Walter Scott - biography, photo, personal life, novels and books



No wonder Sir Walter Scott is called the father of English literature, because this brilliant writer became one of the first who came up with the genre of historical novel. The manuscript of the gifted master of the feather influenced many writers of the 19ths and 20th centuries. It is concerned that the works of Walter Scott were translated into the territory of the Russian Empire at the speed of light: the novel written by the Englishman in 1829, in the 1830s already read out loud in secular salons of aristocratic ladies and the Lord.

Childhood and youth

The famous writer was born a ninth child on August 15, 1771 in the capital of Scotland - Edinburgh, a city, endowed with attractions, temples and stone streets. The future novelist grew in the large presbyterian family (there were 13 children, but only six), which lived on the third floor in an apartment building in a narrow alley, which leads from Kaugate to the gate of the oldest university.

Portrait of Walter Scott.

Walter Scott brought up in the family of Scottish professional lawyer Walter John. The chapter of the family was often addressed for the legal help of noble customers, but the walter-senior because of modesty and softness failed to nourish the state. The mother of the writer, Anna Rutherford, was the daughter of the eminent professor of medicine who worked at the Edinburgh Institute. Anna was a woman modest, well-read and adored antique objects and historical stories. These qualities inherited the Son.

Parents Walter Scotta

It is impossible to say that the childhood of the future novelist was happy: an unexpected illness poisoned the existence of a small boy. The fact is that when the Walter was fulfilled a year and a half, he was broken by children's paralysis, so the child struggled for life all the coming years. In 1775-1777, Walter was treated at the resorts, and also had a grandfather's farm (there, young Scott for the first time and became acquainted with the folk epic and folklore). But this unexpected illness resembled a walter throughout his life, for the great writer remained chrome forever (lost the mobility of the right leg).

The house in which Walter Scott lived in childhood

In 1778, the young man returned to his native Edinburgh and began to attend the initial educational institution. Walter was not delighted with lessons, especially the future writer did not like complex algebraic formulas. But it is worth noting that Scott rose a phenomenal child: already at the age of five, he read out the ancient Greek works of Homer and could easily be extended to be bored by heart.

Walter Scott in childhood and youth

Walter throughout his life was engaged in self-education, and the school bench did not leave an imprint on the knowledge of the writer. After all, even the literary detective Conan Doyle said that the human brain is an empty attic where you can fill anything. The fool does it: drags the desired and unnecessary. And finally, the moment comes when the really necessary thing will not shove there.

Therefore, to get to the desired "attic", Walter puts it there only the most useful, as they say, essentially. Therefore, in the future, the tremendous luggage of the necessary knowledge helped Scott wrote almost any topic.

Smilecholm Tower, where he spent his leisure a young Walter Scott

Walter-student was a mischievous, frequenter of boyish fights and scuffle and adored to run on change. In addition, the Walter in the breaks between the lessons implemented the potential of the narrator: crowds of peers gathered around the future of the novelist and while driving listened to amazing stories that were reminded by the adventure novels of great writers.

Also in the junior years, Scott became famous for the climber: a physically developed boy easily conquered the mountain peaks, feeding the buddies an example of courage, courage and excellent sports training. When the future writer was 12 years old, he entered the college. But the genius's disease again made adjustments: after a year, young Scott survived the intestinal hemorrhage, because of which he did not manage to continue learning.

Walter Scott

In the Epoch of Enlightenment, medicine has not been developed, many medical rituals of those years have been striking modern readers to this day. To bring a physical condition to normal, Walter Scott had to go through all the circles of hell. The boy for several hours stood naked in Lyudo Claus, went to bloodstand procedures, and was also sitting on the strictest two-month diet and limited himself in favorite delicacies. After a long treatment, which lasted two years, the young man returned to his hometown and went in the footsteps of his father, becoming a student in his law office.

Walter Scott since childhood was chrome

Walter did not like the same work in the parent of the parent, paper Volokol only brought the longing to the young man. But from the routine work Scott still tried to benefit for himself: to dilute boring days, the young man tried with the help of the inkwell and the pen portrayed on paper amazing adventure worlds. Also, rewriting various legal documents, Walter received a slight salary, which spent on favorite books.

At the insistence of a parent, the Walter has chosen legal practice. In 1792, a young man passed the exams at the university and received a decent title of lawyer. From this point on, Scott has been listed in society with a venerable person with a prestigious profession and education.

Writer Walter Scott

The first years of work life Scott spent with benefit: traveled in different cities and countries, acquainted with the life and traditions of another people, as well as with traditional legends and ballads of Scotland. However, such trips went only on hand to the novice writer and reflected in many novels.

At the same time, Walter began to dive into the immense worlds of German poetry: a young man with trembling translated every line of Matrov. Translations went out incognito, Unnamed by the author, including the famous work of the Burger called "Lenor" (Russian-speaking readers to sign Vasily Zhukovsky) and Drama I. V. Goethe "Getz von Berlikhingen".


Sir Walter Scott, like Franz Kafka, did not believed that the literary field could be regarded as a major earnings in life, and also did not want to acquire glory and recognition - to put it mildly, Scott was hung popularity and referred to writing without a speech. Writing for Scott was nothing more than a favorite occupation and entertainment, which the lonely watches of Being and makes a new emotion and paint on the lounge.

Books Walter Scott

The novelist preferred to exist calmly and measuredly, devoting a large amount of time to his beloved occupation - planting trees. The creative biography of Walter Scott began not only with translations, and also from poetry. His first work - the Ballad "John Evening" (1800) - was taught by notes of romance. The writer continued to collect Scottish folklore, which was based on his debut manuscripts.

In 1808, Walter Scott becomes an innovator on literary expanses, invented a novel in verses under the name "Marmion". Surprisingly, even such a mast genius is creative drops along with take-offs: Know-how Scott was separated by critics in the fluff and dust. The fact is that those considered the plot of Matra unclear: virtue and meanness were mixed in his protagonist, and such qualities were unsuitable for the lyrical hero.

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Francis Jeffrey spoke that Fabul Mammion was flat and tedious. But such a cool reception of writers did not affect the further reputation of the author. Russian writers accepted a novel in verses with a bang. For example, Zhukovsky freely interpreted the stroke of Scott in his creation "Court to the dungeon", and Mikhail Lermontov, as if impressive Walter, wrote the poem "Izmail-Bay", whose actions unfold in the Caucasus. And even Byron himself found the plot of "Mammion" attractive and used some motives in his numerous creations.

Scott composed the works of "two lakes" (1810) and "Rockby" (1813), due to which he became the true founder of a new genre - a historical poem. Moreover, the author, like Shakespeare, skillfully mixed in one bottle and fiction, and excellent. Thus, the story in the works of the master of the pen did not stand in place, but moved forward: the fate of the characters influenced the changes of the era.

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The writer adored read gothic and antique novels, but did not go through predecessors. Walter did not want to use excess mysticism, at the expense of which Edgar software was famous, and also did not want to become the author of the "ancient" works. In his opinion, many archaisms simply become an incomprehensible reader of the Epoch of Enlightenment.

Although Walter Scott from birth tormented weak health, as well as bad eyesight, he worked very productively and managed to create at least two books for the year. In total, the master of the pen in his life managed to compose 28 novels, as well as many ballads and leads, critical articles and other creative work.

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Writer's works, such as Puritan (1816), "Avengo" (1819), "Abbat" (1820), "Quentin Dorvard" (1823), "Talisman" (1825), "Life of Napoleon Bonaparte" (1827) and Many others have become the desktop Bible for writers of subsequent years. For example, Charlotte Bronte, Arthur Conan Doyle, Byron, Jane Austin and other eminent literary figures were relying on these manuscripts.

Personal life

Scott's personal life was sensible. In 20 years, the Walter in the chest first grew an arrow of a cunning cupid: a young man experienced a love sense to a certain Williamne Belšes, a lawyer's daughter, who was younger than the reward for five years. The writer for five years achieved mutual sympathy from this windy young lady, who took the cavaller causing, but did not hurry to cool his dust with an unequivocal answer.

Walter Scott and Williamne Belshhes

As a result, Villamina chose to the Walter of another young man - William Forbes, the son of a famous banker. Unrequited love has become a blow for the author of the novels, but at the same time gave rise to new works, whose protagonists were heroes with broken hearts.

Walter Scott and Charlotte's wife

In 1796, the writer married Charlotte Carpenter, who gave the beloved of four children - two girls and boys. In life, Walter Scott did not like noisy adventures and extravagant adventures, the inventor of the novel in verse was used to spending time measured, surrounded by family and loved ones. And even more so walter was not Donzhuan: a man despised the fleeting ties on the side and was to the end of the spouse.

The famous Master of Feather loved pets, and also enjoyed a household. Scott is self-apertured, without any assistance, heded his estate Ebbotsford by landing numerous colors and trees.


In recent years of life, the health of the writer sharply worsen, Walter Scott survived three apoplexic strikes. And in the autumn of 1832, the 61-year-old Master died of heart attack.

Valter Scott's grave

In memory of the writer, monuments were established, as well as documentary and artistic films.


  • 1808 - "Marmion"
  • 1810 - "Deva Lake"
  • 1811 - "Vision of Don Roderika"
  • 1813 - Rokby
  • 1815 - "Waterloo Field"
  • 1815 - "Reluer Islands"
  • 1814 - "Waverley, or sixty years ago"
  • 1816 - "Puritan"
  • 1820 - "Abbot"
  • 1823 - "Quentin Dorvard"
  • 1825 - "Talisman"
  • 1827 - "Two Hurters"
  • 1828 - "Room with tapestries"
  • 1829 - "Karl Bold, or Anna Geersteinskaya, Virgo Mraka"
  • 1831 - "Count Robert Paris"

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