Tamara Sinyavskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



The name of the singers called the small planet of the solar system. The dramatic mezzo-soprano Tamara Sinyavskaya admired the opera star Maria Callas, and Sergey Lemeshev admitted that for the first time for the first time met on the "real Pushkin Olga" stage. Star Tamara Sinyavskaya rushed rapidly. Having come to a large theater without a special education, after 18 years, Sinyavskaya became the People's Artist of the USSR and, by definition of the press, the national heritage.

Childhood and youth

Tamara Sinyavskaya is a radical Muscovite, by nationality Russian. She was born a year before the end of the war. There is no information about father singer. Her idols and family had a mother. Maria Sinyavskaya from nature possessed a beautiful voice - alt, but she had a chance only in early youth, in the church, when the daughter was not in the plans.

The singer Tamara felt at 3 years. Favorite children's entertainment was singing in the front-old old Moscow houses with good acoustics. Withdrawing divinely sounded Rauds, she felt such a mental thrill as in the temple.

During the day, the future star of the scene managed to bypass all the entrances of the Native Street of Morchlevsky (now it is Milyutinsky Lane). "Aria" in the performance of Sinyavskaya lasted until it was interrupted by admiring or outraged tenants. Once they advised the mother to take a daughter in the house of Pioneers, where professional teachers would have worked with her.

Now Tamara sang two times more - in the house of the pioneers and in the courtyard, where he collected the "Hall" from neighboring guys. Soon, the young artist was recorded in the children's ensemble of Vladimir Sergeevich Lokteva, where he sang and danced.

At 10 years old, the girl was transferred to the chorus, where she acquired a musical and scenic experience. The famous team participated in government concerts, and Tamara Sinyavskaya felt on stage as at home. For the first time in life, she visited the border: the ensemble of Vladimir Lokteva toured in Czechoslovakia.

Incredible, but in his youth, Sinyavskaya dreamed of becoming a doctor. In the house where the family lived, a clinic worked. Tom with admiration watched the work of the staff in white coats and breathed the smell of Ether, which seemed to her by paradise. The future actress played "to the hospital", led a card file with the stories of the diseases of relatives and friends, wrote out "recipes", under which the "Sinyavskaya doctor" subscribed.

In addition to music, Tamara adored skates and skis. In winter, when rollers opened in the capital, was among the first visitors. The desire to go to the scene appeared in adolescence when a girl with girlfriends ran into a cinema to watch the "Kuban Cossacks" and the "house in which I live." She learned songs from movies and sang them constantly. And having seen on the screen the Argentine singer and actress Lolitor Torres, Sinyavskaya dreamed of a similar career.

In the graduation class, Tamara decided on the selection - aimed at theatrical university. But Vladimir Loktev, who carefully watched the artist of the ensemble, advised to enter the music school at the Peter Chaikovsky conservatory. Sinyavskaya listened and never regretted. There she met with talented teachers who brought the vocal abilities of the singer to perfection.

In the school of Tamara Sinyavskaya worked, speaking at the choir of the Academic Small Theater. For the speech, Chorists received 5 rubles - money, which was enough for a kilogram of Sevryfi in the exemplary "Eliseevsky" gastronome. In the Small Theater, the Muscovite went on the stage with matrah scenes, whose names in the Soviet Union knew everything.

Personal life

The first marriage of Tamara existed not long. Married to the artist of Ballet, Sergey, the careful singer came out, according to one sources, in 1968, in others - a year before meeting with Muslim Magomaev. She is grateful to his spouse for helping to survive the care of Mom. His parents and brother turned out to be mental people, and about Sergeya said that they were not thrown. However, the Sinyavskaya gone.

Marriage with Muslim Magomaev

The All-Union Pet, in which millions of women were in love, met the beauty on tour in Baku. He introduced young people Robert Christmas. When Muslim introduced himself, Tamara noticed that there was no need for such a popular performer. They rumored that Leonid Brezhnev remembered her first of all as a wife Magomayev.

Roman broke out, but the opera singer bother with her husband did not hurry. Magomayev later said that he fell in love immediately and thought that the Sinyava would always be with him.

Soon Tamara left for an internship in Italy and once a week received a bouquet of roses sent by Muslim. They talked for hours by phone. Once the artist noticed that international relationship was the pleasure of non-seeing, and in response he heard a request never to incur money.

Sinyavskaya and Magomayev married in November 1974. Passports of oscillating lovers in the registry office took a friend-artist. The wedding was celebrated twice - in the Moscow restaurant "Baku" and the homeland of Muslim. The first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev provided an official cottage on this occasion.

For 34 years, all sorts of spouses happened in the personal life of the spouses. Two stars quarreled and parted, but their magnet pulled each other. After one such swelling, it seemed, the relationship could not be saved. Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolay Dobronravov told the leading program "Tonight" Julia Little, which at that time wrote a song "Goodbye, Favorite!". As soon as the composition sounded on the air, reconciliation took place.

"We must be just a fool to consider yourself the main one in the family! And how could it be considered a nipple of the earth next to such an artist and personality, like Muslim?! A woman should always envelop the warm man. "

There were no children in marriage, Tamara Ilinichna all love and attention gave her husband. When Magomayeva did not become, Sinyavskaya went to the gate for 3 years, and in the public appeared 7 years later. In the transfer of "Visiting Dmitry Gordon" she said that Sergey suggested one of the first to help.

Azerbaijan's people call the Singer Gyallin - a beloved daughter-in-law. It is immensely respected for allowing her to bury Muslim not in Moscow, but in Baku, on the honorary allele, next to his grandfather.


The day of Tamara studied, and came in the evenings. He made his debut with a gypsy choir in the production of a "live corpse", where the vocal data of the singers noted and gave solo parties in Cantahs "Alexander Nevsky" and "Moscow". In 1964, Sinyavskaya received a diploma of the music school, passing the exam on the "five with a plus", which was rare in the educational institution. Teachers recommended the graduate to try the forces in the Bolshoi Theater, where at the time a group of travelers was gained.

The adoptive commission of the Great, where Tamara Sinava arrived, unanimously accepted a 20-year-old artist, although the girl had no conservative education. But members of the admissions commission - the world of Musical Art of Boris Pokrovsky, Galina Vishnevskaya and Evgeny Svetlanov understood that they deal with exceptional talent.

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Matters of the Bolshoi Theater did not see the rival in a young benevolent girl, and she did not think about competition: Tamara was intercepted by the Sinari spirit when she went on stage with Irina Arkhipova, Alexander Lyniv Peace and Zurak Andzhaparidze.

In a year, Tamaru Sinyavskaya was accepted into the main structure of the troupe, but the vocalist understood that it was impossible to stop: the Muscovite entered Gitis, where he met the famous vocal teacher Dora Belyavskaya. For the first time, Sinyavskaya heard that she had about what to work on, Dora Borisovna turned the diamond in a diamond.

In the Tamara Theater, Sinyavsky carefully watched the work of Korifeev and Robel. The director Boris Pokrovsky helped to overcome the uncertainty, entrusted to the young singer's role in Opera Giuseppe Verdi Rigoleto. The male party is a couple of girls succeeded, in the theater they made sure that the singer would cope with women's roles, and from travesty.

The mistress of the Tamara Sinyavskaya scene felt herself when the main structure of the troupe went on tour to Milan. In Italy, the only performer of Olga party in the formulation of Evgeny Onegin. The role was entrusted with Sinyavskaya, and she looked at the brilliance, having heard the flight review of the 70-year-old Matra Sergey Lemesheva.

Over 40 years on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater Tamara, Sinyavskaya became a primary, fulfilling all the main opera parties by velvet mezzo-soprano, was considered unique Azzy, Carmen, Marina Mnishek. For the voice range and skill, the singer called the best Russian vocalist of the Italian school. The army of fans of talent Tamara Ilinichna replenished both Russian, and foreign connoisseurs of opera art.

In the repertoire of Sinyavskaya there was French and Italian music, and by performing the party of the Russian opera, the singer felt comfortable. The Russian soul of the Opera Diva was noted by fans who heard the party of Lyubashi in Opere Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov "Tsarist Bride". Its connoisseurs and musical critics are called celebrity in the career.

In addition to the opera aria, the fans fell in love with romances, pop and folk compositions performed by Tamara "Thin Rowan", "Black-eyed Cossack", "night light", "Santa Lucia", "tenderness", "smoke" and many others.

The artist and herself looked like a Cossack - average height (170 cm), dark hair and burning eyes, a statist figure. Sinyavskaya said that he was never distinguished by harmony, and the attempt to lose weight almost led to the loss of votes. But for weight she watched - sat on diets.

In 1970, in Russia a competitive festival named after Tchaikovsky, where Maria Maksakov, Irina Arkhipova, Maria Callas and Tito Gobby were held in Russia. Tamara Sinyavskaya and Elena Exodzova divided the main award - a gold medal, and foreign members of the jury preferred the first. The festival brought the Opera Div all-union popularity and suggestions to perform on world scenes, but Tamara Ilinichna was not chased by glory and did not imagine that he would leave the Bolshoi Theater.

In 2003, the singer left the scene on the career takeoff. She later explained that she chose to leave earlier than hear the words of surprise about the career "long-life".

Tamara Sinyavskaya now

The artist, completing his career, did not refuse art. Today, Professor Tamara Ilyinichna teaches in Gitis, where he is heading the vocal department. Master classes with students save from longing spouse, because the wound did not drague.

In 2019, the singer fell into the department of cardiology. According to the official representative, the weather affected her health. Mackela Casshashvili's girlfriend reassured concerned about journalists, stating that hospitalization is not an emergency, but planned: age such that prevention is necessary.

The Sinyavskaya is called on the stage, offering opera parties in performances, but it meets the unchanged refusal, because it does not want to fall at least down the step, and the forces do not feel for the former height. Tamara Ilinichna established and headed the Foundation for the Cultural and Musical Heritage of Muslim Magomayev, reprinted his book "live in me memories."

Fans created in "Instagram" a page dedicated to an outstanding couple, where the photos and records of concerts publish. The history of love celebrities does not give rest to writers and filmmakers. The composition of the popular biograph of Sofia Benua is called - Muslim Magomayev and Tamara Sinyavskaya.

And in 2020, the TV series "Magomayev", the project, according to producers, a super-resistant and superstrate, who took 6 years came to the television screens. For four of them, the singer participated in writing the scenario, then personally approved the candidacy of Milos Bikovich for the role of Muslim. The young actor due to the Serbian accent had to renounced.

Opera Diva played Irina Antonenko. There is no one hundred percent similar to Tamara Ilinichnaya at Miss Russia - 2010, but such a goal has not been set. Directors wanted to convey sincerity and openness of a woman in which it is impossible not to fall in love.


  • 1973 - "Tsarist Bride"
  • 1970 - "Evgeny Onegin"
  • 1979 - "Ivan Susanin"
  • 1986 - "Prince Igor"
  • 1987 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 1989 - Cycle songs on poems Marina Tsvetaeva
  • 1993 - "Ivan Grozny"
  • 1999 - "Jewish cycle"

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