Julia Chernova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Julia Chernova is a Russian actress, which played in the New Year's New Year's film "Poor Sasha" a new year-detective film. For her talent, Chernov at the Famil Festival of the Faith Cold "Women in Cinema" was awarded award called "Divine and Inspiration". Also in the piggy bank, Julia's awards there is a prize "Best Girl-Actress".

Childhood and youth

Unfortunately, the biography of Julia Chernovaya is covered with white spots, as the information about life actress is extremely small. It is known that Julia was born on August 2, 1985 in Moscow, brought up with the younger sister. Future actress from four years old hardly studied English, and later began to get involved in ballroom dancing: for artistry and professionalism on stage The girl twice won the competition "Young Muscovy Talents".

Actress Julia Chernova

When Chernova turned six, the parents recorded the daughter in the studio of the artistic word Palace of Pioneers, where she studied at the teacher of Rimma Timofeevna. Since then, Little Julia has dreamed of tieting life with a movie and thought that we were reincarnated in other people in front of the director's chamber - it is not only easy, but also extremely interesting. With the last girl guess, but the first was wrong. From the first double, a beginner actress realized that he was not so simple to play the assigned role. But with his task, Julia coped.

Julia Chernova as a childhood

The Black Relationship with Mom and Pope had a warm relationship, in 1998 interviews, the actress told that it was divided with households by any secret. Parents, in turn, gave hotly beloved daughter with gifts, a whole collection of soft toys was kept in her room and even lived a small live turtle. Julia grew by a quiet and peaceful child, did not go to the discos and, aware of the age, did not use even child cosmetics, while her peers secretly took her mother's mamina or asked the parents to buy cosmetic products for girls.

Julia Chernova

In addition, Julia admitted that in childhood he loved reading detectives and books on biology, listen to classical music and Queen. According to rumors, Chernova studied in an elite educational institution No. 1243 for gifted children, so the beginning actress of the Will-Neils had to approach homework thoughts. Because of the big school load, Chernova had to abandon hotly beloved dances and devote more time lessons.

It is rumored that in school, where Julia studied, kids celebrates, for example, Konstantin Raykin's daughter and granddaughter Natalia Varley. After receiving the certificate of middle education, Chernov continued to study, her choice fell on Gityis: being a student, Julia attended the Creative Workshop of Sergey Anatolyevich Golomazov. In 2006, the girl received a diploma.


Few to some actors manage to boast the debut major role in the popular film. For the most part of the star at the skill of the cinema, the thorny creative way with fleeting roles began, constantly nomadsya from casting to the casting to snatch at least a small character appearing in the massacre in the script.

But Julia Chernov became the exception. In his first film directed by Tigran Keosayan, which is called "poor Sasha" (1997), a beginner actress has fallen due to the teacher on the artistic word. Yulin starting in the cinema began brilliantly, the 12-year-old girl in Vomig acquired recognition and glory. But the subsequent career was not so successful: now the talented actress is only seven filmmakers.

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In the New Year's Drama "Poor Sasha" the director showed that the rich is also crying not only in the Mexican TV series, but also in Russia, in the usual Moscow family. The plot of the paintings revolves around a little girl who lacks parental love, because her mother is a famous banker and devotes all his free time, but finances. But Sasha decides to change this world for the better, so it goes on a bold step.

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The beginner actress was very lucky, because Julia worked on one film closure with Alexander Zbruyev, faith of verbal, Olga Volkova, Valery Garkalin, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and many other actors. Next, the young actress followed the proposal to participate in the outer picture of Yucca (1998), where the girl played with Elena Yakovleva, Igor Barochny and Boris Shcherbakov. Mom of Julia confessed that her daughter really wanted to participate in the new fairy tale of Tigran Keosayan, but the role was given to the daughter of the director.

Julia Chernova, Vera Glagolev and Alexander Zbruev

Also, Chernov managed to play in the advertisement "invite plus" and for the cover of the popular magazine "Marusya". In 2002, Julia Chernova played an episodic role in the series "Main roles". Further, the girl lit up in the Motheric Drama of Olga Korzh's eyes, where Svetlana Timofeeva-Letlanovskaya, Alexander Naumov and Maxim Averin were performed.

A year later, Chernov took part in the series "Emergency", telling about the famous surgeon Oleg Gromov (Yaroslav Boyko), who after the death of his wife lost the meaning of life. This man did everything to forget the past, therefore, a wealthy doctor moved to a provincial town and began to work in a municipal hospital. In 2015, Julia appeared in the continuation of the drama - in the series "Emergency-2".

Personal life

Personal life Chernova is similar to the book for seven seals. Unfortunately, information about the talented actress is only a drop in the limitless space of the network.

Julia Chernova

Fans of the film "Poor Sasha" are still guessing, is there a black husband and children. However, according to unofficial information, Julia brings up a daughter. Official page in "Instagram" from the actress, unfortunately, no.

Julia Chernova now

The last time on the screens of TVs Julia Chernova appeared in 2014, it was the series "Roshovnik's aroma", which talks about the life of ordinary village people. Most of the actions of the series takes place on a weaving factory, where the main part of the inhabitants of this small area works.

Actress Julia Chernova

What does the actress in 2017 do - unknown. But the fans are looking forward to when Chernova will replenish the filmography of another major role. It is rumored that Julia is showing acting skills not on the set, but on the stage of the theater.


  • 1997 - "Poor Sasha"
  • 1998 - "Yucca"
  • 2002 - "Main roles"
  • 2002 - "Eyes Olga Korzh"
  • 2003 - "Emergency"
  • 2005 - "Emergency-2"
  • 2014 - "Rose Hip Aroma"

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