Ivan Kalita - biography, photo, personal life, the rule of the prince



Prince of Moscow Ivan I Danilovich Kalita became famous in history as a diplomatic ruler, expanding the territory of the principality. He established relations with Ordi Khan. In 2001, Ivan Kalitu was erected into the face of localities of Saints Moscow.

Prince Moscow Ivan Kalita

Childhood Ivan Kalita, born in Moscow, is not remarkable for historians. It was an ordinary Yunet, grew in the family of Prince Danille Alexandrovich and the spouse of the ruler. As a child, the boy constantly heard the stories about the Tatars, which and then committed raids on Russia. Many elders have experienced fear. An unpleasant feeling was handed over to the little Ivan, the more even in early childhood the boy witnessed the seizure of Moscow.

Since infant boyars, his father told the future ruler about what was happening in the state. In 3 years, the child was put on the horse and began to train horseback riding. Immediately after this ceremony, the boy was transferred to man caregivers. The teachers paid more attention to the basics of the Board, as Prince Daniel Moscow wanted to see at the head of Ivan, and not the eldest son of Yuri.

Prince Daniel Moscow, Father Ivan Kalita

Ivan Kalita walked cautious and judicial Junc in contrast to his brother, which was distinguished by an unexpected, sharp temperament. In 1303 Daniel dies. A 21-year-old Yuri will be asked for the throne, and the 15-year-old Ivan became an assistant to Prince. While the elder brother was in departure, Ivan had to defend Pereslavl. Hard character, excellent preparation helped to survive, despite the small number of the army.

Diplomatic negotiations with Khana lead to terrible consequences. During a trip to the Golden Horde, the new ruler is killed. The throne passes, as was planned by Daniel Moscow, younger son - Ivan Kalita.

Governing body

Ivan Kalita is an unusual ruler. From the first days, the prince did not conquer new territories, but began to promote Orthodoxy. On behalf of the ruler from Vladimir, Metropolitan residence was postponed from Vladimir. Thus, the city turned into the spiritual capital of Russia. Moscow's authority has increased.

Moscow at Ivan Kalita

Problems with division of land began in 1327, when the people rebelled in Tver, and later killed the Orda ambassador. Ivan Kalita went to Khan, who issued a label to the ruler to the Grand Diction. Together with the Suzdalians, the prince mowed Tver, while Alexander Mikhailovich Tver escaped from possible punishment in Novgorod (later found in Pskov).

After a year, Khan Uzbek decided to divide the principalities between Ivan and Alexander Vasilyevich Suzdal. Novgorod and Kostroma moved to Kalita, and the second prince is Nizhny Novgorod and Gorodets. In 1331, Alexander Vasilyevich dies, the throne occupies Konstantin. At this time, the territories subordinate to the princess Suzdal returned to the Grand Duchy.

Print Ivan Kalita

In the period from 1328 to 1330, Ivan Kalita concludes two favorable marriages - daughters marry Vasily Yaroslavsky and Konstantin Rostovsky. Unions are beneficial for the ruler, since the dies have passed into the disposal of the prince. The tension between Moscow and Novgorod reached a peak in 1331.

The conflict began with the refusal of Metropolitan Feoganost to put the Archbishop of Novgorod Arsenia. The post gave Vasily Kalics. At this time, Kalita shows the requirements for the payment of increased Dani. The refusal leads to the indignation of the ruler - the prince is put forward with the army in the Novgorod land. It did not come to hostilities, as Ivan planned to solve the issue of the world.

Ivan Kalita Territory Map

The behavior of Kalita, namely, the marriage of Symeon's son with Aigous, the daughter of Gedimin, was concerned with the fear of Novgorod. The rulers decided to act: the invitation was followed by the invitation of Narimunta, who was given the fortress of the nuts, Ladoga, Korologis, half of Corgana. In return, Alexander Narimuntovich came to edit, while his father stayed in Lithuania. Support from such a union Novgorod did not wait. The marmaist did not come to fight against the Swedes and withdrawing the Son from the lands.

Only in 1336, after the Metropolitan Feoganut was intervened, the world comes between Novgorod and Kalita. Prince Ivan receives the desired tribute and the title of the Novgorod ruler. Gedimine tried to take revenge on Novgorod land for the world prisonered with Moscow, but the war never started.

Ivan Kalita

In 1337, Alexander Tver, together with his son executed. Khan accepted such a decision after the bottom of Ivan Kalita. Soon the prince returns to Moscow. By order of the ruler, a bell is removed from the Church of St. Savior and transported to the capital. Kalita subordinates Brother Alexander Mikhailovich.

In the biography of Kalita there is a lot of conquering campaigns against dismissal princes. In 1339, the Moscow army was sent to Smolensk due to unwillingness to pay tribute to Horde. The conflict between Novgorod and Moscow is reborn again. It was not possible to solve the dispute of Ivan until the end of the life.

Spiritual diploma of Ivan Kalita

Policy Ivan Kalita is called ambiguous. The prince on the territory of the Moscow state builds several temples: Savior Cathedral on Bor, Assumption Cathedral, Arkhangelsky Cathedral, Church of John the Distrownger. During the reign (from 1328 to 1340), the new Moscow Kremlin from oak pulls the Kalita. The ruler features a thrust for faith. Shortly before the death of Ivan writes the Siya Gospel. Now Scripture is located in the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Contemporaries Kalitis characterized the ruler as a flexible and persistent prince. Han Horde respected and trusted Muscovite. It helped to save Moscow from the raids of the Ordans. The welfare of subjects grew, discontent disappeared. Ivan Danilovich got rid of the princess from looting and wars for 40 years. Kalita ruthlessly straightened with opponents, the folk unrest was stopped because of Dani.

Prince Moscow Ivan Kalita

Ivan I reached an unprecedented effect on some land, including Novgorod, Tver and Pskov. During the years of reign, the prince has accumulated wealth, which inherited children and grandchildren, including Dmitry Donskoy. Of the recognition of the heir, it was necessary that Kalita acquired land in other princes.

Personal life

Ivan Kalita was combined with marriage bonds twice. In 1319, Elena became the ruler. Historical data on the origin of the girl is not preserved. They had four sons - Simeon, Daniel, Ivan and Andrei. An unknown disease sucks the health of the princely spouse.

Portrait of Ivan Kalita

In 1332, Elena died, and a year later Ivan married. The choices was Ulyana. Four daughters appeared in marriage - Maria, Eudokia, Feeodosia, Feotinia. Kalita with personal advantage issued girls married. The prince raised the only condition - the ruler will manage the governments himself.


A few months before the death of Ivan Kalita took a post. Preventing the distribution between sons, the ruler distributed property during life. Simeon Proud became the owner of two thirds inheritance. Father left him as a patron of younger children. Kalita on the mortal appared of the state. Such a division made it possible to avoid crushing the Moscow principality. The death of the prince came in March 1340. The funeral was held in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral, built on the orders of Ivan I.

Death of Ivan Kalita

The story does not know the other such ruler, just as talleling for Moscow. The city was transformed during the reign of Ivan Kalita. The brutal killings of opponents did not perform the prince over the years of government, unlike his brother. From Ivan I went the tradition to give nickname ruler. Kalita means a wallet or a leather bag for storing coins.


There is a legend, according to which the prince heard a generous man.

"In the summer 6837 (i.e. in 1329 - approx.) Prince Great Ivan Danilovich walked to the world in Veliky Novgorod and stood in Torzhok. And they came to him with a holy rescue pretending with a bowl, 12 husbands on the feast. And they exclaimed 12 husbands, pretending to Saint Savory: "God give a lot of summer to the Great Prince Ivan Danilovich All Russia. Vasta, feeding their own. " And the prince of Great asked Boyar and old people of Novotorgers: "What did these people come to me?"

Ivan Ivan Kalita icons

And they told him the guys of Novotorzhetsi: "This is Mr., pretending to Saint Savior, and that cup gave them 40 Call came from Jerusalem." And the prince of the great looked at their bowl, put it on his topic and said: "What, brothers, take my contribution to this bowl?" The pretenna responded: "What do we regret, then take." And the prince of the Great gave them the hryvnia a new contribution: "And go to me in every week and take me two bowls of beer, the third - honey. Also walk to the governors of mine and to enjoy the weddings, and take yourself three bowls of beer. "


In those days, the rulers were portrayed in pictures, so you can only assume that Ivan Kalita looked into the photo. The accent on the appearance of the Prince's contemporaries did not do, but described the character and behavior. For example, Kalita is a calculating man, differed by the mind. The ruler was called merciful. Kalita often reached the poor during travels in Russia. Requests of the people tried to perform. The same man Ivan I filed several times.

Ivan Kalita gives alms

In the modern world about the Moscow ruler do not forget. For example, specialists have developed a unique car at the Moskvich plant. Vehicle called "Moskvich" Ivan Kalita ". In 2006, in the Moscow region for the first time, the Order of Ivan Kalita was presented, the medal of the Order of Ivan Kalita.

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