Victor Merezhko - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



According to Viktor Merezhko, 70 films shot scenarios. Pictures "You are waiting for a citizen of Nikanorov", "Rodin", "Flights in a dream and reality", "applause, applause ..." became cult.

Merezhko took place as a director, removing 11 paintings and serials in its scenarios. The most loved by the TV viewers of the post-Soviet space of the tape "Loneliness of Love", "Sonya Golden Handle", "Wanted", "Farmers". In many films, he appeared both as an actor. Master presented 12 wonderful cartoons.

Director, Actor and Writer Victor Merezhko

From under the pen writer Viktor Ivanovich, 17 plays appeared Merezhko. His books are read. Merezhko - Member of the Union of Writers, TV presenter, and since 2014 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

In adolescence and youth, the future artist, director and playwright survived so much that the material for creating books and films is in excess. Victor Merezhko's biography is a finished film scenario in which all genres merged together. Born Merezhko in the summer of 1937 in the Rostov region, on the farm of Olginfeld, the former German colony, despite the fact that the nationality was Russian. Parents did not have a relation to any type of art, but, according to Viktor Merezhko's stories, his father is a bright character of the folk epic, from which you can write the canvas about delete, latitude and depth of the Russian soul.

Victor Merezhko in youth

Ivan Merezhko headed by a separator point for the distillation of milk, Mom worked under his leadership. Having survived the war, until 1952 lived in extreme poverty. The family in which four children were brought up, starving. Hazard Victor mastered the game on the accordion, a military trophy father, and collected alms, playing on the street "Gypsy". On the advice of relatives moved to more "revealed" Ukraine, they stopped in the village of Russian Polyana under Cherkasy. Children learned the Ukrainian language at the local school and after the presentation of the certificates, who was where.

Victor Merezhko, with early youth, fell in love with the cinema, arrived in Kiev. But I could not go to the Faculty of Cinema, having failed exams in a polytechnic university. Returned to the village, worked by the woodcase and went to earn money in Arkhangelsk. From there in 1956, he arrived in Lviv, where uncle called learning. Entered the Printing Institute, where the competition was small. In the West Ukrainian city, Victor saw the filming of the film "Warm" and finally decided on the choice of profession: only a movie.

Viktor Merezhko

In 1961, Viktor Merezhko was awarded the engineer-technologist diploma and distributed to the Rostov region. Merezhko worked in the publishing house "Hammer", but did not stop moving about the movie. After dating Rostov with members of the Amateur Film Studio, Victor wrote the first scenarios. In 1964 he entered Moscow VGIK, overcoming a huge competition. I studied in the workshop of Alexei Neshnev and Ilya Weisfeld, Victor Merezhko became a certified director.


Yesterly a student, the metropolitan film studios were in no hurry to take a job, although in 1967, according to the scenario, Viktor Merezhko "Mosfilm" was removed the painting "Zarechensky grooms". Good luck to the novice director came in 1972, when Lenfilm took the Merezhko's scenario, the sensational picture "Hello and Farewell". The career of the screenwriter and director swiftly went up.

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In the 1970s, according to Viktor Ivanovich scenarios, paintings were removed, which today is called cult. In 1976, Sergei Nikonenko took off the tragicomedy "Tryn-grass", in which he played a major role. The following year, the Drama "Zagok" Grigory Chukhraya was published with Nonaya Mordyukov in the lead role. Melodramas "You are waiting for a citizen of Nikanorov" and "Leaving - Leave" the audience saw in 1978.

Shooting paintings

The 1980s - Career Peak Victor Merezhko. The premiere of the piercing tragicomedy "Rodney" took place, the main roles in which Nonni Mordyukova and Svetlana Kryuchkova were given. The picture was removed Nikita Mikhalkov. In the next 1982, the Melodrama of Boyälan Roman "flights in a dream and reality" came to the screens with Oleg Yankovsky and Lyudmila Gurchenko in keywords. A film about the crisis of middle age entered the Golden Fund of Soviet Cinema.

The same "Golden Fund" entered the musical film "Applause, applause ...", in which the brilliant Lyudmila Gurchenko played the main heroine. Oleg Tabakov, Olga Volkova, Alexander Filippenko and Alexander Shirvindt were starred. In the second half of the 1980s, the paintings "Lonely Woman wants to meet" and "funny young people" were removed according to Victor's scenarios Merezhko.

In the middle of the dashing 90s in collaboration with Andrei Konchalovsky, Viktor Merezhko wrote a scenario for the cinema-parable "Ryabina", the director of whom Andrei Konchalovsky became. Inna Churikova and Victor Mikhailov played the main heroes of the tape. In the early 2000s, the TV viewers looked at the detective series "Mole" director Ernest Yasana on the scenario of Merezhko.

The premiere took place on the Ukrainian television channel "1 + 1" in the summer of 2001, and in October, the Russians saw Russians on TV-6 TV channel.

Pieces of the playwright of Victor Merezhko "Proletarian Mill of Happiness", "Night Fun" and "Women's Table in the Hunting Hall" made Russian and Ukrainian theaters. Since the late 1980s and until the mid-1990s, the audience learned the Merezhko as TV presenter: he led the popular film "Kinopanoram". Later on TV-6 Moscow, he became the leading program "My Movie".

Victor Merezhko on the set

In the 1990s, Victor Merezhko appeared on the screen as an actor. He starred in the films "Racket", "Wild Beach", "Three Women and Man" and "Mole." In the early 2000s, the series "Provincial" on the scenario of the Merezhko, in which he played a key character.

The most vivid directorial projects of Viktor Merezhko appeared in 2000. In 2004, the musical comedy "New Year's men" came to the screens, the main characters of which Mikhail Boyarsky, Anatoly Vasilyev and Valery Garkalin played.

In 2007, the audience looked at the series "Sonya Golden Handle". The film is removed the merry on its own scenario. The main role of Sonya in the film was performed by a young actress Anastasia Mikulchina, which the director opened the cinema. Later, the actress played in the drama "White Night, Tender Night" and the continuation of the series "Sonya Golden Handle. Continuation of the legend, "where Viktor Merezhko appeared also in the role of criminal authority Mamaia.

Victor Merezhko and Anastasia Mikulchina

In 2016, Merezhko pleased the viewers with several projects as a screenwriter. In collaboration with the son of Ivan, the playwright participated in the creation of melodramas "find a husband Daria Klimova", the main characters of which Ekaterina Guseva played, Maxim Leonidov, Nikolai Fomenko. The authorship of Merezhko belongs to the scenario of the series "Loneliness" and the social drama "next to us", co-author and director of whom Alexander Novoparnashin became.

Victor Merezhko and Irina Shevchuk

Merezhko - the author of the books "Underground Transition", "Mole. Saga about Crime, "Grandfather Ivan and Sanka", "Candidate". Writer is the president of the Film's Festival, which runs on the Black Sea coast. Together with the Director General of the event - actress Irina Shevchuk - in 2012, Merezhko became an honorary citizen of the resort of Anapa.

Vladimir Putin and Victor Merezhko

In 2014, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Viktor Merezhko supported the position of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Crimea and Ukraine, expressing the opinion that the United States set the task of embroil the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. For the visit to the Crimea in the summer of 2017, the filmmaker was introduced to the "Peacemaker" to the database.

Personal life

Merezhko repeatedly confessed in love for women and does not hide that there are a lot of fervent novels on his account. High static director (its height - 182 cm, weight - 79 kg) always attracted women's attention. But Viktor Ivanovich was married once: his wife was the girl named Tamara Zakharov, who gave birth to the artist of two children - the daughter of Maria and the son of Ivan. Beloved was for 9 years younger than Victor and walked the first beauty in the district. Her hands and hearts merryly sought for several years.

Victor Merezhko and his wife and children

In the mid-1990s, the family of playwright suffered a mountain. The wife of Victor was seriously ill. Tamara Merezhko did not cope with the oncology and died from cancer in 1997. Together, spouses lived without a small 30 years. After the death of his wife, Viktor Merezhko did not bring another woman to the house, restraining the promise given to children on the second day after the funeral of the mother.

The only romance after the death of Tamara from the film director happened in the mid-2000s. Merezhko met for 3 years with a girl much younger than himself. According to rumors, her name was Olga Markov, she worked as a model in the metropolitan agency.

Victor Merezhko with his daughter

Viktor Ivanovich's daughter, Mary, tried his hand in cinema, she graduated from Vgik, starred in the films "Sorry", "Night fun", worked on television, now conducts an online project associated with Russian cinema. The son enrolled in Gitis, but soon realized that the acting profession was not for him. Now Ivan has implemented itself as a director and director, lives in St. Petersburg. There, and the screenwriter itself moved over time.

Victor Merezhko was friends with the Museum of the Sports and George Yumatov

The family of Viktor Ivanovich was friendly with George Yumatov and his wife of the Museum of the Sports. The famous artists had no own children, but they remained welcoming and hospitable owners. Interestingly, his apartment after the death of Muza Viktorovna taught Masha Merezhko, his godfather daughter.

Viktor Ivanovich leads a healthy lifestyle, in the morning he drinks 2 glasses of water with honey. According to Merezhko in an interview, from breakfast, his colleague Grigory Chukhray.

Viktor Merezhko

Merezhko regularly visits cosmetology salons, where making a manicure, pedicure and fashionable haircut, so on all photos the director looks a boys. The favorite procedure of the maestro is a visit to the solarium. His creative credo - no day without a line.

Victor Merezhko now

In the summer of 2017, the People's Artist, the director and the screenwriter noted the 80th anniversary, with whom Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev congratulated him.

In 2017, Viktor Merezhko continued to work on the new ribbon "did not expect", the director and the screenwriter he himself became himself. Shots began in St. Petersburg back in 2014, but for various reasons the process moved slowly.

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Oleg Basilashvili, Ivan Kolesnikov and Olga Khokhlov were invited to the main roles. This is a lonely musician drama, an influential official claims to an old mansion. While the picture is in production, its premiere is scheduled for 2018.

In the fall of 2017, Viktor Merezhko, who never complained about the state of health, got into the Botkin hospital with suspicion of stroke. The attack at the director began on the workplace. In the clinic, Viktor Ivanovich had the necessary medical care. A clogging of the vessel thrombus was diagnosed, against the background of which the crisis began. The health of the playwright stabilized, but it is still on rehabilitation. For medical procedures, he falls into the hospital for 1-2 days.

Despite the fact that the screenwriter is open to communicate, it does not use "instagram" or other social networks. In the fall of 2018, the next release of the program of Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man" was published on TV screens, whose hero was Viktor Merezhko. In the studio, the director opened the curtain of secrecy over his personal life and spoke about relationships with heirs.

Filmography (director)

  • 2004 - "New Year's men"
  • 2005 - "Loneliness of Love"
  • 2006 - "Red Room"
  • 2007 - "White night, tender night"
  • 2007 - "Sonya Golden Handle"
  • 2008 - "Wanted"
  • 2008 - "Cool fingers"
  • 2010 - "Sonya. Continuation of the legend "
  • 2012 - "Underground Transition"
  • 2013 - "Farmers"
  • 2018 - "Did not wait"

Filmography (Writer)

  • 1977 - "Bog"
  • 1978 - "You are waiting for a citizen of Nikarkov"
  • 1981 - "Rodna"
  • 1982 - "Flights in a dream and reality"
  • 1984 - "Applause, applause ..."
  • 1986 - "Lonely woman wishes to meet"
  • 1987 - "Fun young"
  • 1992 - "Racket"
  • 1994 - "Ryabina" chicken
  • 2001 - "Mole"
  • 2002 - "Provincial"
  • 2004 - "New Year's men"
  • 2007 - "Sonya Golden Handle"
  • 2013 - "Farmers"
  • 2016 - "Find a husband Darya Klimova"

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