Alexander Sokurov - biography, personal life, photos, news, films, director, nationality, interview, "New Gazeta" 2021



Alexander Sokurov - Director, Writer, Actor, Matcher of Russian Cinema and Public Worker. The name of this talented person by decision of the European Film Academy is included in the list of the best director of world cinema.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Nikolaevich was born on June 14, 1951 in the Irkutsk region, in a small village of Podorvikh. But now this crop area, where the land was rich in potatoes and vegetables, not found on the map of Russia, because in 1956 the village and station flooded when filling the Irkutsk reservoir.

Sokurov grew and brought up in the family of Frontovik. Pope Director - a participant in the Great Patriotic War, who noted on the battlefield by his feats. Due to the fact that Alexander Nikolayevich's father was a military man, the family of Sokurov was often moved from place to place. Therefore, the future cinema figure began to comprehend a diploma in the Polish People's Republic, and received a certificate of secondary education in sunny Turkmenistan.

After graduating from school, the young man continued to education, in 1968 his choice fell on the Gorky State University, which was in Nizhny Novgorod. Sokurov became a student of the historical faculty, and in 1974 he received a diploma. Perhaps Alexander Nikolaevich would be a great teacher telling students about the policy of Ivan the Terrible, about black spots in Nicholas II biography, about Stalin's strategy and many other things, but the fate of Sokurov made its own adjustments.

Alexander decided to associate life with the movie, so in 1975 he entered VGIK. There, the young man began to attend the creative workshop of director's research and popular films under the leadership of Alexander Mikhailovich Zguuridi, where he met his friend Yuri Abramov.

Sokurov was a capable student, so pleased with the parents with five in the credit book, for which he was awarded the prestigious scholarship of Sergei Eisenstein. The undisputed talent and erudition helped Alexander Nikolayevich to pass the exams externally and graduate from VGIK for a year before the last time. But for such a step, the future director went not at his own desire, but because of the growing conflict on the basis of formalism. Also, the future of Genius's movie was accused of anti-Soviet sentiments.


Originally, Alexander Nikolayevich practiced directorial skill, removing short video. The debut work of Sokurov in full meter was the film called the "lonely human voice", based on the works of Andrei Platonov. Removed in 1978, the leadership of the Institute did not approve and encouraged to destroy. The picture was saved by Operator Sergey Yizditsky, replacing the film and picking up the original, nevertheless, she was waiting for another 9 years.

It is noteworthy that the film, who wanted to eliminate, became a nominee and a medalist at several film festivals. It is worth noting that the first full-length work of Alexander Sokurov received a positive feedback from the Guru of the Russian Cinema of Andrei Tarkovsky, who later supported a novice colleague. He believed that Sokuurova had strange things, inexplicable, even stupid, incomprehensible, incoherent. But despite this, called the director of the genius.

Next, a young man wanted to associate life with Mosfilm, but his working conditions were not arranged. Therefore, the choice of Sokurov fell on Lenfilm. On the recommendation of Tarkovsky it was recorded there in 1980. In 1981, Alexander Nikolaevich became the director of the tragic requiem "Dmitry Shostakovich. Alto Sonata, "which tells about the genius composer and about the tragic fate of a lonely unaccounted artist.

In 1986, the audience saw Sokurov's tape "Sorrowlessness" with Alla Osipenko, Irina Sokolova and Vladimir Zamansky in high roles. The film is the adaptation of the Plays of Bernard Shaw "Houses where hearts are broken."

Alexander Nikolaevich became the author of the short films "Victim of the Evening", which received the prize of the International Conducting Conducts on the 15th MMKF and the Special Prize of Memory of Andrei Tarkovsky. But this film also went to the screens with a delay of three years.

It is not surprising that Alexander Nikolayevich's work was subject to criticism, since his work was drastically distinguished from the preferences of Goskino and state bodies: until the end of the 1980s no work was admitted to the auditorium.

For this reason, Tarkovsky organized a buddy leaving abroad, but Sokurov refused the Hollywood expanses, because, despite oppression from the authorities, Alexander Nikolaevich remained a patriot, who was honored by Russian, his nationality and culture. In the late 1980s, the situation has changed: films that did not receive rolled products were shown to a wide audience and represented Russia on all sorts of festivals.

Filmed by Socular based on the work of Arcadia and Boris Strugatsky film "Eclipse Days" entered the list of the 100 best films in the entire history of domestic cinema according to the guild of the film critics of Russia.

In 1994, Alexander Nikolaevich presented to the public an existential drama "Quiet Pages", where Alexander Chapels played and Sergey Barkovsky. This tape was a kind of interpretation of the works of Russian prosaikov of the XIX century. The plot was based on Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The film director tried to repeat the atmosphere, which is impregnated by the book of Fyodor Mikhailovich.

The new century began for a talented master from a documentary film about the life and creativity of the Japanese writer Tosio Simao. It is worth saying that this picture was filmed by order of the television channel of the rising sun.

"Moloch", published in 1999, became the debut tape of the so-called "tetralogy of power" - the Sokurov series about the bright representatives of the political environment of their time. In the first part, Adolf Hitler, embodied in the frame of Leonid Mozrekov, became the main character. The film, published in German, for greater reliability was filmed in the summer high mountain residence of Hitler - Kelstinhaus.

The continuation of the tetralogy in 2000 was the drama "Taurus". The main role and this time went to Leonid Mozpoy - he played Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the last years of his life. The picture received the Nika Prize in 7 nominations, including for the best directorial work. The next film of the series called the "Sun" of Sokur dedicated to the Japanese Emperor Hirohito.

The experimental project of the director was the ribbon about the history of the Winter Palace "Russian Ark", filmed by a single double without the use of editing.

In 2009, Alexander Nikolaevich pleased the fans of his creativity with a documentary film "We read the blockade book", in which Oleg Basilashvili, Olga Antonova and Ivan Krasko.

An important event was the opening of Sokurov's workshop, first at the Department of Cinema and Television KBSU in Nalchik, and then at the St. Petersburg Institute of Cinema and Television.

Inspired by the work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the director removed the last, 4th part of the tetralogy - Fantasy Drama "Faust". This picture was awarded several prestigious premiums, among which was the "Golden Lion".

Alexander Nikolaevich replenished the filmography of Francophony by France, Germany and the Netherlands filmography. In 2015, Master presented it at the Venice Film Festival along with Catherine Mtsituridze. In the dynamic format, the tape of Sokurov himself spoke by the story.

In 2018, the director became a member of the documentary film "Lightning beats on a high tree", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Public position

Alexander Nikolaevich has always been distinguished by a pronounced public position, in an interview, he frankly tells himself as a favorite business and his views on politics or Russian and foreign society.

"I believe that the situation in Russia can be changed from above. And it would be nice to start on top, if a person with an absolutely humanitarian program, absolutely humanitarian consciousness becomes at the head of state, "Sokurov said the Fontanka correspondent.

In addition, Alexander Nikolaevich spoke on the conflict with Ukraine: in his opinion, Ukrainians are the distinctive people who have the right to claim a separate state.

In 2018, Sokurov became a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights.

The director, together with the conducted by Vladimir Spivakov and Theodore Kurtanzis, musician Boris Grebenchikov and other cultural figures in writing appealed to UNESCO with a request to make monuments of Nagorno-Karabakh to the World Heritage List for their protection and conservation.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexander Sokurov is similar to the book for seven seals. It is believed that the director remains an enviable bachelor, for for him a career on a filmmaker in the first place, rather than spouse and children.

It is known that the forbidden fruit is sweet. Therefore, the Personal Socoury Space is a tidy for the media. Not once, the news was shot by the headlines that allegedly sowing is secretly meeting with the wives of other directors and rich financiers. But these rumors of the yellow press did not have a reliable confirmation.

Photos with spectacular girls appearing in publications only confirm that the celebrity is accompanied in the frame of only women - colleagues on the workshop.

Alexander Sokur now

Now the director is still not indifferent to the cinema and various creative experiments in this area.

In 2021, Mother noted the anniversary, Alexander Nikolayevich turned 70 years old. In connection with the significant date, many publications issued articles dedicated to the director, the same jubilee gave an interview with Novaya Gazeta. Sokurov spoke about the years in the formation in the profession, including difficult relations with the KGB and the struggle for self-realization in the conditions of tough censorship.

Alexander Nikolaevich expressed and disagreement with the activities of the Ministry of Culture, he believes that this department has long been direct responsibilities for a long time, namely the development of the industry.


  • 1980 - "demoted"
  • 1986 - "Ampir"
  • 1988 - "Eclipse Days"
  • 1990 - "Circle of the second"
  • 1992 - "Stone"
  • 1994 - "Quiet Pages"
  • 1997 - "Mother and Son"
  • 1999 - "Moloch"
  • 2001 - "Taurus"
  • 2002 - "Russian Ark"
  • 2003 - "Father and Son"
  • 2005 - "Sun"
  • 2007 - "Alexander"
  • 2011 - "Faust"
  • 2015 - "Francophonia"


  • 2011 - "In the center of the ocean"

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