Katia Kolisnichenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Member "Dom-2" 2021



Katia Kolisnichenko - the former participant of the popular realistic show "Dom-2". Spectators, she was remembered with a bright appearance and no less bright character: the girl did not give the descent to anyone and was always ready to defend his interests. In addition, Katya became the first participant in the youth project, which came to the show together with the twin sister Yulia Kolisnichenko.

Childhood and youth

Katia Kolisnichenko was born on April 9, 1988 in Sunny Krasnodar. The father left the family almost immediately after the birth of the twins, leaving his wife with three children (Katya has an older brother Vladislav). From early childhood, the biography of Kolisnichenko, the future star "House-2", was held in the company Sisters. Girls were always there: together learned to play flute and clarinet in a music school, together went on stage with the Kuban choir.

Beauty admit that, being small, often quarreled and even fought, but water was not spilled to school age. The stage career at first turned out to be successful: the girls became a leading duet, and also deserved the honor to perform three solo rooms.

Unfortunately, they did not find a common language with the team leadership: according to Kati, young executors did not arrange a salary that did not meet their talent and efforts. So sisters Kolisnichenko found themselves in the restaurant, they had to work as waitress. At this, the burden was not over - Mom died shortly before, leaving his daughters on the care of her grandmother.

Personal life

After the project, Personal Life Kati Kolisnichenko has improved: the girl briefly gained long-awaited family happiness. The chosen one became DJ Nikita Kapelush.

The wedding of Kati Kolisnichenko delivered her fans and friends, but unfortunately, after 3 years, this marriage broke up. According to rumors, the star "House-2" divorced her husband because of problems in the intimate life, which the couple could not settle.

According to some media, in 2017 Katya began to meet with a young man named Alexander, who met in Turkey. Alexander Shepel lives in Ukraine, owning its own network of fitness clubs.

In May 2019, Katya re-married. The personality of the bride groom before fans did not declassify. The fans of Kolisnichenko noted on the solemn photos that it is pregnant, and already at the later date.

The guesses of Follovover were justified when Katya gave birth to a son in mid-summer. The boy was named after Savva. A month later, the first photos of mom with a child appeared in the network. Two months later, the boy was baptized in the temple of the Epiphany in Khimki.

And only at the beginning of 2020, the beauty decided to declassify the name of the spouse and the father of the child. They became a businessman Alexey Solodovnikov, the owner of the company engaged in the interior design.

After childbirth, the ex-participant was not able to throw weight independently. During the pregnancy, Katya gained extra 30 kg. Kolisnichenko went under the Knife Surgeon. She made liposuction and lipophiling of the buttocks.

The surgical intervention of the beauty survived hard: the signatures of "Instagram" Katya demonstrated swelling of the face, hands and feet, because of which it was almost impossible to know it. Later, she showed subscribers the result of operations in the photo in a bathing suit.

In the family Kati today reigns Idyll. A young woman is constantly confessed in love with her husband, shows respect for the mother-in-law. On the eve of 2020, Kolisnichenko received a generous gift from the spouse - a premium car worth 3 million rubles.

"House 2"

Having left the stage, the sisters soon bored for the admiring glances of fans. So Katya and Julia were on the casting show "Dom-2". Bright twins noticed, and already on September 3, 2010, they found themselves on the shooting area of ​​telestroy. In the perimeter (so the participants of the show call the fenced territory, on which the shooting and life of "household") girls quickly felt like fish in the water.

Moreover, the energetic brunettes tried to bring their orders in the house, intriguing and facing the foreheads of other participants. For Katya and Julia quickly secured the fame of the most scandalous beauties. Oddly enough, this fact only increased the interest of the audience to the sisters of Kolisnichenko, thereby raising their rating.

I did not forget Katya and about relationships. First, the girl for a couple with his sister provided signs of attention by the participant of the project Evgenia Punzary, but soon her heart took another young man Denis Lysenko. A month later, the couple broke up. Denis insisted on it.

Katya Kolisnichenko did not despair, continuing to wait for the prince. According to the girl, the man of her dreams should be not only beautiful and gallant, but also a good family man, for which the wife and children are above all. However, as often happens, Ekaterina fell in love with no such perfect cavalier. The choice fell on the new member of the TV project Philip Alekseeva.

Philip turned out to be a classic "bad guy" - often gave the will of anger and emotions, shouted to Katya, broke the girl's things, arranged fights. Surprisingly, at first Kolisnichenko even liked such a state of affairs. She admitted that he had a taste in life as on a volcano. However, Catherine's patience was enough for a while: after the next high-profile scandal, the participant of the show took things and returned to the glade from the city apartment, where he lived with Alekseev.

The girls were not happy to move Kati back to the perimeter, because she often allowed themselves insults and provocations to others. However, soon the attention of the hot-tempered project has switched to new relationships. Kolisnichenko began to meet with charming Oleg Miami. In this relationship, it also happened not easy. The couple was parted, he went over again, and the audience was observed for constant disassembly, jealousy and provocations of young people.

After some time, without preparing the glow of passions, young people broke up. The last months spent on the project, Katya basically dedicated sister Yule, who by that time married Tigran Salibekov and waited for the birth of the firstborn. Kolisnichenko helped her sister, settling together with Salibeks in the city apartment.

In 2013, Katya Kolisnichenko left the TV show, stating that he found his love over the perimeter. Who was at that moment chief of Catherine and whether he really was, it remains only to guess, but soon the girl again devoted himself to help her sister and the newborn nephew, who was given Roland.

After the project

Immediately after leaving from Telestroyk, Katya went to the casting of the "Voice-2" project. The girl failed to convince the jury that she was worthwhile to participate in the music competition: the song "Circle", which she chose, sounded fake. Failure did not upset the contestant. Already in the near future she continued the vocal career. Among the hits of the singer, the song "Teaching Loving", duet with Sasha Wind "You are my dreams ...".

A woman pays a lot of time to her business, as well as appearance. According to rumors, a figured beauty (Kati-156 cm growth, and the weight is 54 kg) transferred several plastic operations by changing the size of the chest, the shape and size of the nose and lips. Not to all fans fell to taste all the changes that Katya did, including the fact that she increased her lips. Many converge in the opinion that in his youth Kolisnichenko looked natural.

Changes of appearance touched and hair colors: one time the ex-participant's reality was blonde. Photo Catherine Kolisnichenko in a new image collected many compliments in the "Instagram" and on the Yutiub-channel star "House-2".

In the new image, Katya decided to participate in the project "Friday" TV channel "Instagramors": a popular social network remains one of the main sources of income. At one time, the online store of women's clothing worked through the Kolisnichenko blog. She processed the whole client base itself. During the creative contests of the Friday project, Katya visited the Story Dress dress rental studio, where he arranged a photo session.

Despite the departure from the TV project "Dom-2", Katya still remains the focus of attention of the audience and fans. So, the latter excited the rumor about the quarrel sisters Kolisnichenko. Indeed, they stopped communicating. As it turned out, the cause of the twins was the refusal of Kati sit with the children of the sister (Yulia Salibekova had two sons at that time). However, soon the relatives were recalled.

Katya Kolisnichenko now

Now Kolisnichenko pays all his free time, but does not forget about his page in "Instagram". At the time of quarantine, introduced due to the spread of coronavirus infection, Katya, together with her husband and his son, moved to the suburbs, to the country to the mother-in-law.

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