Bill Scarsgard - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Bill Scarsgard is a famous Swiss actor who managed to love the avid kinomans thanks to the brilliant game. For professional work on a filmmaker, this talented young man received a well-deserved award "Golden Beetle".

Actor Bill Scarsgard

Bill Scarsgard was born on August 9, 1990 in the largest city of Sweden - Stockholm. The future actor grew and brought up in the creative atmosphere, because his father Stellan Yun Scarsgard is a famous actor and cinema actor, a winner of the Berlin Film Festival. This talented man is a sign of television viewers on the films "Girl with a dragon tattoo" (2011), Tor (2011) and "Avengers" (2012). But the mother of Bill chose not an artistic path at all: with a degree in Mrs. Mu Gunter - Medic.

Bill Scarsgard in childhood and youth

In total, the spouses were born six children, and Sam, Gustav and Alexander also tied their lives with acting craft. It is known that the relationship of Stellan and MJ gave failure, Bill's parents filed for a divorce. Later, the head of the family made a proposal of the hands and hearts Megan Everett, who gave the beloved two children: Osian and Kolbaine. It is known that Bill, like his brothers, began to be interested in a hypocrisy since early childhood. The boy looked through movies, and then paroded seen, showing the parents improvised scenes.


When the boy was 9 years old, he had a debut job before the directing cameras. It was an unfamiliar to the Russian viewer Swedish thriller "Järngänget" (2000), where Scarsgard appeared on the TV screen together with Brother Alexander. But this filmmaker did not Bill a popular child-actor, because, first of all, the role was fleeting, and secondly, a little-known director took the picture.

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According to rumors when Bill began to attend school, over time he moved away from acting skills and wanted to become a scientist. But the fate of a young man has made its own adjustments: after the guy fleetingly took part in the adventure militant "Arn: United Kingdom" (2008), together with Stellane and Gustav, he realized that the cinema was called in an immense world.

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In the same 2008, Bill played in the Swedish TV series "Life in Faggerwick", and later appeared in the comedy Mats Lindberg and Karl Osranda "Cosmolyzer" (2009), where he performed one of the main roles. This fantastic picture tells about Kenny (Johan Rheborg), who, unfortunately the parents, is the most negligent student in the whole galaxy.

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Two years later, Bill Scarsgard took part in the comedy: this time he appeared in the film "There is no feelings in space" (2010), the plot of which rotates around the 18-year-old Simon, suffering from Asperger's syndrome. The fact is that for the normal existence in the world of the guy must reign perfectionism: the young man wishes the order to be in everything, even in the amournal relationship of his own brother. But after Sam (Martin Walstrom) throws a girl, chaos begins in Simon's life.

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In the same period of 2010, Bill reincarnated his creative biography, while playing the main role in the Swiss drama "for blue skies." This film tells about a young man who in the hope of gaining the best life runs away from his father-alcoholic. In 2012, Scarsgard Epizodically took part in the adaptation of the world-famous novel of Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" in modern interpretation, where the main roles got Kiru Knightli, Jude Low, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Kelly McDonald.

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Later, a talented actor replenished his filmography, having participating in the shooting of the Norwegian melodrama "Victoria. The history of love "(2013), in which the audience saw the relations of A la Romeo and Juliet: the daughter of a rich landowner feeds feelings for the poor son of Melnik, but the father of the girl is categorically against such a Mesallians and wants Victoria to marry the wealthy cadet Otto (Bill Scarsgard ).

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In the same 2013, a static young man (an actor's growth - 192 cm, weight - 85 kg) changes the role of a romantic actor and begins to be filmed in the blood-free TV series of Netflix "Chamlock Grove". The plot of the Horror's Master Series tells about the fictional town in Pennsylvania. But the relatively quiet existence of the inhabitants in this cereal town is collapsed in the blink of an eye after the mysterious killing of the student of the local school.

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For the investigation of this terrible crime, the spoiled guy novel (Bill Scarsgard) and his friend Peter Romanchek (Landon Libuaron). Also in the cast of the series included Penelope Mitchell, Freya Tingle and Dugray Scott. In 2016, Bill was starred in the third part of the Navy franchise for Veronica's novel "Divergent, Chapter 3: Behind the Wall". Skarsgard was fortunate enough to work with such stars of cinema as Sheilly Woodli, Teo James and Jeff Daniels.

Personal life

There are still no rumors about the Amur relations of Bill Skarsgard, the guy is not divided by photographs with a beloved on his page in "Instagram" and does not write blogs about it in Twitter. Therefore, the fans can only guess, is there a high blue-eyed glitter girl. However, in 2011, journalists found a young man with a certain Clara Girell (Clara Girell). Also, by rumors, the actor had a carnival relationship with Alexis Knapp.

Bill Scarsgard and Clara Girell

Bill has a good sense of humor and knows how to play the guitar. The actor often spends free time surrounded by friends. By the way, some guy fans notice his striking similarity with Steve Bushemi.

Bill Scarsgard now

2017 became productive for the actor: he starred in the Battle Creek drama, and also appeared in the surviving thriller "Explosive Blonde", where he worked with Charlize Theron, James McAevoy and John Gudman. Also fans of creativity of Stephen King, and just lovers of terrible cinema are looking forward to the premieres of the "It" picture, the release of which is indicated for the fall of 2017. Scarsgard will reincarnate in an ominous clown, which kidnaps young children.

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The director Andres Mussetti also offered to fulfill Penniveza Mark Rylensu and Ben Mendelssohu. The same proposal was received by Tim Carry, who played in the original film "It" (1990), but the actor refused. It is worth noting that Bill thoroughly approached this role: he spent for a long time on the set, communicating with the film creators. The actor admitted that he wants to give a tribute to Carry, who brilliantly played a terrible character.

Bill Scarsgard in 2017

Among other things, according to rumors, the actor will soon appear in several films and the series "Castle Rock" (2018).


  • 2008 - "Arn: Kingdom at the end of the way"
  • 2009 - "Cosmolum"
  • 2009 - "Life in Fagerwick"
  • 2010 - "There is no feelings in space"
  • 2010 - "For blue skies"
  • 2011 - "Royal Jewelry"
  • 2011 - "Simon and Oaks"
  • 2012 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2013 - "Victoria. Love story"
  • 2013-2015 - "Chamlock Grove"
  • 2016 - "Divergent: Chapter 3: Behind the Wall"
  • 2016 - "Battle Creek"

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