Mikhail Lomonosov - biography, photos, personal life, science and title



It is unlikely that there is such a person in the world who does not know who Lomonosov is. Mikhail Vasilyevich is a brilliant Russian scientist who made an indisputable contribution to many industries. He first opened a chemical laboratory, made many physical discoveries and improved Russian.

Childhood and youth

Biography of Lomonosov is similar to the sphinx riddle, because the name of Mikhail Vasilyevich is surrounded not only by the haloes of mystery, but also speculation and non-relieves. For example, some writers argue that the Russian genius was born in a poor family, which barely reduced the ends with the ends, and then, as if driven by unknown force, went to the very heart of Russia.

Portrait of Mikhail Lomonosov

Lomonosov appeared on the light 8 (19) of November 1711 in the village of Mishansky Kurostrovskaya Vosti (now Lomonosovo village, Arkhangelsk region). The boy grew and brought up the only child in the wealthy family of Pomor Vasily Dorofeevich, who heard the merchant and industrially fisheries on his own courts.

According to the memories of Mikhail Vasilyevich, his father was a good man, but extremely ignorant. When the gifted boy turned 9 years old, his mother Elena Ivanovna died. After the death of Spouse, Vasily Dorofeevich tried to build happiness with a certain farm Mikhailskoye. But this beloved suffered the same fate: Theodore died in 1724, three years after marriage.

Mikhail Lomonosov in youth

In the same 1724 Lomonosov, the elder marries the third time on the widowed Irina Semenovna Korean, which appeared for the 13-year-old Mikhail in the image of an evil and envious stepmother, who poisoned the life of a little stepskey.

They say that Mikhail from ten years helped Vasily Lomonosov to catch fish. Father and son either light nor dawned with a woven network and went to the White Sea. Mikhail Vasilyevich adored to swim on endless water spaces, admire the blue ice waves, the beauty of blue ice and the remote shore. And all the dangers found on the way, on the contrary, have ordered the physical forces of the young man. Numerous observations of Lomonosov enriched his mind reflections about the nature of nature.

Passport Mikhail Lomonosov

It is known that Mikhail Vasilyevich was addicted to reading books from an early age. Young Lomonosov began to train a literacy Local Dyacter S. N. Sabelnikov, who taught the young man algebra, grammar, and also introduced to the amazing world of literature. Being a 14-year-old teenager, Mikhail read well, so Corpel's days and nights over various textbooks. We can say that he jealously swallowed one book after another, trying to put new information in the piggy bank.

Many people know the legend from school bench that Mikhail Vasilyevich, who thirsty of new discoveries, went on foot to Moscow in order to receive a decent education. The reason for such an extraordinary act was the unbearable existence in the hometown, namely endless conflicts with Irina Semenovna.

Hand writing Mikhail Lomonosov

The stepmother did not like that Michael is spending all his free time for turning books. In addition, Vasily Dorofeyevich wanted to marry his offspring and therefore secretly found himself a bride. Having learned about the idea of ​​the Father, Lomonosov took a cunning: a young man run into bed and pretended to be sick, so the wedding rite had to be postponed until "recovery".

The burdens of life, Lomonosov, not thinking, collecting things (two shirts, Tulup and several books), waiting for the night and, without giving up with a stepmother, nor with her father, secretly runs away from the house. On the third day of the walk, in December 1730, the young man caught up the caravan and asked for fishermen permission to go to the far path with them. Three weeks of wandering on snowy snowdrifts, in January 1731, Mikhail Vasilyevich arrived in the capital. The approximate distance from his native village to the heart of Russia is 1160 km.

Mikhail Lomonosov in youth

Among scientists to this day there are disputes, because some are confident that the 19-year-old young man could not overcome such a distance on foot, especially in winter. However, the fact that Lomonosov traveled with the fishing route means that a young man often alternated rest on the carts and hiking. According to another version, Mikhail Vasilyevich did a significant part of the path on horseback. Lomonosov wanted to become a student of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, therefore, to make an idea, he faked documents and began for the rectorate of the descendant of Holmogorsk nobleman.

Mikhail Lomonosov in the Slavic Greco-Latin Academy

Mikhail Vasilyevich stayed in an educational institution for five years, during that time he studied Latin, theological books and met the "then" science. According to the memoirs of a scientist, fellow students have fun at the academy, as Lomonosov was poorly dressed (he was content with one altyma a day). In 1735, Mikhail Vasilyevich was enrolled in the University of St. Petersburg at the Academy of Sciences, where Mathematics, physicists have suffered, and tried to engage poems.

After a year, in March, Mikhail Vasilievich and another twelve able disciples of the university by decision of the Academy of Sciences are sent to study to Europe. Abroad Lomonosov stayed five years, but young people were constantly faced with turmoil. The educational institution delayed with the transfer of money, so many students had to live in debt. Initially, Mikhail Vasilyevich studied in Marburg, but then moved to Freiberg (Germany).

Diploma Mikhail Lomonosov

There, Lomonosov met his mentor a gekel, who trained the student of metallurgy and mining. In 1739, conflict arose between Mikhail Vasilyevich and Minnerologist I. Genkel. A stumbling block was the refusal of a young scientist to perform draft work. The voltage between the teacher and students grew up at the speed of light, it came to the fact that Johann refused to give his "subordinate" money for content. In 1740, Mikhail Vasilyevich, capturing the inspiration weights with the girks, once and forever left Freiberg.

Science and literature

It is rumored that Mikhail Vasilyevich possessed not only a brilliant mind, but also a phenomenal intuition and even psychic: he penetrated the mystery of the universe of one strength of thought and made discoveries, leading time. Moreover, it is surprising that the genius was a brilliant erudite in any of the regions, whether physical phenomena, chemical transformations, or a combination of strings in the poem.

Moreover, the great poets, such as Alexander Pushkin and Vasily Zhukovsky, and "Ode on the Day of Eden on the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty of the Empress of Empress Eyezaveta Petrovna 1747" is an undisputed monument of Russian literature on the creations of Lomonosov.

Mikhail Lomonosov in Higher Society

It is reliably known that Mikhail Vasilyevich seriously began to study science in 1737-1738. Proof of success in comprehending the natural and accurate sciences, the debut work of Lomonosov became a young student, which is called "On the conversion of a solid in liquid, depending on the movement of the previous fluid," where the scientist considered various aggregate states. And for the dissertation "On Metal Brilliance", Mikhail Vasilyevich in 1745 was awarded the professorial title. After receiving the title in the science of Lomonosov became nobleman.

Mikhail Lomonosov in a chemical labarian

It is worth saying that the results obtained during the chemical and physical experiments of the scientist were distinguished by accuracy, Mikhail Vasilyevich was practically mistaken in his conclusions. His scientific works helped contemporaries from alchemy and natural philosophy to the current methods of natural science. He formulated the foundations of the kinetic theory of gases, opened the law of conservation of energy, explained the secret of thunderstorm and northern lights, made colored glasses and paints, subjected to chemical analysis of ore. It was he who came up with the foundations of physical chemistry.

Book Mikhail Lomonosov

Mikhail Vasilyevich, supporting the works of Copernicus, often studied astronomy: a talented scientist became the atmosphere opener on Venus, he also owns the creation of multiple expeditions and improving a reflective telescope (Lomonosov-Herschel system). Also, the chemist became one of the first servants of the science, who guessed that the star called the Sun is a huge fireball, because "there are fiery shafts strive, whirlwinds are spinning and stones, like water, boil."

Aerodromic Machine Mikhail Lomonosov

Among other things, Lomonosov introduced new concepts to the Russian language (horizon, refraction of rays, atom, molecule, temperature, etc.), giving him a scientific style, because previously the technical terms were designated in Latin words that were incomprehensible to the people. Lomonosov was so applied to the time that some of his works were published only after the death of a scientist, because, during the life of Mikhail Vasilyevich, they were classified and did not publish whole centuries.

House Mikhail Lomonosov on Moika, St. Petersburg

Once the genius wrote a letter to his friend Alexander Shuvalov, who was a trustee of Elizabeth Petrovna and Favorite Peter III. In that manuscript, Mikhail Vasilyevich argued about the preservation and reproduction of the Russian people. But even such an educated person, like Alexander Ivanovich, preferred to hide the Message of Lomonosov under the Sukno, retaining him from the eyes of the public.

Personal life

From the autumn of 1736, Lomonosov began to rent a room from the widow of the Marburg Brewwood. There was also a 19-year-old daughter of the hostess - Elizabeth Tsilch, which was waiting for children from Mikhail Vasilyevich. Beloved got married on May 26, 1740 in Marburg. The first daughter of the scientist Ekaterina-Elizabeth was born out of marriage, therefore was considered illegitimate. The girl died in 1743.

Mikhail Lomonosov with his wife

On December 22, 1741, Mikhail Lomonosov again becomes Father. The wife gives the servant of the science of the Son, who was called Ivan. In 1742, a year old boy also died. In 1749, Elena girl is born in the Lomonosov family, who became the only surviving child. Thus, Mikhail Vasilyevich did not leave the descendants who could continue the creation of Lomonosov (the scientist had no sons).


The Great Scientist died 4 (15) April 1765 at the 54th year of life. The cause of death is the inflammation of the lungs. The following year, after the death of the minister of science, the book "Ancient Russian history from the beginning of the Russian people before the death of the Grand Duke Yaroslav of the first or up to 1054" was published in two volumes. The second volume of Lomonosov did not have time to write.

Mikhail Lomonosov's grave

It is known that when Mikhail Vasilyevich did not become, Grigory Orlov (by order Catherine II) sealed the preserved manuscripts of Lomonosov. Later, the library and the paper of the scientist were transported to the palace and soon Kanuli in the fly. According to rumors, the closest to power was afraid that the documents of Lomonosov "will fall in the hands of the hands." The grave of genius is located in the Lazarevsky cemetery.

Interesting Facts

  • The journalist Dmitry Semushin is confident that the parent of the scientist did not engage in the navigation, and his belonging to Poms - only a beautiful myth. The fact is that in the preserved documents with information about the father of Lomonosov, it is said that the head of the family was a peasant of Kuroostrovskaya parish and Dvignin, and there is no single word about the poms in this help. The biography of the scientist wrote a talented Russian historian Vladimir Ivanovich Laman, who did from Lomonosov the Son of the Fish merchant, and his work influenced further "Lomonosov".
Monument to Mikhail Lomonosov
  • Mikhail Vasilyevich contemporaries said that the scientist had a steep temper. Once he even entered into custody because of a drunken deba.
  • For ODU, who praises Elizabeth Petrovna, the scientist received two thousand rubles as a reward. True, at the time of issuing money, there were only copper coins in the royal execution, so Mikhail Afanasyevich had to rent two carts to immerse cash.
  • In Germany, Mikhail Vasilyevich met the inquisitive young man by Georg Richman, who showed a living interest in the work of the scientist. By participating in one of the experiments, Georg died from ball lightning.
  • In honor of the scientist in 1986, the Mihailo Lomonosov Middle Series was released.
  • Mikhail Vasilyevich became the founder of the University, located in Moscow (Moscow State University).

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