Natalia Bondarchuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Natalia Bondarchuk is a representative of the cinematic dynasty, which managed to find his way in art, playing many bright and memorable roles. Contrary to the opinion of the inhabitants, Natalia had to be achieved on the creative way with its own forces. Perhaps, perhaps, she is only a solid and unshakable character, which he got from the legendary parents.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Bondarchuk was born on May 10, 1950 in Moscow in the family of the world famous director Sergei Bondarchuk and the People's Artist of the USSR Inna Makarova. Parents Natalia broke up when the girl was 8 years old. Sergey Bondarchuk went to the actress Irina Schetseva. According to Natalia, experiences associated with the departure of the father from the family are the most painful in her life.

With his father, Natalia Bondarchuk met, being an adult girl, became acquainted with Brother Fedor Bondarchuk and his sister Elena. Inna Makarova married a second time for the famous surgeon, Academician Mikhail Israelich Perelman.

In 1971, Natalia Bondarchuk graduated from the Acting Department of Vgika (Tamara Makarova and Sergey Gerasimov's course. Sergey Bondarchuk came to the diploma performance "Red and Black". Natalia played Madame Renal. Nikolai Eremenko spoke as Julien Souture. In 1975, the actress graduated from the directorial branch of Vgika.

Personal life

Natalia Bondarchuk married for the first time in early youth for the film operator. He was 11 years older than his spouse. Marriage quickly collapsed. The attitude of the attitude of the actress and director Andrei Tarkovsky was to all.

The novel between them began during the filming of "Solaris". The actress suffered from uncertainty, she understood that their dreams would never come true. And when the director confessed to her in love, Natalia could not stand and cut the veins. In an interview with Bondarchuk, explained his act by the border guard. Sleepless nights affected and tense shooting in the film.

With a second husband, Nikolai Burlyaev Natalia Sergeyevna met in Kiev on the set of paintings "How Steel was tempered." Bullyaev starred as a mouth of Karchagin. After the decree of the bosses from Moscow, Nikolai was removed from the role (he gave Konkin to Vladimir). Bondarchuk left the picture in protest.

The actor helped her get out of the state of complete despair. The personal life of the celebrity began to play all the colors. The couple got married and lived together for 17 years. Children were born in marriage - Son Ivan and daughter Maria.

Ivan Burlyaev became a composer. In 1998, he received the position of art director of the International Forum of Cinema, theater and Martial Arts "Golden Vitya", which his father will be heading. Ivan presented his famous parents of two grandchildren - Anastasia and Nikita.

Daughter Natalia Sergeyevna became an actress. Now Maria Burlyaeva plays on the stage of the Moscow Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky. She was married twice, from the second marriage he has three sons, Artemia, Daniel and Mark.

With the Third Husband Igor Dnieschinsky Natalia Bondarchuk also became acquainted in Kiev. The actress has long hidden the name of the new chosen one, probably due to the difference in age (Husband under 14 years old). Igor leads the branch of the Bibby theater in Aprelevka.

Natalia Bondarchuk travels a lot. According to her, traveled Polimyr and all of Russia. With social networks, the actress is not friendly - the fresh photo in "Instagram" do not appear.


The acting biography of Natalia Bondarchuk began in Vgika. In 1969, the student played a train passenger in the film "At Lake". Sergey Gerasimov removed his students in the film: Natalia Belochvostkov, Natikolai Eremenko, Natalia Arbasarov, Natalia Bondarchuk.

With the novel Stanislav Lema Natalia met still in his youth. And later, when I learned about the filming of "Solaris", asked the assistant Andrei Tarkovsky to try her on the main role. The director did not hide that he would not take to Natalia, he called her young age. But suggested actress to play in his film director director Larisa Shephenko "You and I".

Bondarchuk did not give up. She decided to show the most dramatic scene from the new picture with her participation of Tarkovsky, who had not been able to choose the performer to the major role for half a year. Andrei liked the game of Natalia. He approved her for the role of Hari in Solyaris without samples. The actress played in a duet with Donatas Bonionis.

Work in the "Solaris" was decisive in the future life of Natalia Bondarchuk. Father, Sergey Bondarchuk, who came to the premiere of "Solaris", realizing the scale of the film and director, asked Natasha the question: "What will you play, daughter now?" Indeed, after working with the Tarkovsky proposal of other directorists, sprinkled on the artist from all sides, seemed uninteresting.

In 1973, Natalya Bondarchuk played the main role of Masha Bauer in the film "Execution of the desires" director Svetlana Druzhinina. Together with the actress in the picture, Evgeny Lebedev, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Nikolai Eremenko, Larisa Luzhina, and others. In 1975, the actress starred in the painting of the testes of the Sky with me.

Spectators remember Natalia Bondarchuk, according to the role in one of the favorite paintings of the Soviet viewer, "the star of captivating happiness." In the piercing tape on the Decembrists directed by Vladimir Motyl, the actress went to the role of Maria Volkonskaya. Prince Volkonsky played the brilliant Soviet artist Oleg Strizhenov.

According to Natalia, the image of Mary Volkonskaya became the most beloved role in her filmography. Later, she embodied him in his own projects "My Spirit to Jursuf flew ..." and "one's love of my soul." Films appeared in the 2000s.

No less bright was the image of Madame de Renal, who Natalia introduced in the film "Red and Black". Bright duet with Nikolai Eremenko, she shone in Vgik, and then on the scene of the film actor. The work was decided to transfer to the screen. Sergey Gerasimov took the shooting.

In 1980, Natalia Bondarchuk played in the two historical paintings of Sergei Gerasimov, taken on the novel by Alexei Tolstoy "Peter First", "at the beginning of the glorious affairs" and "Youth Peter". Favorite teacher entrusted Natalia the role of the princes of Sophia.

The directorial debut of Natalia Bondarchuk took place in 1975. The young director shot the film "Embankment Mattress" for the filmalman "Poshekhonna Starina". After a number of paintings, a breakthrough was a breakthrough in the works of Natalia Bondarchuk - in 1985 she took off the children's fairy tale "Childhood of Bembby." In the picture, Natalia starred as an actress (as Agni). A year later, the following filmmaker appeared on the screens about the fabulous Olennik "Youth Bembby".

Bondarchuk became the director of a number of paintings of the historical cycle: "My spirit to Jursuf arrived ...", "Love and the truth of Fyodor Tyutchev", "Pushkin: Last Duel", "One Love of My Soul" and others. Last director's work Natalia Bondarchuk - film -Dide "Mystery of the Snow Queen." In Kinolent, Bondarchuk acted as an actress, played Ataman.

In May 2015, the actress participated in the "First Channel" in the TV project "for 10 years younger". Plastic surgeons, cosmetologists, hairdressers and makeup artists over the appearance of participants in the program. The program made a magnificent gift for the anniversary of Natalia Bondarchuk - the actress produced Four Or reincarnation.

In 2018, the director presented the children's film "Red Hap. Online. " In a fairy tale, in addition to Natalia Bondarchuk, her moms and daughters, played celebrities Mikhail Boyarsky, Dmitry Kharatyan, Elizabeth Arzamasov and others.

Theater "Bembby"

Working on the picture "Youth Bembby" inspired Natalia Bondarchuk to create a children's theater called "Bembby". Theater was established in 1987 in Moscow. Bibles of the Bembby Theater are working in Odintsovo and Aprelevka (Moscow region).

At different times, Jeanne Prokhorenko, Nikolay Burlyaev, Nina Maslov, Vladimir Nos, Elena Podlov and others played in the theater at different times. Together with professional actors, children of different ages play on the stage. With Bembby, the studio has a studio for small artists.

In 2016, the anniversary of the Bembby Theater was noted. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and the wife of the President of the Government of the Russian Federation Svetlana Medvedev congratulated Natalia Bondarchuk with the anniversary and achievements in the development of children's creativity.

Natalia Bondarchuk now

On March 25, 2020, Mom Natalia Sergeyevna died - the legendary Inna Makarova. The actress went out of life aged 93 years. At the beginning of the spring, the actress was hospitalized. In the Moscow clinic, she was treated. The diagnosis of the star star remains a medical secret, but it is known that Makarov has suffered from asthma attacks for many years.

For a sad news, Natalia Bondarchuk Nikolai Burlyaev responded one of the first. He called the death of Makarov leaving the "Great Actress and Great Woman". The grave of the famous artist is located on the Troekhrovsk cemetery.

Natalia Bondarchuk remained the only forward heir to his mother. The property of the Great Actresses is estimated by tens of millions of rubles. Makarova owned elite housing in Moscow, and also had a family cottage in discords. Inna Vladimirovna will not know anything about the testament.


  • 1972 - "Solaris"
  • 1974 - "Execution of desires"
  • 1975 - "Star of captivating happiness"
  • 1976 - "Red and Black"
  • 1980 - "Peter's Youth"
  • 1981 - "Vasily and Vasilisa"
  • 1982 - "Live Rainbow"
  • 1982 - "Mother Maria"
  • 1986 - "Lermontov"
  • 1999 - "One Love of My Soul"
  • 2003 - "Love and Pravda Fedor Tyutchev"
  • 2006 - "Pushkin. Last Duel »
  • 2015 - "The Mystery of the Snow Queen"
  • 2018 - "Red Cap. Online »

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