Unana Chaplin - biography, photo, personal life, news, filmography, "Game of Thrones" 2021



Mexican actress of theater and cinema, in whose genes blood flows the famous Pantomime Charlie Chaplin and the Nobel laureate on the literature of Yujina O'Neill, Unparent Chaplin was remembered by the audience on the roles in the television series "Sherlock", "Game of Thrones", "Black Mirror" and "Taba" .

Childhood and youth

On June 4, 1986, in Madrid, the Chilean cinematographer Patricio Castille and his wives of the British-American actress Geraldine Chaplin was born a daughter, which was called ya. Due to the specifics of the work of the parents, the family often moved. In childhood, Chaplin managed to live in Spain, and in England, and in Scotland, and even in Cuba.

Actress Unna Chaplin

At a young age, the mother of the future actress gave her to a dance school in which the girl learned to dance Salsa and Flamenco. In 15 years, young admission was lucky to get into the Alma Mater Prince Charles Wellza, located in the northern part of the Scottish coast of Alma Mater, School Gordonstone. During study, UNU participated in the theatrical productions of adaptations of the works of Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" and "Sleeping on the Summer Night", and also repeatedly left the troupe on tour to nearby cities.

Una Chaplin with parents

At the end of the educational institution, the ambitious young lady entered the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, in which the actors of Anthony Hopkins, Timothy Dalton, Alan Rickman and Joan Collins were studying at different times. Like a talented jeweler who eats a passion for precious stones, teachers gave the cut Talent Chaplin, told the fasteners of the Mystery of the Mysteries profession.

Having received a diploma in 2007, it began to conquer the cinematic Olympus. Looking at the same year in the episode of the British TV series "Ghosts", the girl laid the beginning of his brilliant acting career.


In 2008, three filmmakers were released on large screens with Chaplin: "unthinkable", "Kvant Mercy" and "Ghosts: Code 9". After a year, the actress got the main role in the film director Stefano Besoni "Image of death". In Art House Horror, Una reincarnated to the student Arianna, which decides to unite with his beloved Bruno (Alberto Amaryill) to perform the photographic task of Professor Caligari (Alex Angulo).

Unana Chaplin in the film

While working on the project, the guy begins to see the dead students. One of the dead leads a young man to the local abandoned cave, in which Bruno detects a tanatoscope - a device that allows you to transfer the latter seen before death. Image from the retina of the deceased eye on paper. Bruno and Arianna will deal with how the device fell into the University's territory.

Una Chaplin in the series

In January 2011, the premiere of the film director Lee Takamai "Double Devil" took place at the Sandens Film Festival. The plot of the drama was the same name of the name of the writer Latif Yahi. In the TV series "Hour", which went into broadcast on the BBC TWO channel from July 2011 to December 2012, the actress received the role of Marny Madden, his wife's leading news (Dominic West).

Una Chaplin in the series

In 2012, Chaplin appeared in one of the Episodes of the movie "Sherlock" with Benedict Cumberbetch and Martin Freamen in high roles. In the same year, the actress was starred in the American dramatic television series, which is replete with the presence of bed scenes, the game of thrones. In a film based on the cycle of the novels of the writer George Martin "Song of Ice and Fire", Unan tried on the image of the spouses of Robb Stark (Richard Madden) - Talisa Maigir. Thanks to this role, Chaplin became the winner of the US Fine Actors Guild in the category "Best Equipment".

Una Chaplin in the series

In August 2013, at the Film Festival in Toronto, the premiere of the romantic comedy directed by Michael Dauce "Friendship and No Sex?". In the film, in addition to the united, the actors Daniel Radcliffe starred, Zoe Kazan, Megan Park and Adam Driver. In 2014, Claudia Lrony's Drama "in the air" was released on large screens, in which Chaplin played one of the main roles. It is worth noting that the film, the story of which the history of the life of a woman who has discovered the healing gift, received predominantly negative filming of film critics.

In the same year, the cinematic piggy bank of the actress was replenished with flight "purgatory". In the thriller Pau Tayxidid, the main role went. Also Chaplin appeared in the seventh series of the third season of the popular series "Black Mirror" ("Black Mirror"). At the heart of the scene of the Christmas Special Education - the history of the life of a rich pending garden, whose consciousness for the fabulous amount of money was copied and moved to a special device.

Unana Chaplin - biography, photo, personal life, news, filmography,

Frightened consciousness meets the consultant Matt, who explains the clone that she is not a real person, and that it was created only to control the "smart home" in which the real Greta lives. A man places the virtual body of a digital young lady in a simulated white room, in which there is nothing but a control panel, managing housing, forcing it to serve herself.

Una Chaplin in the series

In 2015, the Large Road, as well as the Tabu series, came to large screens. The multi-sieuled film told the story of the life of the adventurer of James Dewini (Tom Hardy), which he tried to build his own trading empire by all the truths and untrue. In the painting, Una played a consolidated sister of James - Zilf Giri, which was associated with a brother not only related relationships.

In May 2017, the British TV channel "BBC One" officially extended Tabu for the second season. In 2016, Chaplin, along with Tom Hughes, starred in a science fiction drama, in the center of the plot of which the life of a person who frightened his body to avoid death.

Personal life

Information about the personal life of Chaplin is not. The press never wrote about the novels in the famous actress, from which it can be concluded that she never had intrigues with the stars of show business.

Unana Chaplin is not married

Fans suggest that if there is a charming brunette with someone and this person does not apply to the film industry. If the chosen was a media personality, then the prudent journalists would have long all designed.

Una Chaplin is now

In November-December 2017, two work will be released on large screens with Chaplin: the documentary "Tuwün", which tells about people who are trying to reveal the secret of the origin of their people, and the comedy directed by Carlos Marcus-Marseta "AS WE LIKE IT". It also became known that the famous artist will appear in all 4 parts of the franchise directed by James Cameron "Avatar". The world premiere of the sequel painting is scheduled for 2020.

Una Chaplin

Among other things, Unan received the role of a second plan in the biographic drama "My Lunch with Erve", which will be released on large screens in 2018. The producer "Hichkoka" Sasha Jervasi, who wrote the scenario to the "Terminal" and "criminal chips from Henry" in his time.

The story will go about the last days of the TV star Erve Villechizz, who committed suicide at the age of fifty years in 1993. The content of the film will be based on an interview, which Jervasi really took the Erve shortly before the tragedy. At the moment, in the star caste, the films, in addition to Chaplin, are the actors of Andy Garcia, Jamie Dannan, Peter Dinklage, Miria In In AJSC and Harriet Walter.

Una Chaplin in 2017

It is worth noting that the charming Mexican growth of 170 cm and weighing 52 kg workshops can be combined to shoot a movie with an active social life: the granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin gives an interview and removes in photo shoots for world printing "VIS-A-VIS", Emmy, Jot DOWN "," DIGITAL ", and also appears on filmmakers and exhibitions.

Despite the tight working schedule, it does not forget about fans: in his "instagram" the star of the TV series Tabu regularly posts the video backstage and pictures from the rest.


  • 2002 - "Ghosts"
  • 2008 - "unthinkable"
  • 2009 - "Death Image"
  • 2010 - "Blood Pelican"
  • 2010 - "Sherlock"
  • 2011 - "Double Devil"
  • 2011 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2011 - "Black Mirror"
  • 2012 - "I think, therefore"
  • 2013 - "Dates"
  • 2014 - "In the air"
  • 2014 - "Purgatory"
  • 2016 - "Lazar" project
  • 2017 - Taba
  • 2018 - "My lunch with Erve"

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