Solovy-robber - biography, three heroes, quotes and facts


Character History

The straw-robber is a character mentioned in Russian folk legends and epic. He could be a fictional hero, but some researchers of literature and history claim that a real historical personality was hiding at the way. Who was actually a nightingale-robber, and why bad reputation was entrusted behind him?

History of creation

The researchers analyzing Russian epics claim: the hero was a symbiosis of a person and a giant bird. Russian fairy tales and writers legends, prone to personification of characters, created intricate images by half of people with functional or distinctive features of animals.

People's hybrids inhabit many legends and epic works. The authors depicted a nightingale-robber with a creature changing. He is a monster not at a particular point, but is reincarnated, circumscribe some kind of skills. The epic describes the human lichni brightly and alive.

Nightingale robber

Scientists and philologists of the late 19th century, who studied the domestic epic, note that the biography of the hero could not be associated with the world of fauna. There is a chance that the nightingale is the surname, and the robber - determination of the character activity. In the old Name, the names of representatives of wildlife became personalized names.

Nicknames of this kind were offensive, joking, glorifying. The exact and characteristic were often fixed in the whole family and became the name. It is curious that, according to historical testimonies, the Romanov dynasty leads its own Rod from Boyarin by name Andrei Mare.

Solovy Robber on the tree

Philologists believe that nightinglets are a nickname that it was customary to be given in the robbers environment. It is easy to assume that the gangster "with a large road", who had an extraordinary ability to loud whistle, received such a nickname and responded to him by the bang of buddies. An interesting detail of the narrative is the habitat of the character.

It was located in the "nest" among high trees. According to the evidence of ethnographers, individual tribes and nationalities resorted to the construction of temporary housing on trees. Representatives of the Sudanese tribes built settlements from multi-storey nests. The first floor was kept, and soldiers were located on the top. Next to the city of Torun in Poland was found a century oak, known as the place chosen for the residence of the Crusaders.

Bird Simurg.

The character's image researchers were divided into two camps: East and Western. On the western idea of ​​the nightingale tried to compare with Solomon. But there were nuances that refute this belief. Eastern judgment Rodnilo Solovya-Robber with Simurg, Bird of Iranian origin.

According to legend, in the East, the aulady and Kergasar are heroic, the prototypes of which Alyosha Popovich and Dobryny Nikitich were. An authentic fairy tale about Earpetlan Lazarevich tells about the character Ivashka-Storen, in whose description there are features similar to the features characteristic of the gangster from Russian legends. The epic about Ilya Muromsse has analogues in Western traditions. German tales about the tags are accompanied by the description of the Sigourd, similar to the description of the nightingale.

Biography and plot

The legend narrates that the straw-robber is located on oaks in his own terme and did not let any one of the roads passing along the road. The father of several sons and herdrich daughter raises the travelers whistling and sees themselves equal in the area.

The epic hero is compared with the monster. According to legend, he was located in the nest fixed on twelve oaks, and struck everything around his powerful whistle. For thirty years, Nightingale overlapped the road to Kiev. No one could amuse him, not withstanding the need to listen, as the nightingale-robber sings.

Nightingale robber

The history of the hero does not give an accurate determination of its origin. It was not clear to the end whether he was a bird, a man or an unprecedented beast. The character imitated the sounds of wildlife, including wild animals. From terrifying trills, mighty forests were inclined the tops, and people died on the spot.

Solovya-Robber defeated Ilya Muromets. Russian Bogatyr brought the robber to the court of Prince Vladimir and Boyar, and then dealt with the bandit. It was a feat that Ilya Muromets glory throughout Russia.

Ilya Muromets and nightingale-robber

The straw-robber is a hero generated by the Russian epic. This is a folk character, which is a collective image of negative qualities and characteristics embodied represented by a particular being.

Literary critches emphasize the split image of the hero, which can be represented as a bird, and as a person. When meeting with the bogat, the gangster whistles, recreation on the trees, and imagination presents it in the image of a monstrous bird.

Nightingale-robber in captivity of Ilya Muromets

Becoming the prisoner of the hero, the robber causes fear of witnesses to his journey to the prince. People did not immediately understand who was lucky to visit the court: Bogatyr of Hooligan or Julian Bogatyr. It can be concluded that the straw-robber was a rider and managed the horse himself. Ilya Muromers defeated by Ilya, the nightingale appears in the form of an ordinary person.

Once in court, the character persuades to complicate over it and appeals to the values, much meaning in the life of any person: family and children, material benefits. Demonstrating the prince and boyars a unique whistle, the hero is not a bird, but simply loud whistle.


No legendary legends of the Russian epic was avoided by the adaptation. The story of the negative epic hero did not exception. The adventures and attacks of the gangster were filmed four film stones: "Ilya Muromets" (1956), "Ivan da Marya" (1974), "there, on unknown tracks" (1982), "Solovy-Robber" (2012).

Nikolay Lavrov, Oleg Anofriev, Ivan Okhlobystin as a nightingale-robber

In an unusual image, the actors Nikolay Lavrov appeared in the frame, Oleg Anofriev, Ivan Okhlobystin. Tape 2012 was extraordinary. In it, the character appeared in the appearance of a modern hero, not transforming into a bird, but a capable of other crazy chicasticity.

Navy robber in cartoon

The multiplication sphere did not leave the hero without attention. Concern "Union" and "Mega-video" released a series of cartoons for children, the main characters of which were three heroes, snakes of Gorynych and the nightingale-robber. Negative characters are building a goat and intrigue to deal with the defenders of Russian lands, but repeatedly turn out to be defeated.

Interesting Facts

The character of the nightingale-robber does not lose relevance over time. Today he acts not only as a folk hero. Creative solutions for the image amaze the public. A curious idea was the calendar of the unclean in which this character corresponds to the sign of the zodiac Aquarius.

Solovy Robber in Calendar Sureness

In the musical sphere, the nightingale also paid attention. The composition is devoted to the composition that Vladimir Vysotsky was performed at concerts.


Ancient epics accurately describes the image of the nightingale-robber, but leaves the reader space for the flight of imagination and independent work. Legend narrates:

"Nightingale-robber, Odikmantev Son,

He accepted the Abell from the prince he is one handle,

He drank the Abypex of the nightingale of one spirit. "

Quote confirms the human origin of the robber, convincing the audience that human traits are characteristic of the bandit. He has a father, which means he is a supporter of familiar human traditions. The hero takes a treat with hands, not wings, and its appearance fully corresponds to the usual human appearance. At the same time, the readers check:

"Skolstal as a nightingale here in a nightingale,

Closed, robber, in animal,

Makovy on the teremes choke. "

This phrase hints at extraordinary abilities, thanks to which the character turns out to be invulnerable.

Unlike folk epics, in modern cartoons, where the model of the nightingale-robber is often used, the hero appears not a terrible robber carrying death. It often acts in the appearance of the closer, reptile in front of the gangster force, which is not able to threaten the violence.

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