Nadezhda Allilueva - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, wife Joseph Stalin



Nadezhda Sergeyevna Allyluweva entered the story as the wife of Joseph Stalin, a sign figure in the cultural and political life of the Soviet Union of the first half of the 20th century. The fate of the ladies, as well as the fate of many "Kremlin wives," turned out to be filled with both happy and dramatic moments. Being a spouse of a man who was afraid and before those fluttered, she, nevertheless, did not happen to show his character to the political figure, to defend his own point of view.

Childhood and youth

In 1901, in the family of the revolutionary Sergei Yakovlevich and Olga Allyluve, a little Nadia was born. The event occurred in the Azerbaijani city of Baku. The Great Father of the Girl was the Soviet party owner of Yenukidze. Nadezhda Sergeyevna grew up with older brothers and sister Anna. The nationality of the future wife of Stalin in the memoirs reported her daughter, noting that Allyluve's father was half a gypsy, mother - German.

Hope with parents lived in Petrograd. She did not build a career, worked in the drug addict on the affairs of nationalities, the secretariat V. I. Lenin, helped the magazine "Revolution and Culture", the newspaper "True". In 20 years, Allyluweva was excluded from the party, but 4 days after the announcement, the girl again becomes a candidate of RCP members (b).

At the age of 28, Nadezhda Sergeyevna entered the Promacadeus at the Faculty of Textile Industry, where he received a higher education. During his studies, I got acquainted with Nikita Khrushchev. An unpleasant incident happened to the promacademy, as a result of which eight allyluleva classrooms arrested. The girl tried to help his friends, by calling the head of the OGPU Henry Berry. Unfortunately, it was too late - the detainees died after infectious disease.

Personal life

In 2014, the documentary film "Nadezhda Allyluweva. At the foot of the vertex "from the Kremlin Wife cycle. The picture described the details of the unusual history of love of the head of the Government of the USSR and his young chosen. In the family of Allyluve walked the legend that Joseph Vissarionovich saved a little Nadia when a girl playing on the embankment fell into the water. It was in 1903 in Baku.

And after 14, Stalin, by that time he had managed to become a widow (the first wife of Catherine Svanidze died in 1907 from Tifa) began to be often in the house of Allyluve in Petrograd, where the family of hope moved. Returning from the Siberian Links, 38-year-old Georgians searched for himself a companion, which would not be inferior to the beauty and dignity of the wives of party leaders. According to eyewitnesses, Joseph Vissarionovich chose between the older Anna and young hope - eventually gave preference to the latter.

Having success in women, Static and confident in themselves, a friend of his father quickly fascinated the future spouse. Such a novel turned out to be not at moral Father Sergey Yakovlevich, as the chief of his daughter was 21 years older. The familiar family of Allyluve recalled: "Once Sergey Yakovlevich (father of Hope) was terribly agreed, said that he (Stalin) took Nadia ... (to the front) ...".

A year later, Beloved was combined with marriage. Interestingly, in official documents of the Date of Bonding the Union stands on March 24, 1919, while contemporaries claim that the celebration took place in 1918. Hope at that time was not yet adult. She did not plan to take the surname of her husband, so by the end of the days he was called alleeva.

Love and strong emotions were present in the marriage of the leader and his young chosen. This was confirmed by familiar couples and contemporaries. But there was another side of personal life - a collision of strong and bright characters, which often made himself felt. In his youth, Nadezhda did not want to sit at home and establish a family life, while driving Iosifa wanted in the family of silence and calm.

Young Nadia did not smooth sharp corners due to lack of experience and everyday wisdom. Familiar couples told that at some point Joseph stopped talking to his wife, without explaining the reasons. Hope could not understand what did wrong. Later it turned out that Stalin did not like the appeal to "you". According to the head of state, the spouses should call each other on "you".

In 1921, the firstborn was born in the family - the son of Vasily Stalin. Later, at the care of hope turned out to be Artem Sergeev - the child of the deceased revolutionary. The relatives of Joseph Vissarionich were brought to the upbringing of the father of the eldest son Yakov Jugashvili. Thus, a young woman overnight became a "large mother."

Stalin liked to spend time at home, away from work, but at the same time the role of father and her husband was barely. The politician did not know how to behave with sons, rudeness in relation to his wife became the norm. Hope did not give the leader of the reason for jealousy, which could not be said about the political figure.

In 1926, the lady presented his wife Svetlana Alliluyev. The girl became Otchay for the Father. Stalin allowed her almost everything, unlike older children. The story has kept the photo of the leader with his beloved heiress. Interestingly, in the official biography of Allyluve there is information about 10 abortions. The relevant data specialists found in the medical card of hope.


According to eyewitnesses, by the beginning of the 30s, the relationship between a couple began to deteriorate. Stalin behaved with his wife rather rudely, allowed himself to let himself go to the address of the hop of the bang and unacceptable epithets. In the book of Memoirov Svetlana Alliluyeva "twenty letters to a friend" it was noted that her mother was characterized by terrible internal self-discipline, and any discontent and irritation was drunk inside. As a result, the spiritual experiences from the "tyranny" of the husband "should have ever, in the end, inevitably end the explosion; The spring was to straighten with a terrible force ... ".

This moment has arrived on November 7, 1932, when the spouses came to visit Voroshilov. Later, Bukharin's wife argued that that evening Stalin turned to his breath badly with Allyluve - threw her crusts from orange and cigarettes, so hope left the celebration early. The daughter of hope wrote in memories and about the other time of the celebration, when Joseph Vissarionovich turned to the elect with the phrase: "Hey, you, drink!". Stalin's wife answered with dignity: "I'm not hey!". "

After the conflict, Nadezhda went to the Kremlin apartment. Here, a young woman brought abacus with life - she was shot from the Walter pistol. The shots of the lady produced right in the chest that did not leave hope for salvation. Stalin was dumbfounded by the death of his wife. The leader constantly asked the same question "Why?".

Joseph Vissarionovich could not understand, because of what the beloved spouse did this way. It is known that hope left a suicide note explaining the cause of suicide. Paper written by hand allyluve, destroyed after reading. According to some information, the leader's wife told in this letter that he could not look like a favorite spouse roll down the inclined, thereby posing a family and a party.

Others believed that he had hope for suicide, health problems pushed. Often the family of the family took treatment in Germany. Because of the incorrectly controversial bones of the skull, allilueva tormented strong headaches, which were sometimes unbearable. But relatives refute it. In their opinion, migraines sometimes arose in the wife of Stalin, but the disease was irregular.

There was a lot of rumors around the mysterious death of the "First Lady of the Kremlin". For several doctors, minimal minions applied to sign a conclusion, but at the same time not to indicate the real cause of death. A number of eminent medical leaders, including the Kremlin, refused to lie in the documents.

The funeral of the hopes of Sergeyevna Alilleva went through the Novodevichy cemetery. At the farewell ceremony, Stalin was present as at the very burial, although in some sources the opposite is approved. On the occasion of the tragic leaving the lady of the newspaper "True" printed an official necrologist, and the leader himself received a special letter-condolence personally from Boris Pasternak.

Later, Joseph Vissarionovich often visited the grave of the dead spouse. This is evidenced by the stories of the ruler guards. The leader could sit on a bench next to the monument and be silent. In memory of the hope of Allyluve in 2006, the film "Wife Stalin" was removed. The main role in the series performed the well-known Russian actress Olga Budina.

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