Changuururia - biography, photos, personal life, news, films 2021



ZAZ Ilyich Changturia - Russian and Georgian actor. He became famous for roles in television series "1942", "Major". In March 1978, a boy was born in Tbilisi (Georgia). About the childhood of the famous Russian and Georgian actor Zaza Changturia is practically nothing known. Talent The future master scene went to disclose to the State Theater University. Shota Rustaveli.

Full ZAZ Changturia

After graduation, another diploma from the State Theater was followed. Nodar Dumbadze. In the career of the actor, theatrical works, movies, TV shows, and even television programs, in which Changturia tried themselves as a leader. For example, ZAZ spoke on Tbilisi TV channels in the transmissions of the "Dream Man" and "Vesti 101".


Chankturia's film driver is not easy. Large roles in films and serials are not much as I would like the actor. Despite this, the heroes of the Zaza are always remembered and affect the hearts of the audience. For the first time on the television screen, the actor appeared in 2009 in the series "Rules of Hijacking". The director entrusted Changturia an episodic role of the guard. In the same year, the Zaza leaves another series, where the artist played the dealer.

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The first decent skill role came a year later. In the film "Neighbors", Changturia reincarnated in the groom's groom's heroine. The actor handed over the originality and immediacy, which is possessed by ordinary, average residents of small cities.

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A large project in the career of the artist was the series about military time "1942". History tells about the fate of the partisan squad, confused by the fighters during hostilities. After fierce fights there are several men. In addition to them, in the village there were children and women who are not able to fight. In this tape, the ZAZ played the role of the Begliant. The series received a lot of positive responses from TV viewers and critics.

Changuururia's ZAZ on the filming of the film "1942"

Again in the career of the actor came calm. There were no major roles, it remained to be content with episodic, in which it is impossible to reveal the talent of Canthuria. In 2011, Zaza is offered to play Veronica Veroniki in the TV series "Island of unnecessary people." The actor could not refuse the tempting offer. The company in the television film Changturia was Alexander Pankratov-Black, Dmitry Ulyanov and Elvira Bulgov.

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In the television series "Rage" produced by Ukrainian directors, the Zaova played an interesting role. The actor's hero was Rustam. This is a story about how an officer of the Russian army goes to work as a taxi driver. Chankturia film reserves describe both ups and falls: bright roles are replaced by episodes.

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TV series "Major" changed the presentation of society about Russian cinema. Steel shooting for a shroud of fresh air. The actor's hero is Damir - one of the bandits in the series. Of course, the role is not too big, but participation in a large-scale project with young dating is an excellent experience for the actor of any level.

The audience was loved by another work of the artist - the series "Climbing Olympus", released on screens in 2015. ZAZ played senior lieutenant militia investigating theft of a valuable picture from the museum of fine arts. The series is happening shortly before the 1980 Olympics.


To the theater of the Shower Zaza was still from youth, no wonder the actor came to theatrical universities. The talent of the young artist was considered in London: in 2002, Chanceuria was invited to the theater studio. Daniel Kaizer. In 2004, work in the UK is completed. Since 2009, Zazza is accepted in the troupe of the Russian drama theater. Lesia Ukrainka, located in Kiev.


This theatrical career of the artist is not completed. Changturia participates in the performances "Cherry Garden", "At the bottom", "Burgers wedding", "Amiko", "Marat de Sad". The list of roles are the Firs Nikolaevich, Medvedev, Duprey, Avtandil. Settings are held on the stage of the State Theater. Nodar Dumbadze.

Personal life

ZAZ Changturia does not advertise a personal life, so the fans remain to guess, is there a wife from the actor or not. Regularly the artist warms interest in this area of ​​life, publishing a photo with girls, including partners in films in films and work in the theater.


Zaza Changturia continues to earn the name of the famous actor with filming in popular TV shows and full meters. Do not forget the artist to participate in theatrical productions, including outside of Russia. Now finishes work on the film "Rubezh", which the audience will be seen until the end of 2017.

ZAZ Changturia in 2017

In the biography of Canthuria there is no large number of major roles, but the viewers will recognize the artist in a manner of talking, a bright appearance and an incredible charm that radiates from the TV screens. Avoidable theatrians have long seen the talent of the artist and gladly look at the Zazz, which appears on theatrical stage.


  • 2009 - "Rules of HUMAN"
  • 2009 - "By law"
  • 2010 - "Neighbors"
  • 2010 - "Caravan Hunters"
  • 2010 - "1942"
  • 2010 - "Brother for Brother"
  • 2011 - "Island of unnecessary people"
  • 2011 - "Rage"
  • 2011 - "Swallow Nest"
  • 2012 - "Under the Sight Love"
  • 2014 - "Major"
  • 2015 - "Climbing Olympus"
  • 2017 - "Rubb"

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