Dina Rubina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Dina Rubin is a popular prose. Writers' novels are translated into Bulgarian, English, Polish, German, Hebrew. Pragrations of books come out by thousands of copies. Bright images and witty style allowed her to firmly conquer her niche in the literature. The author of modern prose was awarded numerous prizes, which once again proves her talent.

Childhood and youth

Dina Rubin was born on September 19, 1953 in the capital of the Uzbek SSR. Father - Kharkovchanin Ilya Davidovich Rubin arrived in Tashkent to parents after demobilization from the front. Mother is a teacher of the history of Rita Aleksandrovna. 17-year-old she fell into Tashkent from Poltava during the war. Parents met in the art school - the young teacher of Rita Alexandrovna taught a student Rubin history.

Dina went to a music school for gifted children at the conservatory. She called the "Elite Katoroga" school. Memories of horror covering during the examinations on the piano, and other school impressions, Rubin described in the biographical story "Music Lessons". In 1977, the girl graduated from a conservatory in Tashkent. Worked as a teacher at the Institute of Culture.

Personal life

The first marriage of Rubin, according to the writer, turned out to be unsuccessful: the couple quickly broke up. Dina with a small son Dima moved into the close apartment of the parents. Having received a fee for the play "Wonderful Doyra", bought a one-room cooperative apartment and lived in it before moving to Moscow.

But then the person's personal life has developed successfully. With the second husband, the artist Boris Karafelov, Dina met in youth, during the filming of the film "Our grandson works in the police." After the wedding, in 1984, the couple moved to Moscow. In 1990, the family immigrated to Israel. In marriage with the caraffal dina, Rubin gave birth to Eve daughter.

Husband and daughter of writer - religious people. Boris Benjaminovich - Illustrator of the works of his wife. The family lives in the Israeli city of Mevasseret-Zion.

Now children rubbing are already adults consisting of personality, but, as the author admits, it does not cease to participate in their lives, families are often found, spend time in a close circle. In 2011, Dina's daughter Ilyinichna presented her mother's granddaughter, the girl called Shalya, which translates as a "gift to me." She herself at that time ended the Israeli university with a degree in archaeologist. Married in 2010, and since it happened in Israel, the woman decided to comply with all local religious traditions.


The first work of Dina Ruby was printed in 1971. Section "Green Portfolio" of the journal "Youth" published a small story "Restless Nature". After several publications, the writer on an ongoing basis was printed until the 90s in the "Prose" department of the same publication. Work there brought fame to the author among the Soviet readers.

Work in Tashkent Prosais recalls with humor. For earnings translated into Russian by the Uzbek authors. The translation of popular fairy tales, for which he received a prize of the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan, the writer called "Frank Halturoy". The author and about his play "Wonderful Doyra" written for the musical theater speak unflit.

In 1977, they published the story of Rubina "When will the snow go?". This is a piercing story of a 15-year-old Nina's seriously ill girl. The heroine is insulted on the Father, who forgotten the deceased mother of Nina and who met a new love. On the eve of a heavy operation, a girl meets a guy and hopelessly falls in love. The heroine constantly asks the question: "When will the snow go?". Fallen snow became a symbol of the update for her. Televersva of the play "When will the snow go?" Moscow Tyuza brought a dine popularity.

The picture "Our grandson works in the police", filmed on the "Uzbekfilm" on the tale of Dean "tomorrow, as usual," turned out to be failing. For her, Rubin not only provided the work, but also made a screenwriter.

The participation of the writer in the filming of the film served as the material for the story "The camera runs", having success. In 1977, Dina Rubin became a young member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan. After 3 years, she was accepted by the Writers of the USSR. Having moved from Tashkent to Moscow, she wrote for radio stations, continued to create a story and stories.

At the end of 1990, Rubin and his family moved to permanent residence in Israel. It got a job in the Russian-language newspaper "Our Country". After moving, there was a creative and personal crisis in the life of the writer. Soviet magazines "New World", "Banner", "Friendship of Peoples" at the time began to print her stories.

After a long silence, in 1996, the light saw the novel "Here is the Messiah!". This is a work about the life of Russian emigrants in Israel. The author is sometimes sad, sometimes with humor describes situations in which there are former citizens of Russia in the new homeland.

In the 2006 novel, "on the sunny side of the street", Dina Ilyinichna overwhelmed the fate of people running through the sunny side of the street. Heroes make up a motley assembly of different and at the same time similar stories. The artist and the student, a prostitute and drunkard united the hero of the novel - the Sunny city of Tashkent.

In 2008, one of the most sought-after books of Rubina "Handwriting Leonardo" came out. Roman tells about Anna, who has the gift of foresight. She rides the world with a circus and makes predictions. The life of Anna is tragic: a woman can only observe how heavy predictions come true. Events are shown through the eyes of her husband and friends of the main character.

Another product of Dina Rubina, who earned the increased attention of readers, is the novel "White Goluba Cordoba", written in 2009. The book tells about the artist Zakhar Cordovina. The hero lives in two lives: in one he is a teacher and an expert, to another makes fake paintings of famous masters. In 2014, one of the most successful works of the author "Russian Canary" came out. In the detective trilogy included "Jaratuchin", "voice" and "the prodigal son".

In Russia since 2004, a total dictation is carried out. He can write any, from a schoolboy to Professor. Recently, the dictation text writers and celebrities are written. Dmitry Bykov, Boris Strugatsky, Zakhar Prilepin participated in the project. In 2013, the honor to write it was provided by Dee Ilyinichna. A scandal is connected with the event - the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region replaced the text of Rubina to the story of Vasily Peskov. As a result, the results in the Ulyanovsk region were invalid.

In 2001-2003, the writer worked in the Department of Culture with the Russian Branch of the Jewish Agency Organization, which is engaged in the help of repatriates.

In 2017, EXMO publisher issued a new book of Dina Ruby Babi Wind. The work caused an ambiguous reviews of the fans of the writer talent. The novel is told on the face of a cosmetologist from Russia immigrated to America. Through the hands of the heroine there are many customers, many of which reveal the history of their destinies before the woman.

The author's novels were repeatedly chosen to film. In 2015, the film "Parsushki Syndrome" was released on the screens, filmed by the director Elena Khazanova in the same name, ruby. The famous Russian artists Chulpan Hamatov, Evgeny Mironov, Merab Ninidze and others starred in the picture. The film tells about the boy's boy, which has witnessed the murder of a mother of a little red-haired girl Lisa. Years later, the puppeteer Peter marries Lisa. A couple are waiting for terrible tests.

In 2018, the author's bibliography was replenished with a new trilogy, published under the name "Napoleon Towing". The first edition is "Rowan Klin", followed by "white horses" and "Angelic Horn".

The dominant role in this work is given by the case, rock, providence and touching history of love, which together turn into exciting adventures. Dina Ilyinichna is once again masterfully spinning intrigue in the genre of an adventurous novel, so it's hard to figure out where the truth is, and where the fiction. Although Rubin itself was spoken in an interview again: there are no historical works in her writer's biography.

In honor of this event, the author conducted an anniversary evening in the concert hall at the Finnish station in St. Petersburg. There, she not only presented her new works, but also answered questions of fans, photographed and distributed autographs. And then appeared on the air of the First Channel in the Evening Urgant program.

Although Ruby has long been living in Israel, interests of her person among literature lovers does not subside. That is why the popular journalist Irina Shikhman, who leads the channel on Yutubeub, in the fall of 2019, specially came to visit the prose to take an interview.

During the hourly conversation, women discussed the relationship of the Jews to the Russians when Dean Ilinichn had awareness of belonging to the Jewish people. Also, the celebrity told why she had to leave Russia, whether the feelings had changed to their homeland after moving, and then told about the main writer fear and the author regrets.

Dina Rubina now

Life in Israel does not interfere with rubbing and continue to continue their writing activities. But at the same time she often visits their homeland. So, in 2020, Dina Ilinichna became a member of the annual International Book Fair, which was held in the Russian capital from 2 to 6 September. Due to the limitations associated with coronavirus infection, this time the organizers had to postpone the event from Pavilion VDNH to the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege".

In 2020, more than 300 publishers presented new items. There were among the invited participants and popular authors of Denis Dragunsky, Dina Rubin, Edward Radzinsky, Alexander Tsypkin and many others.


  • 1996 - "Here is the Messiah!"
  • 2004 - "Our Chinese Business"
  • 2005 - "Master Tarabuk"
  • 2007 - "Old Tale of Love"
  • 2008 - "Astral flight of the soul in the classroom of physics"
  • 2008 - "Handwriting Leonardo"
  • 2009 - "White Dove Cordova"
  • 2010 - "Parsushki Syndrome"
  • 2010 - "Myth of the intimate ..."
  • 2010 - "It's painful only when I laugh"
  • 2011 - "Solubitsa"
  • 2015 - "Koksinel"

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