Theodore Driver - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books



One of the most striking representatives of the classic school of naturalism Theodore Diver came into literature, when readers of the whole world were submerged in the work of Garkland Garland, Stephen Crane and Frank Norris.

Theodore Dreiser

The writer who developed the main ideas of contemporary creativity in the works, on the example of a specific human life studied the plexus of the forces of nature and social trends. Being a novelist, the driver did not forget about the topic of "Curses of the flesh", invariably compassionate the heroes of his creations.

Childhood and youth

Theodore Herman Albert Driver was born on August 27, 1871, located on the Midwest of Terre-hot (Indiana). Lived drivers poorly. The head of the family was taken for any job, but money for the content of nine children was catastrophically lacked. In connection with the depreciation of the material situation, the future writer at the end of the school left the father's house and went to Chicago to earn money. There, not afraid of hard work, the guy managed to work and a cleaner in a restaurant, and a handyman in the shop, and even a loader.

Parents of Theodore Drier

In 1889, the ambitious young man successfully passed the entrance exams in Indian University in Bloomington. True, because of the lack of money, it was not possible to graduate from the educational institution. In search of a better life, the driver moved from the city to the city. For the years of the wardings (from 1892 to 1894) Theodore managed to visit the reporter in Pittsburgh newspapers, Toledo, Chicago, St. Louis and New York.


The Debut Roman "Sister Kerry" saw the light in 1900. At the heart of the plot - the history of the Carolina provincial girl (Kerry) Mibes, who in search of a better life came to Chicago. In the work, the traditional money motive for the American author is clearly traced. The writer in the colors describes the lowness to which a person is able to go for his own well-being.

Portrait of Theodore Drier in Youth

Key characteristics of Roman - Kerry and two men (Druie and Herror), who played a decisive role in her life, - physiologically alien attachment, appreciation, true gratitude, compassion and love. All three care only about their own benefits and at any time in favor of their interests are ready to go through their heads.

House of Theodore Drier

Second work - Jenny Gerhardt - was published in 1911. In the work we are talking about cute, but the poor as a church mouse with a girl with a victim complex, which for the sake of well-being of loved ones goes into the status of the content. In 1912, the first novel from the trilogy "Desire" was published - the book "Financier". The work, which is based on the plot of which the biography of the American millionaire Charles Yerks, tells readers the story of the life of Frank Kauperwood.

Theodore Driver In Youth

The main character was born in the family of a small bank employee, who, at the achievement of the son of mature age, arranged hotly beloved Chado to work at the company in which he worked. The proven in the organization as a talented merchant, Frank, after a while, went to conquer Philadelphia. There, the stock exchange broker spent a pair of successful operations and became a millionaire. The new status allowed the young entrepreneur to get into the elite circles of the Philadelphia Supreme Society.

Theodore Driverman With Sister

In the book, along with the description of the financial fraud, the second storyline is also held, telling about the personal life of Kauperwood. The driver described the character of his novel without embellishment, hanging it out both positive and negative qualities. In the end, it was not desirable to reckon with the generally accepted principles and rules of behavior in the Higher Society, the Bunlet Natura Frank brings it to prison.

Books Theodore Drier

The actions of the next novel "Titan" of 1914 unfold in Chicago. It is not able to draw the findings of Frank returns to his native Wednesday of the Machinationalism. Now its goal is gas and transport companies. Financial genius chooses for itself the whit and gingerbread method. One officials he bribes, and other intimidates. Competitors, whose interests in the interest of the merchant, join a dismissal entrepreneur in a fierce war for power.

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Frank Kauperwood loses the battle and goes into the shadow. In the same period, a black band comes in the family life of the chief hero. The wife, who robbed a spouse's connection with a young girl, is trying to commit suicide. Frank saves faithful and persuades her to go along with him to London, where, according to his assurances, they will begin a new life.

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The actions of the third, concluding novel "Stoik" (after the death of the writer in 1947) unfold in the capital of France. There, Kauperwood is engaged in the construction of the metro line. Despite the solid age, the baloveman of fate is still trying to put all the money of the world in his pocket. This time the kidney disease interferes with his plans. After another exacerbation, the man whose ambitions did not allow him to live a happy and quiet life, dying, having time before the death committee to sins in front of his wife and mistress.

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Between the publications of the books of the "Desire series" on the counters came out "Genius" (1915), "American tragedy" (1925) and "Optot" (1946). Half the autobiographical novel "Genius" introduces the reader with the life of the artist Yujina Vitla, whose personality undergoes changes when he falls into the bourgeois medium. The entire life path of Yujina, described in the novel, the driver shares into three stages: youth, struggle, riot. The story, woven from creativity and passions, from love for women and painting, from dizzying success and bitter falls, will not leave anyone indifferent.

Theodore Dreiser

The scene of the second job ("American tragedy") is the real events that occurred in America in 1906. This product can be logically divided into three parts. In the first reader gets acquainted with the main hero of Clyde Griffiths, who, together with his pious family, travels through the cities of America with a religious mission. Living in the poverty of the young man alien to the worldview of parents who consider their duty to instruct the true way as many people as possible.

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The young guy, all the souls striving for a better life, got a calling to the hotel, where new friends joined the guys who did not know the good life of the guy to alcohol and visiting prostitutes. The desire of the wealthy guests of Clyde, who watched at the celebratory pastime, was inexorably grew. The second part of the novel begins in Chicago. It was there that the main character ran after what happened to him in the native edges of an unpleasant incident.

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In the city of great opportunities, he met his uncle, who offered him work at the factory for the production of collar. Griffiths accepted the offer and immediately moved to Likurg (New York). At the production of hardworking young man in the shortest possible time it seeks increased. In the same period, its personal life undergoes changes. He falls in love with his subordinate - Roberta - and, seeking the location of the modest young lady, cools to the once-causing interest in it. Then in his life appears an internal aristocrat of Sondra.

Writer Theodore Driver

The third part is devoted to the throwers of Griffiths between the rich coquette and loving his disinterested love girl. The situation is complicated by the fact that Robert is wearing a child under the heart, so it's just that Clyde can not go from her. The history of the Barns family belonging to the orthodox religious flow of quakers of the Barns family is told in the Book of Llot. The conflict of generations associated with the consideration of five children is the central line of the work.

Personal life

The first wife of the literary genius was Sarah Osborne White. With the red-haired chapter, the writer met in 1893. Then the young reporter of the St. Louis newspaper Repacklik Theodor Draizer was instructed to accompany the winners of the competition "Best Teacher" to the Chicago World Exhibition. Among the prize was his future spouse. The simplicity, beauty and shyness of the girl captured a writer. In a state of love euphoria, the pair was cheated. However, soon after that, the prose began to notice significant differences between him and the beloved.

Theodore Driver and Wife Sarah Osborne White

The society of that time condemned the physical contacts between the young people who did not pretend their relationships. The driver was not close to such a philosophy, but White sacredly believed to the Institute of Marriage and for five years he did not let the theodore, stating that intimate proximity would occur only after the wedding. On December 28, 1898, in Washington, Herman Teodore, Driver and Sarah Osborne White combined with a legitimate marriage.

Since the writer constantly in contact with the then intellectual boom, he tried to introduce into this circle and Sarah. The attempt was unsuccessful: the girl could not relax in the bourgeois atmosphere alien to her. However, this circumstance did not interfere with the lady with purely female insight to observe the non-indifference attitude of representatives of this society to her husband.

Teodor Driver and Second Wife Helen Richardson

It is reliably known that in New York, the drivester had other women. He quickly fell in love and so quickly cooled. So happened until the moment in the life of the writer, Telma Kudlipp did not appear. Telma was a daughter of one of the employees of the magazine, the editor of which was the driver. Herman admitted to his wife that he won the feelings to another. In 1909 their divorce took place. Already at sunset life, in 1944, Theodore married his cousin Helen Richardson.


Theodore Driver died from heart failure on December 28, 1945 in Los Angeles (California).

Tomb of Theodore Drier

The creative heritage of the writer has been preserved in the collections of novels and stories. In addition to other things, in 1931 and 1951 in the United States, the director Joseph, Sternberg and George Stevens, based on the novel of Prosaika "American tragedy" were filmed. The works of the writer "Jenny Gerhardt" (1933) and Sister Carri (1952) were also fused.


  • 1900 - "Sister Kerry"
  • 1911 - "Jenny Gerhardt"
  • 1912 - "Financier"
  • 1914 - "Titan"
  • 1915 - "Genius"
  • 1925 - "American tragedy"
  • 1946 - "Plot"
  • 1947 - "Stoik"


  • "Happiness comes to the one who knows how to wait."
  • "Money quickly discover their impotence, as soon as the desires of a person relate to the area of ​​feelings."
  • "People who are deeply and seriously love each other, takes a little pursuantie."
  • "Do not be proud when you help the poor. Be grateful that you introduced this opportunity. "
  • "There is nothing real and eternal, except for heart, human kindness."
  • "The world is cold passed by those who do not participate in his madness."
  • "Time strengthens our habits, desires and feelings."
  • "Do good for good, and then you will achieve complete abundance"
  • "The blessed is not the one who is given, but the one who gives."
  • "It is silly to give advice to people who do not want to accept them."

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