Oleg Vinnik - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Oleg Vinnik - a popular Ukrainian singer whose creative biography is often called a phenomenon. A bright and talented performer succeeded in the genre of pop music, and in musicals. The songs of Oleg Vinnika "I'm not tired", "Alien wife", "Wolf" and "Hello, Bride" for more than one year they are not losing popularity.

Singer Oleg Vinnik

It is safe to name Oleg with an incredibly volitional and purposeful person seeking to constant self-improvement. The brilliant quarry of Vinnika is excellent proof of that.

Childhood and youth

Oleg was born on July 31, 1973 in the village of Verbovka, which in the Cherkasy region. School Future idol graduated in Red Kuta. In the same time the boy first went on stage, no concert did without singing Oleg. In addition to vocals, Vinnik was not indifferent to the electric guitar, quickly having mastered complex breathtaking and chords.

Oleg Vinnik in childhood

The further fate of Oleg Vinnika will be inextricably linked with music: after school, the young man entered the Kanevian school of culture by choosing the Khmereyaster branch. However, teachers, evaluating the natural data of Oleg, insisted that the young man takes the vocals. Already at this time, the Vinnik begins to play the guitar in the local team, gradually accustomed to the scene and the attention of the audience. The musical career of the singer gradually gained the move.


Despite the fact that Oleg focused on vocals, the musician and guitar did not go without the attention of the music instruments. In addition, Vinnik was seriously interested in poetry, writing poems, many of whom will subsequently become popular songs.

In parallel, the singer is arranged to work in Cherkasy folk choir. At that time it was a great honor for any artist. After some time, Vinnik becomes the main soloist of the collective. However, the stellar hour was waiting for the artist ahead.

At that time, a variety of cultural exchange programs became very popular. According to one of these programs, Vinnik is sent to be in hand to Germany. This trip gave Oleg to the new world called Musical. Having visited the idea for the first time in this genre, the musician understands that this is his fate.

Vinnik's career turns into the opera bed: the musician was invited to the stage of the Luneburg Theater. Oleg got the parties in the legendary "longing", as well as in Paganini's operetta. However, the dream of musicals did not let the young man. As a result, the incredible purposefulness and permanent classes of vocals were brought fruit: Oleg noted John Lehman, a vocal teacher from America.

Soon Vinnynika is invited to speak in the musical "Kiss Me Kate", and then in the "Titanic" and "Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God." Oleg Serious Vocal Range (Singer can sing and baritone, and tenor) helped a beginner star with dignity to cope with any parties. The public at that time recognizes Vinnika under the olegg pseudonym.

According to Oleg's own memories, those years have become very pleasant time for him. The musician acquired new friends and had the opportunity to direct all efforts to develop musical talent. In the free time, Vinnik loved to invite German buddies to visit and treat the amazed comrades with the goodies of Ukrainian cuisine.

The main pride of Vinnik was to participate in the musical "rejected" on the immortal work of Viktor Hugo. Oleg got the main batch of Jean Valzhana - a character, who appears in the plot to the audience at 46, at the end of the performance he appears 86-year-old. This musical production presented Oleg and the recognition of viewers, and flattering critics reviews.

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In addition, the music edition "Da Capo" awarded Vinnye the honorary title "New Voice - 2003". The joy of success was dyed only by longing in the homeland and family. Oleg Vinnik has repeatedly received tempting proposals of the famous theaters and directors, but the emotions took over ambiguity, and in 2011, Vinnik returned to his native Ukraine.

The singer instantly attacked producers, in need by offering cooperation, but Vinnik made a choice in favor of the solo career.

After a couple of months, the singer presents the public the first album called "Angel". The plate instantly becomes popular, and the name of the Vinnya is recognizable. The compositions from this album occupy the first places in the music charts, and the eponymous clip is constantly broadcast on TV.

A year later, the singer again pleases the fans with new songs: it comes out of the album "Happiness", the compositions of which immediately fall into the rotation of radio stations, including on Radio "Chanson". Special love of the public used "take me to your capture", filled with a duet with Pavel Sokolov and the resulting incredibly emotional.

Vinnik's popularity increases, every concert of the musician passes with the filled rooms. Oleg is constantly driving on tour both in native Ukraine and for other European countries, everywhere conquering the hearts of the listeners.

The next plate of "Roksolana" was remembered to music lovers of "Prayer" and "My Love" compositions. In 2015, the singer releases the next album called "I am not set." Songs "I want to shore the ocean" and "Nino" instantly become hits. It is worth noting that Oleg records songs both in Russian and in Ukrainian.

2016 presented the fans of the songs of the song "On a beautiful surface" and "Favorite".

Personal life

Oleg Vinnik, throughout the creative path, keeps the information about the family status and the availability of children. Previously, the singer stated that she was not going to comment about heartfers:

"Have you seen my spouse? Did not see! Because all personal is taboo. Naturally, in 43 years old man can not be alone. But I do not make any crime, not telling my personal life. Personally, I'm not interested, with whom and how my colleagues live. I wonder how they work on the scene. "
Oleg Vinnik

However, Ukrainian reporters managed to find out the details of the privacy of the star. In his native village of Artist, his compatriots said that Oleg's wife had a back-vocalist from his group Taisiya Svatko, famous for the scenic pseudonym Toyuna for many years. Relations between artists originated at the time of the student. Their wedding took place in the early 90s.

Oleg Vinnik Wife does not show the public

Oleg Vinnik always paid attention to his physical form. When height 175 cm its weight is 74 kg. Being in Germany, the singer even became interested in bodybuilding and reached its essential results. But because of the role of Jean Valzhan, the character who at a certain point is marks 86 years old, the artist had to leave his favorite activity: to portray the old man, being a pumped athlete, it was impossible.

Oleg Vinnik now

In the year, the artist gives up to 150 concerts, its discography has 4 albums. In 2017, the artist performed in Kiev, representing the program "My Soul". Apparently, this name will receive the next album of Oleg, songs from which have already been loved by fans.

According to rumors, a collection of the most popular compositions of Vinnik is also being prepared. In addition, the singer actively leads accounts in "Instagram", pleaseing the fans with new photos and creative plans.

Oleg Vinnika N.

Oleg also was invited to the judiciary of the 8th seasons of the popular music show "X-factor" along with colleagues Andrei Danilko, Dmitry Shurov and Nastya Kamensky.

The popularity of Oleg Vinnika in native Ukraine continues to grow. In early July 2018, his speech was held at the IV Annual Atlas Weekend-2018 Music Festival, which became a record holder in the number of public. Over the open air in the territory of the EDNX to listen to the artist gathered 154 thousand spectators. This time, Oleg fulfilled the tracks "Nino", "captivity", "Vovtsya" and the author's rock ballads "Yak Ti there", "Who I". Fans distributed cardboard caps-visors with the inscription "Vovtsya".

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At the end of July, the singer became the chadliner of the show "Happy Peagling, Ukraine!", Which took place in the Botanical Garden. Grishko. The performance of the artist has previously had his spectacular appearance from a huge Bhuchafa cake, after which Oleg fulfilled six songs, among which the author's composition "Pernalnoy Ukraine", the anthem of the capital "Yak you do not love, Kiєve Miy", "Nikh Yak Mysyachna" and Hit Vladimir Ivasyuk " I pіdu in distant burn. "

Vinnik also presented the new song "Vishivanka", the date of the official premiere of which is August 24. And at the end of the outlet, the vocalist pleased the public with the "Yak Zhibi without you." The event was attended by Ukrainian artists Tina Karol, Max Barsky, Alekseev, Sergey Babkin, and others. Show television version of the festive show is scheduled for the end of August.

Also, on July 31, Oleg celebrated his 45th anniversary, going on vacation in Dominican Republic. Here the artist took part in the swim in surficists, rode on the island on SUVs and even climbed to coconut palm. Oleg reported on all the events of the holidays Day of Oleg, infrared by subscribers.

Now the artist is preparing for a large solo concert, which will be held on November 7, 2018 in the Sports Palace of Kiev. In the fall, the artist will also begin teaching activities in the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts. The new teacher of the university has already presented to applicants the rector of the educational institution, the People's Artist of Ukraine Mikhail Poplavsky.

In the spring of 2018, Oleg pleased the fans with a video clip on the song "You are in the know". In addition, the publication "Viva!" Oleg Vinnika Prize in the category "The most beautiful man of the year".


  • 2011 - "Angel"
  • 2012 - "Happiness"
  • 2013 - "Roksolana"
  • 2015 - "I'm not set"

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