Sergey Kirov - biography, photo, personal life, murder



Sergey Mironovich Kirov is a famous revolutionary, the nearest comrades of Joseph Stalin and an active party figure of that time. Sergei Kirov's biography is perceived in different ways: in one version, this person heroically served the interests of his homeland, on the other purpose - caused the death of innocent people who did not fit any way on the way to the goal. Be that as it may, the identity of Kirov can safely be called an extraordinary and historically interesting.

The future revolutionary was born on March 27, 1886 in the town of Urzhum, which is in the Vyatka region. Four of the first children of firefish (this is the real name of Sergey Kirov) died in childhood. Then the daughter of Anna, Sergey and the youngest daughter Elizabeth were born. In 1894, the children were left without parents: Mom died, and his father left the family. Anna and Lisa are lucky - girls agreed to take a grandmother. But Sergey was sent to the orphan shelter.

Soviet state and politician Sergey Mironovich Kirov

Despite such tragic events, the boy studied well, he graduated at first a parish school in his native urzhum, and then urban. Then Sergey Mironovich moved to Kazan and in 1901 he became a student of the mechanical and technical industrial school. Three years later, Kirov graduated from the school and immediately began the work of the draftsman in the Tomsk city government. In parallel, an ambitious young man attended the preparatory courses of the Tomsk Institute of Technology.

Revolution and party work

Opinions regarding the political views of Kirov until 1917 were divided: some researchers argue that he was a convinced supporter of Leninists. Another part challenges this, believing that Sergey Mironovich initially sympathized with Mensheviks and even supported the temporary government. Be that as it may, in 1905, Kirov was elected by a member of the RSDLP Committee, and already a year later Sergey Mironovich headed the underground printing house in Tomsk and Ryano agitated railway workers for Soviet power.

Joseph Stalin and Sergey Kirov. 1926 year

In 1905 and 1906, Kirov were repeatedly arrested, and in 1907 they sentenced to 1 year and 4 months of conclusion. Freed in 1908, Kirov moved to Irkutsk, where he restores the party organization. Police's persecution continues, and Sergey Mironovich again has to move, this time in Vladikavkaz. There Kirov got up at the head of the Bolshevik organization. For the first time, the surname Kirov will appear in the Terek newspaper - so Sergey Mironovich signed an article "Easy Malls". This pseudonym will remain with him for life.

Since 1910, Kirov stood at the head of the Bolshevik party in the North Caucasus, and after the 1917 revolution became a member of the Vladikavkaz Council. In the same year, in October, Sergey Kirov participated in the Armed Petersburg uprising (the city then was called Petrograd). After that, Kirov returned to Vladikavkaz, continuing the struggle for Soviet power.

Anastas Mikoyan, Sergey Kirov and Joseph Stalin

At the end of 1918, Kirov headed the expedition, transported weapons to the North Caucasus. The path flew through Astrakhan, where the revolutionary remained, because the North Caucasus turned out to be occupied by the White Guards.

In Astrakhan Kirov also showed bright leadership qualities, participated in the organization of the famous Astrakhan Defense of 1919. In the same year, Kirov, together with Ordzhonikidze, headed the offensive of the Bolshevik army in the North Caucasus. In the spring of 1919, the offensive was completed by the restoration of Soviet power in Baku and Vladikavkaz.

In 1920, Kirov was waiting for an increase: Sergey Mironovich was prescribed by a police station of the RSFSR in Georgia, and in October of the same year, Kirov joined the ranks of members of the Caucasian CSC RCP (b). A year later, Sergey Mironovich was elected secretary of the Central Committee of the Party in Azerbaijan, where she put non-free efforts to restore oil production.

Sergey Kirov during a visit to the Belomor-Baltic Channel. 1934 year.

In 1926, Kirov returns to Leningrad and becomes the first secretary of the North-West Bureau of the Committee of the Committee of the Party, as well as the Leningrad Sponge. In this post, Sergey Mironovich distinguished himself as an irreconcilable fighter with anti-Partisians.

In 1930, Kirov was waiting for new appointments: the revolutionary was made by a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee, and in the 1934th secretary of the Organization and a member of the CEC Presidium. Kirov's political activity was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, as well as the Honorary Order of Lenin.

Personal life

In the 1920s, Kirov met first love, but the marriage turned out to be a veneer, the name of the beloved revolutionary is not known for certain. The woman died a year later with a little after the wedding. Daughter Sergey Kirov Evgenia was born from this union. It is worth noting that the last fact is disputed by a number of historians, because the fact of kinship is known from the words of Evgenia itself.

Sergey Kirov on the podium

Sergey Kirov's second wife, Maria Markus, first rejected the matrimonial proposals of the revolutionary, and agreeing, put the condition: Sergey was supposed to part with the child from the first marriage. So little Zhenya got into an orphanage.

Relations with Maria became cooler and cooler, the spouses often quarreled. There were rumors about numerous mistresses of Sergei Kirov.

Sergey Kirov

In 1929, Kirov met charming Milda Draul. Sympathy turned out to be mutual, but the situation was complicated by the fact that both Kirov and Milda were married. Such an annoying barrier did not coordinate the dust of the Beloved: Soon the woman got a place in the House of Personnel, and Kirov got the opportunity at any time to call Milda to his office. After some time, the secret became clear, Milda was transferred to another job, but the novel of the revolutionary with beauty continued.

According to one of the versions, the personal life of Sergei Kirov and caused his murder. However, Kirov himself did not suspect what the passion for Milda Draul would turn.


On December 1, 1934, Sergei Kirov was shot dead in Smolny. The accurate shot in the back of the head broke the life of the revolutionary and the party leader. The killer of Sergey Kirov became a man named Leonid Nikolaev. It turned out to be Milda Milda Draul.

Farewell to Sergey Kirov

It seemed that the motives of the murderer were obvious: a deceived husband wanted to confuse his opponent. However, a few hours after the death of Sergei Mironovich announced that he became a victim of the enemies of Soviet power. The photo of Kirov under the necrologist appeared in all newspapers, and at the highest level of power issued a decree, directly prescribed not to spare suspects in a conspiracy against the Bolsheviks: "Investigative authorities - to conduct cases of accused of preparing or committing terrorist acts accelerated. Judicial authorities - not to delay the execution of sentences ... "

What happened next, historians will be called a big terror. In fact, the death of Sergei Kirov gave an impetus to mass repression that lasted for several years.

Monument to Sergey Kirov

Only years later, the press, already Russian, will have information that the murder of Kirov, apparently, was exclusively personal.

The body of Sergey Kirov was cremated, and the ashes of the revolutionary figure still resting in the urn in the Kremlin wall.

Interesting facts about Sergey Kirov

  • The daughter of Kirov, Evgenia Kostrikova, was worthy of the famous Father: A girl commanded a lot of any little tank rice.
  • Vyatka's city after Sergey Mironovich's death was renamed Kirov.
  • The pseudonym Kirov appeared on behalf of Cyrus found by Sergey Mironovich in the calendar.
  • The growth of Sergey Kirov was 168 cm.
  • Rumors about the friendship of the revolutionary with Matilda Kshesinskaya, who allegedly satisfied Kirov nice dates with ballerinas.

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