Frida Calo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Pictures



The brilliant Mexican artist Frido Kalo was often called the female alter-ego Salvador Dali. Critics ranked the author of the "wounded deer" to surrealists, but she died out of this "stamp", stating that the basis of her creativity is not ephemeral allusions and a paradoxical combination of forms, but missed through the prism of personal world perception pain from loss, disappointment and betrayal.

Childhood and youth

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kalo Calderon was born to the Mexican Revolution, on July 6, 1907, in the settlement of Koyoacan (suburb of Mexico City). The mother of the artist Matilda Calderon was the unemployed fanatical Catholic, who kept her husband and children in rigor, and the father of Guillermo Calo, the fellow creativity Beethoven and Schopenhauer, worked as a photographer.

In 6 years, Frida suffered poliomyelitis, as a result of which her right leg was thinner left for several centimeters. Permanent masters of peers (in childhood she had a nickname "Wooden foot") only harden the character of Magdalena. He called everyone who was not accustomed to discouraged the girl, overcoming pain, played with guys in football, went on swimming and boxing classes. Also Kalo knew how to competently mask his flaw. In this she helped long skirts, men's suits and rushes over each other stockings.

It is noteworthy that in the orphanage Frida dreams not a career of the artist, but a profession of a doctor. At the age of 15, she even enrolled in the National Preparatory School "Preparation", in which young giving for a couple of years has studied medicine. Chromonogaya Frida was one of the 35 girls who received an education along with thousands of boys.

In September 1925, an event turned over the life of Magdalena from his legs on the head: a bus on which the 17-year-old Kalo returned home was collided with the tram. Metal railing gave a girl in the stomach, pierced the uterus and went out in the groin area, the spine broke in three places, and even three stockings were disappeared to the foot (the limb could be broken in eleven places).

Three weeks of the young lady lasted in the hospital without consciousness. Despite the statements of the doctors that the injuries received are not compatible with life, father, unlike the spouse, who has never come to the hospital, did not move away from his daughter. Looking at the plaster corset, Frida's fixed body, the man considered the victory every her breath and exhale.

Contrary to forecasts, the laminated medicine, Calo woke up. After returning from that Light Magdalena felt an incredible craving for writing paintings. Father made a special subframe for hotly beloved Chad, allowed to do lying down, and also attached a large mirror under the Bedychin bed so that his daughter could see himself and the space surrounding the works.

After a year, Frida had made his first pencil sketch of the "accident", in which the catastrophe sketch was performed fluently and soulful. Firmly putting on his feet, Kalo in 1929 entered the National Institute of Mexico, and in 1928 he became a member of the Communist Party. At that time, her love for art reached its apogee: Magdalena sat in the afternoon behind the easel in the art studio, and in the evenings, having touched the exotic outfit, hiding her injury, went to the parties.

Elegant, sophisticated Frida certainly kept a glass of wine and cigar in her hands. The obscene sharpness of an extravagant woman forced guests of secular rounds to laugh without stopping. The contrast is striking between the impulsive, cheerful person and imbued with a feeling of hopelessness by the paintings of that period. According to the reports of the Frida itself, her crumpled soul, which she was only on canvas, was hidden for the chival of beautiful robes and the gloss.


Frida Calo became famous for his colorful self-portraits (70 were written in total), the distinguishing feature of which was a fragile eyebrow and the absence of a smile on the face. The artist often framed her figure with the national symbolism ("Self-portrait on the border between Mexico and the United States", "Self-portrait in the form of techuan"), in which he was excellent.

In the works, the artist was not afraid to bare as his own ("without hope", "My Birth", "just a few scratches!") And other people's suffering. In 1939, the fan of Calo's creativity asked her to give a tribute to the memory of their common friend - actress Dorothy Hale (the girl committed suicide, having thrown out of the window). Frida wrote a painting "Suicide Dorothy Hale". The customer came to the horror: instead of a beautiful portrait, consolation for his relatives, Magdalena portrayed a fall scene and a lifeless body that bleed.

Decent attention and work under the name "Two Frida", which the artist wrote after the short-term break from Diego. The inner "I" CALO is presented in the picture in two horseshoes: Frida Mexican, which Rivera lovedly loved, and Frida European, which rejected the beloved. The pain loss is expressed through the image of a bleeding artery that connects the hearts of two ladies.

World fond came to Calo, when in 1938 the first exhibition of her works took place in New York. However, the rapidly deteriorating health of the artist affected her work. The more often Frida went to the operating table, the greatest the paintings were becoming greasy ("thinking about death", "death mask"). The postoperative periods were created by the canvas, which are broken by the echoes of biblical stories - "broken column" and "Moses, or core of creation."

To the opening of the exhibition of its work in Mexico in 1953, Kalo could no longer move on their own. During the day, all the pictures were advised to the presentation, and a beautifully decorated bed, where Magdalena lay down, became a full part of the exposure. A week before death, the artist wrote still life "Long live life", reflecting her attitude to death.

Pictures of Calo had a huge impact on modern painting. One of the exhibitions in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago was devoted to the influence of Magdalena on the world of art and included the works of modern artists, for whom Frida became a source of inspiration and an example for imitation. The exhibition was called "Free: Modern Art after Frida Calo."

Personal life

Back during the years of study, Kalo got acquainted with his future husband - Mexican artist Diego River. In 1929, their paths crossed again. The next year, a 22-year-old girl became a legitimate wife of a 43-year-old painter. Marriage of Diego and Frida Contemporaries in a joke called an union of elephant and doves (the famous artist was much higher and thicker than the spouse). The man was teased by "prince-toas", but no woman could have resist his charm.

Magdalena knew about the infidelity of her husband. In 1937, the artist itself broke out a novel with Lvom Trotsky, whom she gently called "goat" because of gray hair and beard. The fact is that the spouses were zealous communists and on the kindness of spiritual sheltered the revolutionary who had fled from Russia. Ended all the loud scandal, after which Trotsky hurriedly left their home. Also Kalo attributed a novel with the famous poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Everything without exception, the Amur History of Frida is shrouded in secret. Among the alleged lovers of the artist, the singer Chavela Vargas was listed. The reason for the gossip was the frank photos of girls, on which Frida, dressed in a male costume, was drowned in the arms of the artist. However, Diego, openly changed his wife, at her enthusiasm with representatives of the weak half of humanity did not pay attention. Such connections were presented to him frivolous.

Despite the fact that the marital life of two stars of the visual art was not exemplary, Kalo did not cease to dream of children. True, because of the injuries a woman never managed to experience the happiness of motherhood. Frieda tried again and again, but all three pregnancies ended with miscarriage. After the next child's loss, she took up the brush and began to draw children ("Henry Ford Hospital"), mostly the dead - so the artist tried to reconcile with his tragedy.


Calo died a week after the celebration of his 47-day birth (July 13, 1954). The cause of the death of the artist was the inflammation of the lungs. At the funeral of Frida, who were held with all pomp in the Palace of Fine Arts, in addition to Diego River, there were painters, writers and even former President of Mexico Lasar Cardenas. The body of the author of the painting "What did the water gave me" was cremated, and the urn with ashes to this day is in the House-Museum Frida Kalo. In the last words in her diary were:"I hope that care will be successful and I will no longer come back."

In 2002, Hollywood director Julia Taymore presented to the Cinema Freedomy Fituer Fans, the story of which was the story of the life and death of the Great Artist. The Oscar, actress of theater and cinema Salma Hayek, starred in the role of Calo.

Also, the writers Hayden Errera, Jean-Marie Gustave Le Klesiao and Andrea Kettenmann wrote about the star of the visual art of the book.


  • "My Birth"
  • "Death Mask"
  • "Fruit Earth"
  • "What did the water gave me"
  • "Dream"
  • "Self-portrait" ("Diego in thoughts")
  • "Moses" ("core of creation")
  • "Little Lan"
  • "Hugs of Universal Love, Earth, I, Diego and Cathl"
  • "Self-portrait with Stalin"
  • "Without hope"
  • "Nurse and I"
  • "Memory"
  • "Hospital Henry Ford"
  • "Double portrait"

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