Elena Prudnikova - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Fame came to actress Elena Prudnikova in the mid-1970s, after entering the screens of the military drama "Omega" version and the screening of the novel of Veniamine Cavery "Two Captain". Katya Tatarinov in the performance of Prudnikova Caverin's creativity and today they consider the best Katya.

Childhood and youth

The future honored artist of Russia in May 1949 in Rostov-on-Don was born. The father of Elena Josephovna Prudnikova - Don Cossack from the village of Morozovskaya - brought up in the family of anthewers, where the children were biblical names.

Actress Elena Prudnikova

Grandfather Prudnikova, Conesavodchik, for refusing to join the collective farm smoked and repressed, the family was hosted around the country. The 14-year-old father of the actress Joseph Prudnikov remained orphan, but survived: the teenager was hidden distant relatives. He became a supplier at the railway station, where he worked until retirement. Non-easy biography and mom's actress, Russian-French blood flowed in whose veins. Praded Prudnikova called Onor Yol.

Elena Prudnikova in childhood

Mikhail Bakunina's revolutionary ideas of Mikhail Bakunina and Alexander Herzen made an ONOROV to move with his family to Russia, where he "went to the people" and killed, throwing his wife with children. During the 1917 revolution, the Yol family returned to France, only the grandmother Elena Prudnikova remained, who had time to marry Russian. 14 children were born in the family, among which Mama Elena. She graduated from a medical school, married and gave birth to four children.

Elena Prudnikova in youth

Elena Prudnikov since childhood rushed to the scene. In 10 years, the girl was recorded in the theater studio at the House of Pioneers in Rostov, where he studied at Tamara Ilinskaya. Studio is known for its famous students: Anatoly Vasilyev became theatrical director, Yevgeny Glushchenko - actress of the Small Theater, Alexander Kaidanovsky (died in 1995) - director, actor theater and cinema.

Elena Prudnikova in youth

Elena Prudnikova's creative biography began here, in the studio of Tamara Ilinskaya. The girl played Gerle in the fairy tale "Snow Queen." Often ringwheat artist trusted patriotic poems at festive events before the party entity of Rostov.

After graduating from School, Prudnikov went to conquer the capital and from the first attempt to go to the Studio School of MCAT, where he fell on Alexander Karev's course. The certified actress Elena Prudnikova became in 1970.


After the end of the theater university, Elena Prudnikov, on the distribution, fell into the theater of the hometown. Two years, the actress went to the Provincial Theater's stage, where the main characters played in the play "Dark Story" and "Tales of Old Arbat." But Elena dreamed of returning to the capital, where his life beat the key and the main events in art took place.

Elena Prudnikova in the theater

He helped with a friend and fellow on the drama Anatoly Vasilyev, at that time a student of guitis. With its help, a young actress learned and put two disbules - from the story of the "demons" of Fyodor Dostoevsky and the play of Bertold Brecht "Three-Grochy Opera". Elena Prudnikova made them a second attempt to conquer Moscow. And again successful: Rostov artist was accepted into the theater troupe on the Taganka, which at the time he was led by Yuri Lotsimov.

Elena Prudnikova entrusted the role of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" in Alexander Ostrovsky. Previously, Katerina played the Taganka Zinaida Slavina, but at the time of filming the actresses in the movie Lyubimov replaced her by Prudnikova. After the return, the Slavian Rostov actress was moved: Elena appeared in the "thunderstorm" in the second part, playing Katerina in every third performance.

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On the stage of Taganka Elena Prudnikova played bright roles in the productions of "antimires", "Wooden horses" and "good man from Selyan". She was entrusted with the image of Natalia Goncharova in the play "Comrade, Believe ...".

After leaving the theater on Taganka, Elena Prudnikov was taken to the theater's troupe on a small armor, where I installed the performances of Anatoly Efros. The actress appeared on the stage in the exposure "Summer and Smoke", "Month in the village", "Tales of Old Arbat", "Don Juan".

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The roles in their performances were offered Evgeny Lazarev, Andrei Zhitnikin and Sergey Golomazov. The last director Elena Josephovna appeared in the production of "Arkady" on the play of the Stoppard. This performance is the last in the theater biography of the artist. Elena Prudnikova, giving the theater without a small 40 years, in the fall of 2011 he went to a well-deserved rest.


On the screen, the actress debuted in the episode of the Melodrama Evgenia Matveeva "Gypsy" in 1967. In the early 1970s, he starred in the film "Two sisters" and the comedy "Berega". The first noticeable role appeared in Elena Prudnikova filmography in 1972. The 23-year-old artist starred in the key role of the Acting Responsive Melodramas, where she was seen in the frame with the stars of the Soviet Cinema Alice Freindlich, Mikhail Kozakov, Roland Bykov and Leonid Armor.

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Two years later, the military drama "Omega version" was released on the screens, where the incomparable Oleg Dahl starred in the lead role. He insisted on the candidacy of Rosovchansky for the role of secretary of Lotte Fishbach.

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Next year, the premiere of the adventure picture "Two Captain" took place. On the set of Elena Prudnikova made friends with Yuri Bogatyrev and met the author of the Roman who was followed by the work of artists. The role of Katy Tatarinovaya brought Prudnikov's fame and for a long time a business card.

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In 1991, the actress was filmed in the fantastic drama of Wim Wenders "When the end of the world", becoming the first Russian actress, which was not duplicated: Elena Prudnikova learned English for six months before the shooting start. Together with her husband, Andrei Smirnov, the artist starred in the film Rodion Nakapetova "Going next." Smirnov played a lover, and her husband - Ivar Kalnynsh.

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In the drama "Red Arrow" actress again appeared along with his spouse. This time, Andrei Smirnov got the image of a cuckold husband, and the lover played Kirill Lavrov. In 2000, Elena Prudnikova appeared in the TV series "Black Raven", "Moscow Saga", "right to defense" and "heavy sand". Prudnikov became a co-raid that caused the resonance of the historical drama "Once there was one woman", the screenwriter and the director of whom was her husband.

Personal life

In an interview, Elena Prudnikov admitted that she did not have bright novels in student years. Rostov was waiting for the guy with whom she met from school. After the distribution, the young artist returned home and married. But the Union did not work out: her husband wanted a quiet family life, and Elena dreamed of a theater career in Moscow. After moving to the capital, the spouses broke up.

Elena Prudnikova with children

With the second husband, Andrei Smirnov Prudnikova met in Moscow. At that time, both were incomprehensible: with the first husband, Prudnikov had not yet divorced, the marriage of Smirnov with the actress Natalia Rudnaya rushed on the seams. Andrei Smirnova has grown up two children - Alexander and Dunya.

Elena Prudnikova and husband Andrey Smirnov

Prudnikov and Smirnov got married. In marriage, the daughter of Aglaya and Son Alexey were born. With the daughter of her husband Dunya Smirnova, writer and screenwriter, Elena Josephovna had a warm relationship.

Elena Prudnikova now

Elena Josephovna is not filmed in the cinema and does not go to theatrical layouts. She enjoys freedom and watches the life of children and grandchildren. Daughter Aglaya - Editor at Film Studio Valery Todorovsky, Son Alexey - Writer and graduate director. He graduated from Vgik, where he studied on the course of Sergey Solovyov.

Elena Prudnikova in 2017

Aglaya made Mama Grandma, giving her granddaughter Taisia. Andrei Smirnov continues to film and write scripts. For his success, Elena Prudnikova is also closely watching, providing a reliable rear and homemade husband.


  • 1970 - "Two sisters"
  • 1973 - "Coast"
  • 1973 - "Acting"
  • 1975 - "Omega version"
  • 1976 - "Two Captain"
  • 1984 - "Going next"
  • 1985 - "Catastrophe does not allow"
  • 1986 - "Red Arrow"
  • 1988 - "Our armored train"
  • 2000 - "Black Raven"
  • 2001 - "Agency NLS"
  • 2004 - Moscow Saga
  • 2006 - "Taxi driver-3"
  • 2007-2008 - "Heavy Sand"
  • 2010 - "Blue Merin"

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