Kelly Rorbach - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Kelly Rorbach is an American actress, model and just a charming blonde who pay attention to both the audience, and the spectator. It can be said that the girl was lucky: almost from the very beginning the creative biography of Kelly Rorbach was noted by the full-length "Malibu Rescuers", created in the footsteps of the cult series.

Childhood and youth

The future star was born in New York on January 21, 1990. Childhood Kelly Rorbach passed in Greenwich in the city, which is in Connecticut. Kelly's mother owned the network of beauty salons, and his father was a large banker. It is known that in addition to Kelly in the family there are two more brothers and two sisters.

Actress and model Kelly Rorbach

Little Rorbach studied in a private school for girls, which is called "Greenwich Academy". West parents could provide daughters of the best teachers. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university in Georgetown. Since childhood, Kelly was fond of playing golf, so at the university for the girl there was a place in the local team.

Kelly Rorbach in youth

This gave young Rorbach new friends, as well as a good increase to scholarships. In 2012, the girl graduated from the university, receiving a degree from elegant arts, dramaturgy and acting, and continued her education in the London Academy of Dramatic Arts and Music.


At the same time, Kelly was invited to try forces in small roles of TV series "Two and a half people" and "New Norma". Of course, small episodes did not bring the beginner actress of world glory, but they strengthened the girl in dreams of acting career and presented an invaluable experience.

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2013 Actress is marked for the actress role in the teleppette The Pet Squad Files. This is a cheerful parody, ridiculeling popular transmissions about evil and ghost hunters. The project lasted two seasons on the air, however, unfortunately, also did not discharge special popularity from the viewers.

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The following films from Kelly Rorbach in episodic roles were quite popular: in the medical series "Rush" the girl played a sexiest blonde, in the romantic comedy "Love Relative" Kelly got the heroine Emily (Jad Tyllor and Leslie Bibb) became the Kelly.

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Kelly Rorbach also appeared in the comedy TV series "Sleachernik", played a classmate of the main character in the "Brod-City" and even flashed in the ribbon of the inimitable Woody Allen's "secular life" (unfortunately, in this film the role of the actress was so small that Kelly did not even Certain mention in credits).

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Two years of work on the shooting sites, blonde beauty decided to try his hand in new activity: as a model. As it should be expected, from advertisers and photographers who want to work with Kelly, there simply did not have a pen.

Kelly Rorbach in a swimsuit

In 2014, Kelly Rorbach photos appear in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine. It is necessary to say that after that the girl began to really recognize the girl. The actress also took part in the GAP and OLD Navy advertising campaigns (famous denim brand). 2015 also brought Kelly many invitations on the photo shoot.

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Two years later, in 2017, Kelly finally received a truly star role. The girl was invited to shoot a full-length film "Malibu Rescuers". Recall, the series with the same name went from 1989 to 2001. The simple comedy, telling about the weekdays of beach rescuers, was loved by the audience all over the world.

Partners of Kelly Rorbach on the set became Dueine Johnson, Zac Efron, a pleasant of Chopra and Alexander Daddario. Kelly got the role of S. Jay Parker, which the Sexy Pamela Anderson performed in the series. It is worth noting that the elegant figure of Kelly (the growth of the girl is 175 cm, and the weight is 58 kg) perfectly looked in a swimsuit.

Kelly Rorbach in a swimsuit

The plot of the remorse is simple: someone sells a potent drug on the beach. Rescuers begin to find out the circumstances of what is happening and discovering that a new owner of one of the nightclubs is involved in the crime. In the hands of the rescuer team turn out to be irrefutable evidence against this woman, but the police for incomprehensible reasons are not at all hurry to arrest the criminal. And then the fearless team has to solve the situation independently.

Personal life

Personal life Kelly Rorbach in 2015 began hardly no more interesting to journalists than the acting career of the girl. The fact is that the beautiful blonde has a novel with Leonardo di Caprio. The actors met on a hot party, arranged singer Madonna. The star "Titanic" and "Aviator" at that time was already forty, and Yuni Kelly was barely 25 years old.

However, the difference at the age did not interfere with the in love to spend the time together and even dream of a wedding. It was rumored that the girl was very similar to the senior relatives of Leonardo di Caprio, and those happy to take Kelly Rorbach to the family. However, fate ordered differently: endless shooting and incomprehension of working graphics upset the relationship of the pair.

Kelly Rorbach and Leonardo di Caprio

In 2016, the actors broke up, although, on their own admission, managed to preserve close friendly relations. Leo's heart has already been given to New Passia, the model Nina Agdal, recently disappeared in a frank photo shoot for Maxim magazine. Soon "instagram" and other social networks were filled with joint photographs Kelly Rorbach and Charming footballer Aaron Rogers (Aaron plays the so-called American football). Shortly before the meeting with Kelly, the athlete met with the actress of Olvia Mann.

Kelly Rorbach and Aaron Rogers

According to rumors, the new guy Kelly Rorbach besides football is not averse to play and golf beloved to the girl, so that young people, apparently, much in common. However, neither Kelly nor Aaron has yet commented on rumors and speculation about the nature of their relations, leaving journalists and fans in ignorance.

Kelly Rorbach now

Now Kelly Rorbach continues to shoot in films, constantly developing as an actress. In parallel with the "Malibu Rescuers" in 2017, the girls enjoyed the appearance of Rorbach in the TV series "Ji Tribeka" (Kelly got the role of Ashley in the third season).

Kelly Rorbach in 2017

The picture "Drill License" was also published, where Kelly Rorbach played the heiress of the oil tycoon. Fans can still expect new roles of a beautiful blonde.


  • 2017 - "Malibu Rescuers"
  • 2016 - "Brod-City"
  • 2015 - "Loafer"
  • 2014 - "Rush"
  • 2013 - "New Norm"
  • 2013 - "Two and a half people"

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