Lisa Edelstein - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Lisa Edelstein is a talented American actress. Movie lovers remember most of all the role of Lisa Kaddy in the cult series "Dr. House". Perhaps there was a period when the name of the heroine Edelstein became hardly no more famous and recognizable than their own name of the actress. However, it turned out that the fame of the actress of one role Lisa Edelstein does not threaten: the filmography of Talented Beauty is constantly replenished.

Childhood and youth

Biography Lisa Edelstein originates in the Jewish family. The actress was born on May 21, 1966 in Boston. Father Lisa, Elvin Edelstein, worked by a pediatrician. The name of the mother actresses - Bonnie Edelstein. It is known that Lisa is the youngest of three children in the family.

Lisa Edelstein in youth

Parents dreamed that the daughter would become a lawyer, however, Lisa's plans were much more interesting: the girl wanted an acting career for himself. Therefore, I barely celebrated the 18th anniversary, in 1984, Lisa Edelstein went to New York, where he entered the school of fine arts, choosing, of course, the Faculty of Acting.


The first appearance of Lisa Edelstein in front of the audience took place within the entertainment project "Club children". Bright and charismatic, novice actress quickly remembered directors and critics. Thanks to this, soon the girl has served his own statement called "Positive Me". It turned out a brave musical performance that raised the spectators of the problem of AIDS. After him, Lisa was invited to work the TV host on the "MTV" channel. So Edelstein hit the screen.

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Soon the girl began to offer small roles. Lisa Edelstein appeared in the TV series "Law of Los Angeles" and "SINFILD", as well as in the film "Dorz" (though, in an episodic role). The following years of Career Lisa Edelstein are marked by a permanent game in various TV shows. The actress turned out to be in demand, the directors did not refuse to work with Lisa, but numerous roles did not bring the cherished fame and love of fans.

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Nevertheless, some of them are worth mentioning: in the series "Relativity", the actress appeared in the extravagant role of Lesbian, in the project "Western wing" heroine Lisa Edelstein - a prostitute, and already in the "Family Law", the girl plays an orthodox Jew. Women's films "with chalk gibson and Helen Hunt and" duty dad "(the main roles got Eddie Murphy and Jeff Harlin) became the most noticeable in the career of Lisa Edelstein of that time.

Lisa Edelstein in the series

The situation will change in 2004. Each Lycirografs should have his starry hour, and for Lisa Edelurstein, such an hour came at the moment when the actress agreed to the role of Lisa Kuddy in the TV series "Dr. House". The main partner of Lisa for this project was Hugh Laurie, who played a brilliant, but very eccentric doctor suffering from drug addiction. Also, Omar Epps, Robert Sean Leonard, Jesse Spencer, Olivia Wilde and other actors turned out to be colleagues along the film crew. "Dr. House".

Lisa Edelstein and Hugh Laurie

Each series of "Dr. House" is a medical investigation, which almost every time he helps the team of doctors to save the next life. And of course, the fans to the latter were interested in the development of the relations of Dr. House and his beauty-chief Lisa Kuddy. Of course, this storyline could not not give rise to many rumors that the actors have a real novel, however Lisa Edelstein answered such guesses categorically:

"Of course, Gregory House refers to my type of men: smart, strong, with a great power of will. It is very difficult to work with it, but it is worth it. I would completely trusted him as a doctor, but I could not meet him. "

The role of Lisa Cuddy brought actress numerous awards, incredible popularity and love of viewers. Nevertheless, in 2011 Lisa Edelstein left the popular series to devote time to other projects. The last season of "Dr. House" was already filmed without the participation of Lisa.

In 2012, Edelstein played in the TV shows "elementary", "good wife" and "Castle", but none of these projects repeated the success of the "Dr. House". 2014 brought actresses a long-awaited major role: Lisa was invited to shoot in the series "Guide to the girlfriends to the divorce."

This story is about the popular writer, which in psychological books teaches women to build harmonious relations. However, soon heroine Lisa has to admit that her own marriage with Jake (actor Paul Adelstein) was destroyed. In 2016, the series extended another three seasons, so, obviously, this heroine Lisa Edelstein has every chance to stand in one row with Liza Cuddy.

Personal life

Life Life Lisa Edelstein has long been hidden from the public. Fans of the actress had to guess if she had children and who became a happy chosen chosen beauty.

Lisa Edelstein with her husband

In 2010, it became known about the novel of the actress with the artist named Robert Russell. In 2014, the couple got married, showing that these relationships really mean a lot for both. Lisa and Robert often appear in secular events, glad the fans with happy smiles.

Lisa Edelstein now

Now, in 2017, Lisa Edelstein continues to be filmed, finding time and for recreation, and for own projects. It is known that the actress composes music and tastes strength on a literary field. Who knows, perhaps soon the world will speak about the music album or the author's book Lisa Edelstein.

Lisa Edelstein in 2017

In his free time, beauty Edelstein is engaged in yoga. According to his own recognition of Lisa, it cannot hold a day without exercises. Lisa Edelstein at a young age abandoned the products of animal origin, in addition, the actress is not wearing clothes made of genuine leather or animal fur.

Lisa Edelstein

According to Edelstein, only a healthy lifestyle, constant physical exertion and a certain nutritional mode help her maintain themselves in shape (there is information that Lisa weighs 57 kg. Actress growth - 168 cm). Photo Lisa Edelstein constantly appear in actress fans accounts in "Instagram". Lisa Edelstein loves animals. At home, the actress lives three dogs and a cat.


  • 2012 - "Blue-eyed Butcher"
  • 2008-2012 - "Children's Hospital"
  • 2004-2012 - "Dr. House"
  • 2004 - "Instructions for dividing for women"
  • 2003 - "Date with Darkness"
  • 2002 - "Mania"
  • 2001 - "Black River"
  • 2000 - "What do women want"
  • 1998 - "In Kappan"
  • 1998-1999 - "Doctors Los Angeles"
  • 1997 - "Batman and Superman"
  • 1997 - "Better does not happen"
  • 1994 - "Love Romance"
  • 1991 - Dorz

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