Karl Jung - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books and Quotes



The author of free associations, a Swiss psychologist and philosopher Karl Jung familiar to many on the books "Man and his symbols", "Archetypes" and "Memories, Reflections, Dreams". At the heart of Jung's teachings, the term "introversion" and "extroversion" developed by him. Karl argued that each individual, depending on the dominant function of the individual, can be addressed to its internal I (introversion), or to the external world (extroversion).

Portrait of Charles Jung

Based on this conclusion, the researcher developed the psychological types of people and brought the formula of the human soul, concluding it into a psychiatric and psychological framework. Jung's work had a significant impact on cultural grievance, comparative religion, anthropology, pedagogy and literature.

Childhood and youth

Karl Gustav Jung was born on July 26, 1875, in the North-East Switzerland, Kesville. The father of the future psychotherapist Johann Jung was a pastor in the reformist church, and his wife Emily was engaged in raising his son. As a child, Karl was closed and a somewhat strange child. Nimuality and disgrace appeared as a result of intense relations with the head of the family and frequent hysterical seizures of the mother, who Gustav repeatedly observed in childhood.

Karl Jung in childhood

At 10 years old, a 6-centimeter little man was cut out on the wooden bar of Wooden Brush, put it into a penalty and took the craft to the attic. When the irritability of the father or soreness of the mother brought the boy to the extreme degree of despair, he climbed into the attic and talked in secret tongue with a man-made friend. These oddities were the first manifestation of unconscious behavior, which in the future Karl described in detail in essays on the psychology of the unconscious.

House where Karl Jung grew up

Parents gave the Son to the Gymnasium when he was 11 years old. It is worth noting that Gustav did not show any interest in any sciences or creativity. While the teaching staff complained about the lack of a magnificent student of talents, Karl on returning home was enthusiastically painted by old castles and read out prose. Karl could not make friends and fully express himself at school because of his sense of exploitation of the person. Jung himself in his "Red Book" noted that he had "two I" since childhood.

Karl Jung in youth

At 16, the fog of loneliness began to slowly dissipate. The attacks of depression went into the past, Jung became interested in studying philosophy. He defined for himself the circle of those who certainly wanted to study, read Plato, Heraclit, Pythagora and even found a reflection of his thoughts in the works of Schopenhauer. In 1893, Karl entered the Faculty of Natural Sciences to the University of Basel. At the university, in addition to reading mandatory literature, Jung was fascinated by the works of Mistikov's philosophers: Emmanuel Swedenborg and Adolf Eschenmayer.

Karl Jung in 1910

Under the impression of the studied works of Gustav, even a couple of times spent spiritic sessions. This not quite ordinary hobby helped him write a dissertation in medicine, which was called "On the psychology and pathology of the so-called occult phenomena." In the future, to properly place a comment on the ancient texts ("I-Jing", "The Secret of the Golden Flower", the "Tibetan Book of the Dead"), he will deliberately return to the topic of studying the spiritual world.

Karl Jung

For Jung, this period was very complex in material relation. After the death of his father, his family remained without livelihood. Gustav during the day attended lectures, and in his free time he was engaged in tutoring. So the young man supported a rather modest existence and paid his studies. At the end of the highest educational institution, the graduate specialist was caught in the hands of the "Psychiatry Tutorial" of Richard Background Kraft Abing. This discovery predetermined a further future of Jung.


In 1900, Karl moved to Zurich and began to work as a assistant at the most famous psychiatrist of Yujina Blailer in a hospital for mentally ill-tested Burgholzley (Zurich's suburb). Gustav settled on the hospital territory. Soon he began to publish his first clinical work, as well as articles on the use of the test of verbal association developed by him.

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In 1907, his first large-scale work "Psychology of early dementia", which Jung sent Sigmund Freud to familiarize themselves. Meeting with Freud identified an important milestone in the scientific development of Karl. By the time of personal acquaintance in February 1907 in Vienna, where Jung came after a short correspondence, he was already widely known as its experiments in verbal associations and the discovery of sensory complexes.

Sigmund Freud and Karl Jung

In 1909, together with Freud, Jung first arrived in the United States of America, where he read a course of lectures. International fame, and with her and private practice, who brought good income, allowed Gustavu in 1910 to leave the post in the Burgholtsk clinic (by that time he had already held the position of clinical director), return to the native land and immerse itself in the depths of the myths, legends, fairy tales In the context of their interaction with the world of psychopathology.

Illustrations for Book Charles Jung

In the same period, publications appear, quite clearly denoted the border of the ideological independence of Karl from Freud in the views of both on the nature of the unconscious. In 1913, the genius of psychoanalysis decided to stop all sorts of communication. Drama of parting turned to Jung's opportunity to publish work "Symbols of Transformation" and "Red Book".

Psychiatrist Carl Jung.

In the 1920s, Jung committed a number of long fascinating travels to the areas of Africa and North America. A peculiar cultural and psychological essay was the basis of one of the chapters in the autobiographical book "Memories, dreams, reflections". In 1930, Karl was awarded the title of Honorary President of the Psychotherapeutic Society of Germany, and also revealed his new creation to the world - the book "The Problems of the Soul of Our Time". Two years later, the Zurich City Council awarded him a prize in literature, putting a check for 8 thousand francs to it.

From 1933 to 1942, Jung taught in Zurich, and since 1944 - in Basel. Also in 1933-1939. The scientist published a "journal of psychotherapy and adjacent regions", which supported the internal policy of the Nazis to clear the race, and the excerpts from MEIN KAMPF became a mandatory prologue to any publication. Among the creations of Jung this period, articles "Relationship between me and unconscious", "Psychology and Religion", "Psychology and Education", "Images of the Unconscious", "Symbols of Spirit" and "On the origins of consciousness" were especially allocated.

Karl Jung in recent years

In February 1944, during an excursion, Jung broke his leg and, being in the hospital, suffered a heart attack, after which a few weeks balancing on the verge of life and death. Later, he described his visions in autobiography in detail.

The autobiographical book of Charles Jung

In November 1955, after the fifty-two years of their collaboration, Jung's wife, Emma died, and this loss completely devastated the psychotherapist. To get rid of sorting thoughts, Karl with his head immersed to work. Autobiography, which Jung recorded with the help of the secretary, took a lot of time, and the number of correspondence has grown so much that sometimes he had to hide the bundles of coming letters for bookshelves.

Personal life

With the first and only wife, Emma Raushenbach Jung met, being a medical student. At the time of their first meeting, he was 21 years old, and she was 15 years old. A cute, modest girl with neatly braided into spit thick hair immediately liked Gustavu. Emma and Karl legalized the relationship on February 14, 1903.

Karl Jung and wife Emma

Chosen by the philosopher came from the old Swiss-German family of rich industrialists. Financial welfare of his wife allowed Jung without regard to the need for daily making money to devote themselves to research in psychology. Emma showed sincere interest in the work of her husband and supported him in all. Raushenbach presented his spouse for four daughters and son: Agatu, Gret, Franz, Marianna and Helen.

Family Charles Jung

The presence of legitimate spouses and children did not interfere with the Yung to raise relations on the side. On August 17, 1904, an eighteen-year-old girl Sabina Spieles was acted in the Swiss clinic, which worked by Karl. This love story has become popular due to the fact that the basis of the relationship of Spielrein and Jung lay the phenomenon of erotic transfer (patient's passion to the attending physician). Jung noticed and appreciated the sharp mind and the scientific warehouse of the girl's thinking, and Spielreun could not not fall in love with a thinly sensitive world of the doctor. Their novel ended immediately after Sabina cured his ailment and left the medical institution.

Karl Jung and Sabina Spielrein

In 1909, 21-year-old Tony Wolf came to Carlo as a patient. This young lady after recovery became the official assistant and the mistress of the psychiatrist. In September 1911, the girl even accompanied the family of UNGOs to the Weimar Congress of the International Psychoanalytic Community. Emma knew about the hobby of her husband, but the infinite love of her father did not allow her to give it to a divorce.

Carl Jung and Tony Wolf

Tony Wolf is the only Jung's assistant, which for 40 years shared not only the bed with a psychoanalyst, but also a workplace. As a result of their cooperation, the book "Metamorphosis and symbols of libido" appeared.


In May 1961, Jung climbed to walk. There, the psychotherapist had another heart attack, provoking the blockage of brain vessels and partial paralysis of the limbs. For a couple of weeks, Carl was on the verge of life and death. According to the memories of the nurse, who looked after the thinker, a day before the death of the philosopher saw a dream, after which he stated with a smile on his face that nothing else was afraid of anything.

Grave Karl Yunga

Jung died on June 6, 1961 in his house, located in the village of Cusnakht. Buried the eminent psychotherapist at the local cemetery of the Protestant Church. On the rectangular tombstone, in addition to the initials of the eminent psychoanalyst, the names of His parents, the sisters of Gertruda and the wife of Emma are knocked out.


  • "Archetype and symbol"
  • "Memories, reflections, dreams"
  • "Soul and myth. Six archetypes "
  • "Relationship between the ego and unconscious"
  • "Man and his symbols"
  • "Psychological aspects of the Mother Archetype"
  • "Psychology of transfer"
  • "Total point of view on psychology and dreams"
  • "Symbols and metamorphoses. Libido"
  • "Marriage as a psychological attitude"
  • "Problems of the soul of our time"
  • "Psychological Types"
  • "Psychiatry work"


  • "Do not hold one who leaves you. Otherwise, the one who goes to you will not come
  • "All that annoys in others can lead to understanding of themselves"
  • "Any kind of dependence is bad, whether dependence on alcohol, drugs or idealism"
  • "I'm not what happened to me, I - what I decided to become"

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