Igor Northerner - biography, photos, personal life, poems and books



"Books written in the Silver Age are the entire Russian intellectual baggage," said Journalist and teacher Dmitry Vasilyevich Bulls.And with this statement, it is impossible to disagree, because the time that came after the "gold" presented not only the "social taste slap", a manifesto, in which Cubal feasts call on "to reset from the steamer of Dostoevsky and Pushkin", but also many literary flows and Groupings.

Works written in the Silver Age, excite the minds of readers to this day, and the poems of Akhmatova, Mayakovsky and Block are quoted not only by adults, but also young people. It is worth noting the popular poet of Igor Northerners, who literally collected in his speeches a whole crowd of grateful listeners. This master of the pen is familiar to the poems of "Pineapples in Champagne", "It was by the sea", "I am a genius", etc.

Childhood and youth

Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev (real surname of the poet) was born 4 (16) May 1887 in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. Being a child, Igor grew up in the 66th house on a pea street - the central fashion lines of the city. The future literary figure has brought up in a prosperous and wealthy family.

Igor Northerner in childhood

His father Vasily Petrovich, a leaving from the Vladimir Meshan, he served to the top rank and began to command the railway battalion, and his wife Natalia Stepanovna had a fabulous relative poet Athanasia Afanasyevich Fetu and was the daughter of the nobleman Stepan Sergeevich Shenshina. But, unfortunately, as often happens, the parents of Little Igor Lotareva decided to go different roads and submitted to divorce in 1896. What has become a stumbling block between Vasily Petrovich and Natalia Stepanovnaya is unknown.

Igor Northerner in childhood

Further, the boy lived in the estate of relatives, which was in the village of Vladimirovka Cherepovetsky district. In Cherepovets, the young man managed to end only four classes of real college, and then, in 1904, moved to his father to the northeast of China. But in the same year, Lotarev senior dies, so Igor is taking back to St. Petersburg to the mother.


We can say that Igor Vasilyevich was born under a happy star, because his literary talent began to manifest itself from childhood. When Nikhianin was seven or eight years old, he under the influence of the beloved poet Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy took over the inkwell and the pen and began to compose poems. Since 1904, Lotarev starts regularly printed in magazines, hoping to get a response from editors, but its children's poems did not produce a special effect on readers.

Book Igor Northernina

Thus, on the pages of literary publications, the works of young Igor Lotareva were blocked, which he signed the nontrivial pseudonym "Count Evgraf d'Aachangraf". But the official start in his creative biography Igor Vasilyevich considered the publication from 1905 in the journal for the soldiers and the people "Leisure and Case".

In the fall of 1907 in Gatchina, the writer became acquainted with Konstantin Mikhailovich Fofanov, whom he considered his forerunner and mentor. According to rumors, this day remained forever in the memory of Lotarev, because Fofanov became the first of the poets who appreciated his literary talent and became for Northerner a guide star in the boundless world of literary lines. At about the same time, Lotarev becomes Igor Northerner. It is noteworthy that Northerner is not a surname, but the second name that the poet considered a peculiar guard and myth.

Next, Igor Vasilyevich on his own money published 35 brochures, who later planned to unite in the poetic collection called "Full Collection of Works". One of the manuscripts of Northerner, thanks to the writer Ivan Fedorovich Nazhivina, fell into the hands of the famous Lerl Nikolaevich Tolstoy. After reading the work of Khabanner II, the author of the novel "War and Peace" criticized the work of Northerner in the Pooh and dust.

"What do what do they do ... and this is literature? Around - the gallows, hordes of the unemployed, murder, incredible drunkenness, and they have the elasticity of traffic jams ... "," said Russian Classic poem.

Ivan Fedorovich did not princely send this quotation to many publications, so many lovers of poetry and, actually, northerner himself familiarized themselves with the words that were said Tolstoy. But such a merciless criticism did not break the talented representative of postmodernism, but on the contrary, went to his hand. After all, as they say, Black PR is also PR. The name of Igor Vasilyevich became famous, he was scolded to all who were not too lazy. And magazines, thirsting sensations and profit, willingly printed Northerner's manuscripts on their pages.


In 1909, the poets circle began to form around the writer, and in 1911 there was a full-fledged creative association of ego paturists. For this literary flow, neologisms, refined sensations, the cult of personality and selflessness were characterized, which talented people tried to exhibit atmosphere. But the founder of the new literary movement stayed in this circle for a short time, in 1912, Igor Northgen became popular among the symbolists and went into solo swimming.

It is worth saying that the author's removal "In August" was marked by a scandal: Konstantin Olympov (son Fofanova) slandered Igor Vasilyevich in the article, besides, there was a disagreement between the poets - Olymps declared that he was, and not northerner was the creator of ego paturism .

"Finding my ego-futurism mission, I wish to be lonely, I consider myself only a poet, and I am so happy with this," Igor Northgen put it in his open letter.

In 1913, the writer, who remembered by contemporaries with literary brochures, publishes its first collection of poems called the "Thumby Cup", which brought a talented poet to everyone's recognition and glory. Such an extravagant name of the cycle was invented by Northergyan due to the poem of Tyutchev "Spring Thunderstorm".

This book consists of four partitions in each other on each other, where Igor Northernik droves his philosophical thoughts to the poetry lovers. The main themes of the poems of Northerners are the beauty of nature and human feelings.

Fyodor Sologub met the Northerner's Collection warmly and wrote a mini-review of him, where he expressed endless joy in connection with the birth of a new poet. In 1912, Igor Vasilyevich first made a living audience for the first time, and in a year he took part in the tour of Fyodor Sologuba and drove through the cities of Russia.

Anastasia Chebotarevskaya, Fedor Sologub, Vadim Bayan, Boris Bogomolov and Igor Northerner

In the biographies of Northerners there are both ups and crushing falls. But, based on the facts, it can be assumed that Igor Vasilyevich was a man for a strong hardening. For example, when he spoke in front of fans of poetry in Tiflis, the audience took Northerner not as a poet, but as a comedian: People were unusual to hear reading the poems of Naraspov (Igor Vasilyevich did it with a special manner), so the spectator room literally chuckled from laughter.

Igor Northgen

But already on subsequent speeches of Northerners, the public was first exploded from loud applause, and then she sat down, looking for every word northerner. Later, at the legs of Igor Vasilyevich, an uncountable number of scarlet roses was provided.

In 1915, Northerner publishes the collection "Rosiris", which includes the famous poem "Pineapples in Champagne". Poet Vadim Bayan used to say that when Vladimir Mayakovsky was visiting Igor Vasilyevich, he plunged a piece of tropical fruit in sparky drink. Northerner followed the example of a comrade, after which he had the first lines of poem.

In 1918, because of the Bolshevik coup, Igor Northgen, like many literary figures, was forced to leave Russia to Estonia. During the year of emigration, the Word Wizard issued several poetic collections: "Solovy", "Classic Roses", "Verwean", also wrote novels in verses, for example, "Royal Leandra (Lugne), and created the utopia" Sunny Savage ". Among other things, Igor Vasilyevich not only composed poems, but also translated Estonian works into Russian.

Personal life

Igor Northerner has gained the glory of Kazanov. And it is not surprising, because in the life of the representative of the silver century poetry there was an uncountable number of women, which he chased the diffilaments. But Igor Vasilyevich was not a frivolous man who loved to change the young lady like gloves, just because of his nature he was extremely in love and dipped into passionate novels with his head.

Igor Northerner and Maria Volyanskaya

For the first time, Cupid Arrow pierced the heart of Northergyn, when he was 12 years old. The poet fell in love with her cousin, 17-year-old Elizabeth Lotarev, who became his muse and inspired to creative sweats. When Elizabeth turned 22 years old, she married. According to rumors, Northerner was also present at the marriage ceremony. But this solemn event greatly influenced the young man, they say that he became bad right in the church.

Igor Northernik and Feliss's wife are twisted

When the genius of literature turned 18 years old, Evgenia Hutan met on his life path. Gotting a crown girl with verses, Igor Northernik suggested Eugene to live under the same roof. True, their relationships launched only three weeks. According to unofficial information, Gutsan gave birth to Tamar girl from Northergyn. Despite such a short life together, Igor Vasilyevich recalled the girl all the time and devoted her collections of poems.

Igor Northerner and Vera Korendi

In 1921, the poet broke up with his fictitious wife Maria Vasilyevna Volyanskaya and made a proposal of the hand and heart of Felis. Thus, the daughter of the homeowner of Feliss became the only legitimate wife of Igor Northerners, who suffered a permanent tour of the gifted poet.

"And I am from the passion of the flexible ... Do you imagine me capable of filling for one five years? ... The wife first did not sympathize with this, but then waved his hand, went to himself, with a contemptuous irony I now walked down and published, "Igor Northgen's feelings in the letter of Evdokia Shtrandel described in the letter.

After Igor Vasilyevich began to lead a love correspondence with a certain faith of Borisovsky Corenda, the patience of Felisse came to the end, and she kicked the grief spouse from the house. Faith Borisovna argued that her daughter Valery was born from Northerner (originally recorded under other patrols and surname). Also, the poet was born the son of Vakh Igorevich.


Thanks to the epistolar heritage, in which Igor Vasilyevich Skrupulsino described his physical and mental state, it became clear that the ego patristur suffered a severe form of tuberculosis. In 1940, Northerner, together with Belisovna, moved to Paide, the central part of Estonia, where Korendi offered the work of the teacher.

Grave Igor Northerner

At that time, Igor Vasilyevich's health deteriorated sharply. Next, the master of the pen and the beloved moved to Tallinn, where Northerner and died on December 20, 1941 from a heart attack. The funeral was made modestly, Igor Vasilyevich was devoted to the land at the Alexander Nevsky Cemetery.


  • 1913 - "Through Cup"
  • 1914 - "Zlatolir"
  • 1915 - "Pineapples in champagne"
  • 1915-1918 - "Meeting Poet" "
  • 1918 - "For string lira"
  • 1920 - "Verwegan"
  • 1921 - "MESTREL. The newest poets "
  • 1922 - "Mirlya"
  • 1923 - "Nightingale"
  • 1925 - "Rosa of Orange Hour: Childhood Poems in 3 CH"
  • 1922-1930 - "Classic Roses"
  • 1932 - "Adriatic. Lyrics"
  • 1934 - "Medallions"
  • 1935 - "Royal Leandra (Lugne)"

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