Ivan Franco - biography, photo, personal life, books



Ivan Franco is an outstanding Ukrainian Belletrist, poet, publicist and scientist. The heritage of the classic is huge, and the impact on the culture is difficult to overestimate. In 1915, the writer was put forward to the Nobel Prize, but until consideration, Ivan Franco's candidacy did not reach the contener's death.

Childhood and youth

The future classic of Ukrainian literature was born in a wealthy family. Her head is the Galician peasant Yakov Franco - earned money for a former business, and Mom - Maria Kulchitskaya - was from "noble". Younger husband for 33 years old, a woman out of the impoverished Rusin-shroves raised children. The first years of life classic called blond.

Portrait of Ivan Franco

When Ivan Franko turned 9 years old, father died. Mom married the second time, stepfather replaced the children of the Father. With Ivan, he set up friendship and kept her all his life. In 16 Ivan became an orphan: did not make moms.

In the Drohobych school, at the Catholic Monastery, Ivan was the best student: teachers referred to him the professorial future. The guy had a phenomenal memory - lectures quoted literally, and Kobzar knew by heart.

House Ivan Franko

Franco knew Polish and German, did the poetic translations of the Bible, the poverty read European classics, works on history and natural sciences. Making money with a tutoring, the gymnasist Ivan Franco managed to collect a library from semi-tech books. Knowing foreign languages, he appreciated his native Ukrainian, collected and recorded old folk songs, legends.

Ivan Franco in childhood

Ivan Franco lived in the far relative, who owned a carpentry business in Drohobych. It happened that the young man was sleeping in freshly strange coffins (the story "in the joinery"). In the summer, the future classic of Ukrainian literature paste cattle in Naguevichi and helped stepfather in the field. In 1875, Ivan Franco received a certificate with honors and entered Lviv University by choosing the Faculty of Philosophy.


The first essays Ivan Franco printed in the university journal "Friend", thanks to him turned into a printed organ of revolutionaries. Donoms of unfriendliers and reactionaries caused the first arrest of Ivan Franco and the members of the editorial board "Friend".

Ivan Franco in youth

Franco condemned for 6 weeks, but freed after 9 months (8 months waited for the court). The young man was placed in the chamber to sewers to criminals, the poor, whom poverty pushed into grave crimes. Communication with them was the source of writing of the fictional works, which, after the liberation, Ivan Franco printed in the editions editable. The stories of the "prison cycle" are transferred to foreign languages ​​and are named the best in the legacy of the writer.

After leaving the prison books, Ivan Franco faced the reaction of a conservative society: the "Criminal" turned away and the people and Rusophiles. From the university, young people were expelled. A young revolutionary with socialist views found himself in the avant-garde of fighters with the Austrian monarchy. With a companion M. Pavlik published the magazine "Public Friend", where he published poems, essays and the first chapters of the story "BOA Constrictor".

Books Ivan Franko

Soon the police confiscated the publication, but Ivan Franco resumed the exit under a different, more speaking name - "Bell". The magazine printed the program poem of Franco - "Masonry" ("Kamenyarі"). And again confiscation and changing the name. In the fourth and last issue of the magazine, called "Hammer", Ivan Yakovlevich printed the end of the story and poems.

Ivan Franco issued a magazine and underground brochures with the translations of the works of Charles Marx and Friedrich Engels, to which the preface wrote. In 1878, the Galician revolutionary was headed by the magazine "PRACA" ​​("Labor"), turning the provincial organ in the publication of Lviv workers. During these years, Ivan Franco translated the poem Heinrich Heine "Germany", "Fausta" Johann Goethe, "Cain" Bairon, wrote Roman "Borislav laughs".

Poems Ivan Franco

In the spring of 1880, on the road to Kolomyu Ivan Franko, the secondarly was arrested: the politician fell on the side of the Kolomyan peasants, with whom the legal charge was led by the Government of Austria. After a three-month stay in Ivan Yakovlevich prison, I was sent to Naguyevichi, but on the road to the village for the bold behavior, he fell into the junction of prison in Drohobych. Seen became a reason for writing the story "On the bottom".

In 1881, Ivan Franco publishes the World Magazine, which prints the story "Borislav laughs." The readers did not see the last heads of the work: the magazine was closed. Poems Ivan Franco picked up the magazine "Light". Of these, the collection "from the peaks and lowline" was soon formed. After the closure of "light", the writer is forced to earn, printed in the publications of the people. During these years, the famous story "Zakhar Berkut" came out in the magazine "Zarya", but soon the cooperation of the writer with "Zarya" ceased.

Ivan Franco - biography, photo, personal life, books 16962_7

In the middle of the 1880s, in search of earnings, Ivan Franco came twice to Kiev, predicting money from the capital liberals to edition of his own magazine. But the promised money was not in Ivan Yakovlevich, but in the editor of Zari. In the summer of 1889, Russian students arrived in Galia. Together with them, Ivan Franco went on a ride around the country, but soon the group was arrested, Franco was accused of trying to "tear" Galicia from Austria and intent to join Russia. Two months later, the whole group was released without trial.

In early 1890, Franco wrote a doctoral dissertation, taking the political poetry of Taras Shevchenko as the basis. But the University of Lviv did not accept the dissertation for protection. Ivan Yakovlevich submitted the dissertation in Chernivitsky University, but he was denied him there. In the autumn of 1892, the writer went to Vienna, where he wrote the dissertation about the ancient Christian spiritual novel. In a year in Austria, Ivan Franco was given a degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Illustrations for Ivan Franco

In 1894, after the death of the department of Ukrainian literature, Professor O. Ogonovsky, headed by the Department of Ukrainian Literature, in Lviv University, is trying to take a vacant place. His trial lecture caused huge interest among students, but at the department Ivan Yakovlevich did not take. To the 25th anniversary of the creativity of Ivan Franko, which writers and creative youth of Ukraine celebrated widely, a collection of poems "My Izmaragd" came out.

The revolution of 1905 in Russia caused an engrability from the writer, he responded to the event by the poem "Moses" and the collection of poems "Semper Tiro", which included the poem "Conquistadors".

Ivan Franco on bills

At the beginning of the 1900th relationship of Ivan Franco with the Ukrainian nationalists, at the head of which Mikhail Grushevsky stands, sharpen. In 1907, an attempt to lead the department in Lviv University once again failed: Franco's statement was not even considered. Support came from Kharkov: the university awarded Ivan Yakovlevich the degree of Dr. Russian Literature. The writer and scientist in Russia and the Pridneprovskaya Ukraine are honored.

Ivan Franco, like his predecessors and contemporaries, repeatedly addressed the theological, biblical. The interpretation of the writer of Christian humanism is original. The brightest sample is the verse "Legend of Eternal Life."

In 1913, the writer and scientist noted the 40th anniversary of creativity, but the edition of the jubilee collections was suspended due to the above imperialist war. Dozens of prosaic and poetic essays Matra published after his death.

In total, Ivan Franco wrote more than five thousand works. Contemporaries compared him with the great people of Renaissance, called the "big astral body warming the whole of Ukraine." But speaking about the life of the Ukrainian classics, often remember his quote: "They live like gods, executioners, and worse than Psa the poor people live."

Personal life

With the future wife of Olga, the Chinese writer met in Kiev in the middle of the 1880s. Ivan Franco was not a handsome man: red-haired, with leaking eyes, low. He attracted women with incredible erudition, progressive views and encyclopedic knowledge. Beauty Olga loved Galichanin. Cautions of relatives and friends that a young man belongs to another circle, did not led to anything. Ivan Franco was late for the wedding: putting the wedding fracture, he was read on a rare book in the library.

Ivan Franco with his wife Olga Khoruzhskaya

Moving the Kievans to the capital of Galicia did not bring happiness: the famous Lvivyanki called Olga "Moskalka", a young woman, contrary to efforts, could not become his own. Family in which four children appeared one after another, in dire need of money. Ivan Franko did not take a job, he was pursued by the police and power, creativity brought modest income.

Ivan Franco's wife and children

Sons Andrei, Taras, Peter and daughter Anne Father read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, Ivan Yakovlevich lamented them with German. In the native village of Franco, drove children into the forest and on the river. Olga, setting the children to sleep, translated from German and French, wrote articles for Almanachs, discussed his writings with her husband. But life troubles and poverty have undermined a unstable psyche - Olga showed a hereditary leaning towards nervous breakdowns.

Ivan Franco in recent years

In 1898, Ivan Franco received a national award. For these money, Olga added the remaining from the dowry and took the construction of the house in Lviv. But I couldn't live in a new home happily. Olga's mental disorder aggravated, nervous disorders and breakdown began at Ivan Yakovlevich. The last drop was the death of the Senior Son of Andrei in May 1913, Olga fell into a psychiatric hospital.


The last months of the life of Ivan Franco lived in a shelter for Sich Schiechov: Writers were courted by volunteers. Up to the 60th anniversary, Franco did not survive 3 months. He died in full solitude. Son Taras in captivity, Peter fought, Anna's daughter worked in Kiev hospital.

The grave of Ivan Franko

The writer died at home: Franco escaped from the shelter in May 1916. In that year, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize, but it is given alive. There was no scientist and writer on May 28. Buried him in the Lviv Lychakovsky cemetery.


  • 1877 - "Potted sinner"
  • 1880 - "At the bottom"
  • 1882 - "Zakhar Berkut"
  • 1882 - "Borislav laughs"
  • 1884 - "Boa Constrictor"
  • 1887 - "Lel and Fillas"
  • 1887 - "Yatsi Zelepuga"
  • 1890 - "Mis Mikita"
  • 1891 - "Adventures of Don Quixote"
  • 1892 - "Stolen happiness"
  • 1894 - "Pillars of the Company"
  • 1895 - "Abu Casimov Shoes"
  • 1897 - "For home hearth"
  • 1899 - "Oilman"
  • 1900 - "Cross Trails"

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