Egg. The plan matured instantly. Sinbad waited for a female return, and while she slept, tied himself to the leg of a huge bird. In the morning, Ruh was soared into the sky and delivered the merchant to another island. A new place was covered with precious stones.

Suddenly, a piece of lamb fell from the sky. Tied yourself this time to meat, the merchant waited until the fluttering eagle raised the prey and did not move the man on the third island. For jewels that Sinbad gathered before, the locals sent a man home. Long native hero did not believe the stories about how Sinbad flew on the bird.

Sinbad on a bird

The adventures cooled the rebellious spirit of the merchant for several years. But a random meeting with a foreign trader fruit again woke up the desire to go to the sea.

Sinbad equipped the ship, took on board the comrades and sailed in an unknown direction. In the middle of the road, the ship fell into the storm. The ship took to the island on which terrible shaggy creatures lived. Saving a flight from the enemy, the crew ran to the forest.

But there was a danger. The Giant, who lived on the island for many years, ate half the survivors. Sinbad managed to build a raft and, blinding the giant, escaped from the damned place. The new island, to which the man moored, was no less afraid. There lived a huge snake, in a moment I eating the satellites of the hero.

Sinbad and Giant

Cunning and skill helped Syndbad escape. The merchant picked up a random ship. Going on board, the hero found out the crew. It was a ship that left the merchant on the island of the bird ruh. Together with old friends, the man reached his native Baghdad.

The fourth adventure of Sinbad began with a trip to India. I did not have time to dilute, as I got into a terrible storm. Most of the crew died. Separated to get to the island, on which the cannibal met.

The monster was fed by the protesters of a special meal, fading mind. Only Sinbad did not touch food. A week later, the merchant was able to run. The man got to the nearest city and met a local king.

Sinbad on the raft

Lord penetrates sympathy to the traveler and left the hero in his own castle. For several years in Nege and tranquility. Brave Syndbad forgot about his hometown, married a young girl and helped the king to rule the state.

Suddenly, the merchant's spouse died and a terrible mystery was opened before a man. Together with the dead in the grave, to put both Sinbada himself. That is the custom that no one can cancel. The merchant miraculously got out of the grave and escaped from the city on the passing ship passing by.

The fifth journey passed without incident, but an unfamiliar island appeared on the path of the ship. The crew, exploring new territories, came across a huge egg. The merchant immediately realized that already familiar birds of Ruh were inhabited. The team broke the egg and ate the young, without reacting to the hero's requests to run.

Ship Sinbad Morleod

Birds brutally revenged for the offspring - broke the ship, drowned the crew. The surviving Sinbad got to the neighboring island, where he met the weak old man. He asked to transfer it through the stream, but, having risen on the back of the man, did not want to sink. The month took the merchant to drink an old man with homemade wine and reset the cargo from the shoulders.

Returning home from a hard journey, Sinbad did not last long in Baghdad. The man again experienced longing for the adventure and equipped with another ship. The journey passed calmly, but suddenly flew a strong wind and drove the ship into the uncharted seas.

The ship flew to the reefs and crashed, and the handful of survivors got to the nearest island. There, merchants and sailors discovered an unprecedented number of precious stones, but did not find meals. The starving began to die, and only Sinbad remained alive.

Sinbad-Seaido misses at home

The man accidentally discovered the river and decided to get to her source. Passing large and dangerous turns, the hero found himself from an unfamiliar city. The stranger was welcomed and joyful. Him Himself suggested Sinbad to settle at himself. Many months spent a merchant in an unfamiliar country, until he accidentally heard that local merchants were going to swim into the bace. Saying goodbye to Caliph, a man went to his native shores, taking precious stones from an unusual island.

The purpose of the next journey of the merchant was distant China. The way to an unknown country passed without adventure, but the wind flew out on the way back and took the ship in the last sea. There was a large fish, destroying the ship and absorbed debris on the ship. The merchant grasped on the board floating past and the chuck got to an unfamiliar city.

Local met the merchant, Sheikh sewed a man in his own home. Several months later, a new acquaintance so far with Syndbad, which suggested a man to marry his daughter. Beauty fell like a hero. Shortly after the wedding, the old Sheikh died, having warned the wealth of young.

Syndbad-ship and a bird

Only then the merchant noticed the oddity of local men - once a month their wings grew. Syndbad has contacted one of the familiar to take him into the sky. In flight, the man shouted the name of Allah, which caused the fury of a feather friend. The merchant was dropped to Earth.

With difficulty coming to the house, the hero told about his wife. Beauty told his spouse that the feathers were dangerous. A young wife offered to leave the city and return to his native Baghdad. So it happened.

Returning home Syndbad realized that there was no 27 years old. However, more than the hero did not pull on the adventure. The man had a wonderful wife, a great condition and a lot of entertaining stories.


In 1944, the first cartoon came out about the adventures of Sinbad. He was voiced by the Hero Soviet actor Lion Sverdlin. The cartoon is recognized as the most significant of the animated films created in wartime.

Kerwin Matthews in the role of Sinbada Morelode

"Syndbad's seventh journey" (1958) is the first adventure film about the hero of the navalwater. The main role went to Kervin Matyuzu. The scripts were added to the plot of the antagonist and larger in more detail the love line.

In 1973, the film company "Columbia Pictures" removed the continuation of the story - the Golden Journey of Sinbad. The image of the merchant-Morelode embodied John Phillip Low.

John Phillip Low in the role of Sinbada Mortex

Four years later, the last part of the trilogy was published - "Sinbad and Eye Tiger". The main role in the filmization went to Patrick Wayne.

Patrick Wayne in the role of Sinbada Morleod

In 2003, the cartoon "Sinbad: Legend of Seven Seas" came out. The main characters are sent to search for the book of the world, the path to which is covered by a lot of obstacles. The cartoon created "DreamWorks Pictures" at the Disney Studio. Sinbad's sound entrusted to Brad Pitt. Creating a cartoon film is spent $ 125 million.

Sinbad Sea - biography, legend of seven seas, main characters 1700_13

The British series "Sinbad" went on screens in 2012. Characters and stories have few points of contact with the original. The role of the navigator played Elliot Knight.

In 2016, the cartoon about traveling the brave launched a film company "Mill". Cartoon "Sinbad. Pirates of seven storms "tells about the adventures of the daring, but not particularly lucky pirate. The character voiced actor Andrei Levin.

Interesting Facts

  • After the liberation from the castle, IF Count Monte Cristo takes himself a pseudonym Sinbad-Seaido. Under this name, the hero is famous among pirates.
  • By the end of 2016, 20 films, TV series and cartoons were published about the adventures of Sinbad.
  • In 2010, the shores of Indonesia found wreckage of the vessel, which, according to researchers, belonged to the prototype of Sinbad. The ship crashed about the reef, as mentioned in the fairy tale.

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