Maxim Hirkovsky - biography, photo, training, business, news 2021



Everyone heard about business trainings, because today this area is one of the most popular among people who seek to build a career or develop their own enterprise or company. Proper training allows you to learn all management methods, relationships in the team that are needed to successfully create your business.

Business Coach Maxim Hirkovsky

One of the leading coeches is Maxim Hirkovsky, a person who managed to go through the difficult career ladder from the seller-consultant to Caucherier and the company's head. Today he is a businessman, a marketer, business coach. At the age of 21, he was able to become a marketing manager.

After another couple of years, he was awarded award 20 of the successful people of St. Petersburg in the nomination "Business Coach". One of the main secrets of his success Maxim Hirkovsky considers the regular change of the kind of activity. This approach does not impede it to become the best in the profession and makes it possible to regularly self-improvement in various vectors of modern life.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Hirkovsky was born in the family of ordinary people. Mom worked in kindergarten Janitor, because his parents had no financial opportunity to pay for the garden. Father worked as a car mechanic. They lived in a hostel. Today's successful business coach at that time did not have rich parents, connections, and money. But today he was able to achieve big heights only at the expense of his knowledge and his own perseverance.

Maxim Hirkovsky

According to Maxim Hirkovsky, in childhood he was surrounded by care and love from parents. Nevertheless, they always motivated him correctly and invested that it was possible to achieve success in life only by applying efforts to this. And it applies to both careers and personal life. Work in the organization "Groupon" has become a decisive turn in the career of this person. Once he gave himself a promise and fulfilled him.

On your birthday, Maxim left the next job. In trying to understand where he further realized, accidentally found out about the shares in this company, and decided not to miss his chance. The idea of ​​such entrepreneurship inspired a young man. He very quickly employed in the company. Already in the first months of work, the guy demonstrated excellent results.


Upon reaching significant success in sales, Maxim Hirkovsky begins to be interested in marketing. After he studied this industry for months, he already gives recommendations to the company's marketers. His proposals immediately introduce into the case. Then the company's management suggests Hirkovsky to raise the position of Marketing Director.

Maxim Hirkovsky

It is in the process of Internet entrepreneurship Maxim Hirkovsky realized what industry he plans to study. Structureing sales, procurement and business in general is not so inspired. Maxim wanted another vector for its development. This vector was learning to business. All this pushed Maxim Hirkovsky to carry out trainings on business, which at this stage and are its main activity.

His first speech at the Maxim Hirkovsky seminar spent literally on the dispute. He was strengthened to prove to a colleague that such an idea is not worth the embodied egg. His Internet training visited about thirty people. This solution led a young entrepreneur to the beginning of a business coach career. Thanks to this attempt, the Center for Entrepreneurship Development called "Shmel" has opened.

Maxim Hirkovsky on speech

Since Schirkovsky successfully implemented its projects in different fields of trade over the Internet from investments in real estate to a development, this makes it possible to train students with various source skills - in practice, to learn how to develop your work that will bring a stable financial income.

Personal life

Personal life Coach-coach does not advertise. Perhaps due to the intense schedule of work, the number of projects, trainings and seminars, Maxim does not always have enough time to personal affairs. Hirkovsky is actively engaged in sports and in this area goes to new heights.

Maxim Hirkovsky loves to travel

Hirkovsky travels a lot. In his personal life and work purposeful. He puts the goal and goes to her. Lives according to the principle of "the more spend, the more you earn." All the rest of the business coach, like many media personals, prefers to leave behind the scenes.

Maxim Hirkovsky now

One of the main achievements of the business coach is the premium laureate of the twenty successful people of St. Petersburg in the nomination "Business Trainer". At the moment, Maxim is fully focused on the inverting processes, and on individual training on creating its own business on the network.

New project Maxima Hirkovsky

The secret recipe for the success, achievement of independence and recognition of society, of course, is not, - Chirkovsky believes, but must adhere to certain rules. Not so long ago, Maxim Hirkovsky presented a project called "three million per month". Project prospects is to create a working source of passive income.

The secret of success

First, you need patience and work. Warren Buffett - the world's largest investor once said that in order to realize his task, not only efforts and talent are needed, but also a rather period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that serious results are possible only in the case of painstaking work, spending time and effort.

Every day it is worth making up an action plan. Initially, you need to choose free time, quiet, calm atmosphere. After that, you can proceed to drawing up the plan - you need to understand who a person wants to be in the future. These aspects affect the definition of the scope of activity, main goals.

Social development is another important component of a successful person. In order to achieve great success, it is necessary not only the education that a person received in a higher educational institution either on courses, and dating, says Maxim Hirkovsky. It is necessary to constantly improve the skill of communication, develop internally. But not only internal filling is an important aspect, and the appearance - the entrepreneur must correspond to the status he chose.

One of the secrets of success, which is guided by business coach is the creation of a special curriculum. It does not use basic business templates, and the schemes and manual structures based on the experience of creating business are solely lined. After all, successful implementation is half an end, it is important and continuous development and development of the latest profitable projects.

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