Vadim Panov - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Russian publicist Vadim Panov creates novels in the genre of fantasy. Among the works of the writer - a series of books "The Secret City", "Anklava" and "Hermetics". The popularity of Panov received thanks to the exit in 2001, the novel "War begins losers."

Childhood and youth

Vadim Panov was born in the family of the serviceman on November 15, 1972. Parents often moved due to the work of the Father, so the future writer for his life she had seen a lot of garrisons, cities and even countries. School for the school, acquaintances constantly changed. The exact number of educational institutions that Vadim changed, not remember even himself.

Writer-Fantasy Vadim Panov

The work of the father ordered the character of Vadim, so no life obstacles are terrible. Panov admits that he will survive regardless of the current situation. Even the tarpaulin tent will save from a 20-degree frost, and the forest will give food in the form of berries and mushrooms. Vadim likes to be in a quiet place, in a reservoir with a fishing rod. Father joined fishing. Loves Panov to visit the traditional Russian bath.

Mom in the family was responsible for the home comfort and the education of the son. Woman taught Vadim writing, read, solve simple mathematical tasks. Mom helped Panova to become the best student in the first grade, as the boy knew the multiplication table, divided and multiplied three-digit numbers, folded and read the column.

Vadim Panov in youth

Vadim Panov turned 9 years old when the family returned to Moscow. The writer remembers that he was happy, as she studied in one school for three years in a row. After completion of studies in the Middle Educational Institution, Vadim entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. The future writer received technical specialty at the faculty of radio electronics of aircraft.

At the Institute, for the first time, Panov begins to join creativity, however, while the game in the student theater "Mirror". Among the artists were students enrolled in the Four Faculty. Here Vadim found friends with whom there was fire, water and copper pipes. Comrades participated in theatrical productions, including in the play "such games". The script created a writer.


Writing career for Vadim Panova began in 29 years. The author chose the genre of urban fantasy. The direction began to develop in Russia in the early 2000s. At this time, his first novel called "War begins to be launched" in the reading circles. Later, the book will only be the beginning of the incredible cycle of works by the "Secret City". Now Vadim writes novels, meets with fans and communicates with talent admirers on the personal Internet portal forum.

The first Roman Vadim Panova appeared in 2001

Cycle of books "The Secret City" made a writer famous on the book market. Panov tells readers about incredible earthly civilizations that have long disappeared. "Mystery" Moscow with its incredible inhabitants from the first pages captures the reader and takes into the world of great homes and powerful magicians. The fascinating series includes 32 books.

In 2005, the literary world replenished another cycle of books created in the cyberpunk genre. Vadim Panov called the series of "Anklava". The last essay in the cycle was published in 2010. "Anklava" consist of 5 books.

Vadim Panov's novels

The writer reveals the personal vision of possible consolidation of oil and gas reserves. According to the author, this will lead to the promotion of nano and digital technologies. He did not go around the writer and genetic engineering. The influence of states decreased as much as possible, and an enclaves came to replace, that is, the largest corporations. Companies are fighting among themselves, with states.

Another romance cycle from the bibliography of the fantist is a popular among readers, "Hermetikon" bibliography. A series of works offers 5 books. In them, the publicist describes the adventures of the main character - Adignen Pompilio. The series includes the "Last Admiral", "Red Stones White", "Cardonia Roulette", "Cardonian loop" and "Pure Mind Treasures".

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In addition, in the collection of works of Vadim Panov, there are cycles of work "La Mystique De Moscou", "Prime World" and "Zunder". In one interview, the writer admitted:

"I liked writing books, I am glad that my stories are interesting to many people, and therefore, after the" secret city "," anklava "and the collection" La Mystique de Moscou ", a mystical series, which I really want to continue."

Meanwhile, the series of stories "The Secret City" was shielded on the TV channel "Ren TV". The creation of the series was engaged in the company "Studio TG-film". The tape release was planned since the beginning of the 2000s, but for a long time the project stayed at the script writing stage. In 2013, the shooting starts. Eminent actors were invited to the main roles of the series - Paulil, Svetlana Ustinov, Igor Zizhikin, Alexander Florin, Marina Ruya, Elena Tashaev. Responsible for the creation was appointed Alexander Mokhov.

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On television screens, the series came out in May 2014. In accordance with the books, the film was divided into three seasons, each of which was 8 episodes. At the heart of the first season lay the works "War begin losers" and "Commander of War". Season 2 - "Attack according to the rules" and "all shades of black".

For the third season of the film, the creators of the series in the genre of fantasy used two works of the cycle - "and in hell there are heroes" and "Hate". The shooting of the paintings took place in the Moscow region and on the territory of the Izmailovsky Kremlin.

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Cycle of books "The Secret City" so fell in love with readers and fans of fiction, which was decided to create a desktop card game. The development participated in the company "HOBBY WORLD". Thanks to the creative creators, the game turned out to be addictive and interesting. Critics appreciated her.

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Only at the board games were not going to stop. In 2008, two organizations are taken at once for the production of online games - "Gaijin Entertainment" and "1C". Despite the original idea, the draft owners closed. After some time, "Atlantis" suggested fans of saga role-playing game browsers. There are several journalistic awards in the creative piggy bank of Vadim, including "Baston", "Portal", "Star Bridge", "Silver Strela", "Roscon", "Filigree".

Personal life

While studying in Mai Vadim Panov met with the future wife of Natalia. The girl studied at another faculty. My wife gave Vadim two beautiful daughters. The older daughter of Polina was born in the same year as the first novel of the publicist. And in 2005 - the second daughter Irina.

Vadim Panov with his wife

Natalia is always the first reading new works of her husband. According to Panova, a young woman is the most severe critic of his creations. A romantic relationship still reigns between the spouses, the writer is often recognized by his wife in love from the PC "Slantagram" page.

Vadim Panov with daughter

Together with Natalia Vadim visits loud events and festivals. In February 2018, they visited the charts of the radio station "Our Radio", which is called the "Charts of a dozen". And in the summer of the whole family Panov visited the matches of the World Cup.

Publicistic work - Hobby Vadim Panova. The man develops its own business project.

Vadim Panov now

In the biography of the writer constantly make changes, as Vadim continues to be active on the writing field. In early 2017, the novels of the "Kiss of Ubboros" and "Proof of Power" came out from under the feather of the publicist. The second book is written by Panov in collaboration with Viktor Tochinov. It is known that both novels are included in the famous series of works "The Secret City". Soon, the writer's fans were able to estimate two more parts of the loved series - "Ballad of the Dead Queen", created in co-authorship with Lyudmila Makarova, and the "Heritage of Giakanov".

Book Vadim Panova

At the end of the year, the presentation of the book "Reflection" took place. The collection stories are accompanied by prologies represented by lines from the songs of popular rock bands of the 80s - King and Jester, "Kukryniks", "Pilot", "Picnic". In an interview with the radio station "Our Radio", the writer admitted that she loved rock music in his youth, and she is still present in his life. Listening to the musical compositions, the writer was inspired to create works by the series. Interestingly, the prototype of the hero of one story was the leading "Our Radio".

Vadim Panov - Guest She

Another cycle, created at this time, is the "unsurpassed" series. Fantasy novels are dedicated to the parallel world, which was called the charm. All who fall into it are transformed into magic creatures endowed with fabulous abilities. This includes literary works "unsurpassed. Star of oblivion "," unsurpassed. Sleeping Caracatia. " Now the release of works "unsurpassed. Demons of the second city. "

In April 2018, Vadim Panov became a participant in the Biblius action, which was organized on the initiative of the library. I. S. Turgenev. In addition to dating new creations of modern authors, visitors have the opportunity to purchase the books liked at a reduced price.

Writer-Fantasy Vadim Panov

At the Rock Festival "invasion" Vadim Panov spoke in the "Lecture". This journalistic site first appeared in the schedule of events of the festival. On the stage "Lecture" was made by the teacher of the Litin Institute. M. Gorky Sergey Arutyunov, poets arcs and ars-pegasus, participant of the project "Male voice" Alexey Shmelev. Pilot-cosmonaut Sergey Ryazansky introduced the public with the pictures of the planet Earth from the space, and Vadim Panov read a lecture on the topic "Our Word: Rock, reflected in the literature."

Vadim Panov in 2018

Vadim Panova as a writer is concerned about the development of society and the introduction of new technologies. For example, the writer with anxiety perceived the news about the recognition by the Minister of Enlightenment of the Russian Federation by Olga Vasilyeva Fact of a decline in population, which is able to functionally perceive the text, that is, to comprehend him and be able to remember and retell it.


  • 2001 - "Wars begin losers"
  • 2002 - "All shades of black"
  • 2003 - "Shuttle Hate"
  • 2004 - "Department of Wanderers"
  • 2005 - Moscow Club
  • 2006 - "Tagansky Perekrestok"
  • 2007 - "Entertaining Mechanics"
  • 2008 - "fires on the altars"
  • 2009 - "Galla Rebus"
  • 2010 - "Chaospervishness"
  • 2011 - "The Last Admiral Zaga"
  • 2012 - "Dizziness"
  • 2013 - "Cardonian loop"
  • 2014 - "Green Gambit"
  • 2015 - "Fools die first"
  • 2016 - "Nanders"
  • 2017 - "Kiss of Uroboros"
  • 2018 - "Heritage of Giakanov"
  • 2018 - "unsurpassed. Demons of the second city "

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