Vasily Zhukovsky - biography, photo, personal life, books, fairy tales



Russian Writer, Poet, Translator Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky was born on February 9, 1783. Fame came to the Creator thanks to the translations and fairy tales "Sleeping Tsarevna", "Tale of Tsar Berendee."

Portrait of Vasily Zhukovsky

About the birth of Vasily Zhukovsky is lay down legends. It is known that the parents of the talented writer were second major and landowner, the Tula, Kaluga province of Afanasy Ivanovich Bunin and Turkhanka Salha, who after baptism received the name Elizabeth Dementievna Turchaninov. In historical references it is said that a man was married to Maria Grigorievna Bunina. But the Union did not bring the heir to the landowner. This was the reason for Tolchaninov's concubine. The girl presented the desired son Bunin.

Andrei Grigorievich Zhukovsky adopted the boy, despite the fact that at the courtyard they knew who Father Vasily. Steph was from impoverished Kiev landowners. The historian of Literature I. Yu. Vinitsky believes that the situation with the birth of the heir was more difficult, rather than pose in numerous biographies of the writer.

Vasily Zhukovsky in youth

At the 2nd age, Vasily, at the request of the Father Bunin, became a sergeant of the Astrakhan Gusar Regiment. After 4 years, announced the issuance of the Zhukovsky new rank - ensign. Shortly after this young soldier, dismissed. In 1789, teacher Ekim Ivanovich arrives to the boy. Unfortunately, the German's proper pedagogical skill was not, therefore, learning to herself took the adopted father Andrei Zhukovsky.

A year later, the Bunin family moves to Tula. Teachers of Pokrovsky are invited immediately to Vasilia. The teacher at that time heard the writer and fan of classicism. But the restless character of Zhukovsky led to the fact that Pokrovsky refused to work with a young man. Father Vasily Teacher said that the guy's talent is absent, therefore there is no point in training.

Vasily Zhukovsky in youth

The inheritance of Athanasius Bunin after his death passed daughters. Zhukovsky got 10,000 rubles. At the time, it was a significant amount. Another year after the death of Father, Vasily visited the boarding school, then passed the exams for admission to the National People's School. After a few months of study in the Zhukovsky institution, they drive out for the inability to comprehend science.

Vasily decides to move to the pivot sister Varvar Yushkova. On the territory of the manor of the young woman was located home theater. Here Zhukovsky first realized that he wants to become a playwright. In 1794, the writer creates the first tragedy on the plot of Plutarch "Camill, or the liberated Rome." Later, a melodrama appears from the pen of Vasily, which is based on the novel "Paul and Virginia".

Young Vasily Zhukovsky

Homemade education could not give the necessary knowledge Zhukovsky, so a summary sister defines Vasily to Moscow University Pension. On the exam, the poet demonstrated a high level of French ownership and partly German languages. The boarding school rated the knowledge of the knowledge of literature. At the University of Zhukovsky made friends with Andrey Turgenev. The young man significantly influenced the further work of the writer. In the guest house, Vasily Andreevich writes the first poems, including the Major Morning.


The creative path of Vasily Zhukovsky was a thorny and not easy. Come on the life of poetry or prose the writer could not, so it was taken for translations. Zhukovsky's talent on this field was highly appreciated by contemporaries, including Platon Beketov, the owner of the largest printing house. Back in Moscow University Guest House, Vasily Andreevich met Nikolai Karamzin, who became a teacher and mentor for Zhukovsky for many years.

Nikolay Karamzin

The reformer of the Russian literary language considered his duty to criticize the work of the ward. But Karamzin did not forget about praise. The teacher always marked the successful statements and turnover used by Zhukovsky in the works. From 1808 to 1820, the poet was in a romantic-artistic search.

This is brightly manifested in the ballads of the time, for example in Lyudmila. Interestingly, the work is a creative translation of the German poet G. A. Burger. In Lyudmila, Zhukovsky reveals lyrical sentiment present in his life.

Ivan Krylov, Alexander Pushkin, Vasily Zhukovsky and Nikolai Galotch in the summer garden

4 years it took Vasily Andreevich to create Svetlana ballad. The poem is based on Lenor, created by G. A. Burger. The work is different from Lyudmila with cheerfulness and fun. Friend Zhukovsky A.S. Pushkin highly appreciated the work of the master.

Inalienable part of life, Vasily Zhukovsky remained translations. The poet had a natural gift that allowed him to translate the best poems, the ballads of world literature. Vasily Andreevich fully revealed traditional German fabulousness and passed the magic of the poem by I. Goethe "Forest Tsar" during translation into Russian.

Book Vasily Zhukovsky

Zhukovsky liked to create, so the writer often translated the works of famous poets, but at the same time did not forget about his own work. In 1822, Vasily Andreevich introduces society from Elegy, created in the spirit of romanticism, "Sea". The author called his admiration for beauty that surrounds people. Later, Zhukovsky began to translate ballads "Cup" created by I. Schiller. The translator worked over the work of 6 years. In those days, there was no need for literal retelling - it was enough to convey the meaning, sensation, emotions of the work.

Poems Vasily Zhukovsky

From time to time, Vasily Zhukovsky helped children comprehend science, including literature. Tight communication with the boys and girls of different ages pushed to writing fairy tales. About 30 years required Zhukovsky to create seven fairy tales, which to this day remain popular among adults and babies. Among the creations of Vasily Andreevich "Red Carbunkul", "Tale of Tsar Berendei", "Sleeping Tsarevna", "War of Mice and Frog", "Tulipped Tree", "Cat in Boots", "Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and a gray Wolf" .

Collection in the office of Vasily Zhukovsky

In the fairy tales, Zhukovsky preferred to go to bright experiments. The writer applied fine-expressive language of the language, played with poetic dimensions. Vasily Andreevich was fascinated by unreal, mysterious and partly the scary worlds, which were brightly manifested in the works of Tika, Novis and Hoffman. This was reflected in Zhukovsky's fairy tales.

Tales of Vasily Zhukovsky

Sometimes an interest among the writer to the national poetic direction arose. The Creator tried to unite European mystery and a local folklore in the books of fairy tales. A year before the death of Zhukovsky writes two magical poems "Cat and a goat" and "bird". The author dedicated his daughter and son.

Mentor of the royal family

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky comes to the service for the royal family in 1815. Within two years, the writer worked by the Mother Empress Fedorovna's Mother of Mary Fedorovna. The writer will hold the next 25 years in the court service. The photo of that time is practically not survived.

In 1817, Zhukovsky proceeds to pedagogical activities. The teacher teaches the Russian language and literature to his wife Nikolai First - Alexander Fedorovna, later the lessons of Vasily Andreevich visits the wife of Mikhail Pavlovich Elena Pavlovna. Zhukovsky gradually expanded the wards around the world, including a philosophy, history, pedagogy and aesthetics program.

Emperor Nicholas I and Alexander Fedorovna

Experience, knowledge allowed Zhukovsky to advance through the career ladder. Vasily Andreevich was appointed by Tsearevich's mentor. From this time, the author of fairy tales, poems and ballads became the head of educators and teachers who workers in the royal family. Zhukovsky recognized that in a new position he could "create good."

Career Mentor Cesarevich meant responsibility to a small boy and a big state, so the teacher reads and re-read the artistic, pedagogical, philosophical literature. The first classes with Cesarevich took place in the fall of 1826. By this time, Zhukovsky prepared the library to the heir to the throne and developed a training plan, a day schedule, which approved the king.

Vasily Zhukovsky - Mentor Alexander II

Vasily Andreevich answered Russian grammar, physics, history of man, history and geography. Lessons who led other teachers were not without the attention of Zhukovsky. The writer gave teachers recommendations, how best to teach one or another item. Vasily Andreevich wanted to see in the Russian throne of the educated king, so the court invited scientists. Zhukovsky had its own vision of the future ruler. Cesarevich should strive for education, but it is impossible to forget about mentality.

"Where the ruler loves the national benefit, there and the people love the rule of the ruler," said Vasily Andreevich.

Within 12 years, the mentor trained the heir to the throne, only when Cesarevich became adults, officially work at the court for Zhukovsky ended. For goodbye, Prince Alexander received a gift from the teacher - "Educational Travel". The future ruler, together with Zhukovsky, went on a trip to the cities of Russia and the countries of Western Europe.

Vasily Zhukovsky

Vasily Andreevich independently made a route, during the trip in which Zesarevich met his state. Meanwhile, in 1841, the relations of the royal court and Zhukovsky were ran to the limit. The writer received a resignation and went to Germany.

Personal life

In the 56th age, Vasily Zhukovsky met with 17-year-old Elizabeth Evgrafa Reiterne. At first glance, the romantic writer fell in love with the young girl, but the father who was a friend of Vasily Andreevich, expressed protest to the marriage. Zhukovsky did not want to retreat, so a year later made the offer Elizabeth. Loving lady gave a positive answer.

Vasily Zhukovsky with his wife Elizabeth

In 1841, the Union's conclusion was held in Dusseldorf. Unfortunately, the marriage was not easy. Elizabeth was constantly sick, was susceptible to nervous breakdowns. Frequent miscarriages did not allow the dream of Zhukovsky about children. But a year after the wedding, Alexander girl appeared in the family. After three years later, Paul's boy. Due to the ailments of the spouse, the elderly man had to take over all the duties around the house and the upbringing of children.

Vasily Zhukovsky in recent years

The children of Zhukovsky did not become writers. Alexander Vasilyevna consisted in a morganotic marriage with Prince Alexei Aleksandrovich, but later the union broke up. Zhukovskaya presented him with a sole son. Later, the girl married Barona and became a baroness of Verman.

About Pavel Vasilyevich knows a lot. The brush of the artist will be submitted, but the canvas were not the only passion of the Son Zhukovsky. The man became the initiator of the Organization of the Bellev Instant Museum, developed a project building of the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow.


Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky for a long time lived in Baden-Baden. In 1851, the disease came to him. One eye of the writer stopped seeing, so the Creator was recommended to spend more time in a dark room. Despite the problems with health, Vasily Andreevich passionately wanted to return to his homeland - to Russia. Supported in this writer Chaadaev and Gogol.

Vasily Zhukovsky's grave

On July 14, 1851, Zhukovsky's family was to go on the road, but this did not happen, since the man had an eye in his eyes. Alone to write and read Vasily Andreevich could not. The writer helped the spouse and valet. The state of health of Zhukovsky was rapidly deteriorating, so the author of poems and ballads asks to come to Baden Vyazemsky.

Finally, there is a break of Vasily Andreevich after the death of Gogol. And on April 12, 1852, he did not become the writer himself. The author of fairy tales "On Tsar Berendei" and "Sleeping Tsarevna" was buried in a special crypt, on the walls of which the lines of his poems were carved. Knowing the love of the writer to Russia, in August 1852, the Camperine transports the dust of Zhukovsky to Petersburg. Now the grave of the poet, the translator and the teacher is located at the Tikhvin cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra, not far from the Mogile N. Karamzin.


  • 1808 - "Lyudmila"
  • 1812 - Svetlana
  • 1818 - "Forest Tsar"
  • 1822 - "Sea"
  • 1825-1831 - "Cup"
  • 1831 - "Sleeping Tsarevna"
  • 1831 - "About Tsar Berende"
  • 1845 - "On Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf"
  • 1851 - "Cat and a goat"
  • 1851 - "Bird"

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