Lily Bric - biography, photo, personal life, Mayakovsky



The history of world literature to this day carefully stores the names of the ladies who have become for in love writers and poets muses. Their images, who have been overwhelmed by the haze for a long time of fascinated passions, are imprinted in non-vast time genres - prose and poetry. A bright representative of this rare breed of a weak half of humanity was the owner of a unique faint to talents - Lily Bric. The young lady, who devoted his poems a brilliant futurist Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky, did not leave indifferent neither men or women. She was either admired or hated.

Childhood and youth

Lily Bric was born on November 11, 1891 in the well-founded Jewish family in Moscow. The head of the Wyhory of Wyiv Aleksandrovich Kagan worked as a lawyer, and in his free time he read the books and visited literary and artistic circles. Elena Yulievna's mother (in the Maiden Berman), who graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, brought up children and supported the cult of music and poetry in the house.

Lily Brick in childhood

Lily and her younger sister Elsa since childhood spent freely in German and French, played on the piano and gained an education in a private gymnasium. From the biography of the avant-garde star, it is known that the study of the future Museum of Mayakovsky was given hard. After the release in 1908, Lily decided to become a mathematician and learned on top of female courses for a whole year. Then followed the institutes of architecture and painting, as well as the University of Munich.

Literary Salon

Since Mayakovsky appeared in the Brik apartment, fate presented a lee meeting with outstanding writers: Boris Pasternak, Viktor Shklovsky, Velimir Khlebnikov, David Burlyuk and Nikolai Aseev. In many ways, this was facilitated by the irresistible charm of the outstanding personality of Muse Vladimir Vladimirovich.

Lily Brick in youth

Their house was a certain analogue of past literary salons, the owner of which was invariably, and the main figure was Mayakovsky. In addition to writers, the cultural and art of Maya Plisetskaya often appeared on literary evenings, Rodion Shchedrin.


Amur triangle Osip-Lilya Mayakovsky was formed in 1915. Then the younger sister Lily, the 16-year-old Elsa, led to the house of the poet's brikov, with which she had a novel at that time. It is worth noting that Initially, Vladimir Vladimirovich did not make any impression on the level. Tall, with rude facial features and rude behavior, a man did not cause any positive emotions in it.

Lily Bric and Vladimir Mayakovsky

Everything has changed after Futurist at the request of Elzy read his poem "Cloud in Pants". At the same moment, the lily covered the wave of the unknown feeling, forever changed her life. It is noteworthy that after the creation declamination, the writer, captured by the charm of BRIC, dedicated the work, originally addressed to Elsa.

My husband treated the new passion of his wife with understanding. In the memoirs, Lily wrote that in the year of the appearance of Mayakovsky in their house between her and Osip, a chemless agreement was concluded. The essence of the agreement was reduced to the fact that each of the spouses lives his life, but can not go about the divorce. Vladimir Vladimirovich this agreement was clearly not like. The poet wanted the lover to belong only to him.

Lily Bric

True, despite the fact that the invisible presence in their amournless matters of the legitimate husband was Mayakovsky into a burden, the decision taken by the freedom-loving brick, he did not dispute. As a result, the writer replaced hate for mercy. The writer joined the spouse of Lily and at some point even felt the need for him. Bric became for Futurist not only with a friend, but also by the editor and the patron. It is reliably known that Osip on its own savings published the poem "Cloud in the pants".

According to Lily itself, Brick and Mayakovsky are two love-related love. One was for her beloved, and the second - a relative soul. Lilya began for Mayakovsky not only the muse, but also by imijmeker.

Lily Bric - Muza Mayakovsky

She forced the poet to go to Dentistist (Mayakovsky was panically feared by doctors) and insisted that he bought a plug-in jaw. The young lady watched the Mayakovsky dress, it was thanks to her a writer became an icon of style.

Lily was definitely influenced by the work of Mayakovsky, but it was her poet that she did him. By 1915, he was already a famous person in literary circles. Relations from BRIC filled the lyrics of the writer an inevitable tragic pathos. It is noteworthy that extravagant features deliberately exhausted the poet. She was sure that suffering is an integral part of good poetry.

Lily Bric and Vladimir Mayakovsky

Their relationship was completely smoldered after Lily found out that, in addition to her, Vladimir devotes poems and other ladies. April 14, 1930 Mayakovsky committed suicide. BRIC, hardly experiencing tragedy, wrote a letter to Stalin, organizing the Mayakovsky Museum with his permission.


In July 1926, Brick worked as an assistant director Abraha Room on the filming of the film "Jew and Earth". The Soviet propaganda documentary was devoted to the anti-Semitism in the USSR in the 1920s. In 1927, the film "Third Meshchanskaya" ("Love Threesomes").

The director Abram Room and the Writers of Viktor Shklovsky reproached that the name of the picture, which is based on the story of Lily, Vladimir and Osip, lies the dignity of lovers. In the spring of 1928, BRIC is already as director in collaboration with Vitaly Pearly, the film "Glass Eye" took off.

Fashion and Russian avant-garde

Lily was not only one of the most scandalous figures of Soviet reality, but also an icon of style. Interest in the world of fashion was the passion she lived. This brick painted the walls of her room in blue to straighten the skin and rusty hair. This BRIC dressed in the Parisian outfits at the time when everyone else was carrying baggy products of the Bolshevik factory. This brick drove through the streets on his own car, being the second after the wife of the French ambassador to the driver in the capital.

Lily Bric and Elsa Tyole

With France, Lilyu tied the sister's marriage: Elsa Tyole after marriage lived in Paris and constantly sent dresses into Russia, stitched by French cartridges, fashion accessories, silk lingerie and perfume. Lovely woman of Mayakovsky adored "Guerlain." Lily knew that in fragrances: it was performed on the last path, enveloping the wave of the dormant "opium" from Yves Saint Laurent.

By the way, with the famous French fashion designer Lily Brica accidentally met Sheremetyevo in 84 years. Waiting for the landing on the Paris flight, Yves Saint-Laurent in the crowd of non-Turkish women drew attention to the stylish stranger in the green fur coat from the diora. Acquaintance rearranged in close friendship.

Lily Brick on a poster

In the wardrobe, Lily appeared outfits, designed by a master of world fashion for her: blouses with buffle sleeves, pants from purple velvet, silver-blue Casakin, burgundy cloth coat. And in honor of the 85th anniversary of the good friend, Kuturier made a lunch in the Paris restaurant, for which she sewed a gorgeous dress from velvet and taffeta lily.

The woman intently followed fashion trends and constantly updated the wardrobe. Lily was not afraid of experiments with clothing and appearance, he herself came up with the outfits and always got into the apple. She hated boredom and vulgarity, so her backgammon was distinguished by courage. Bright nature, the young lady loved shiny fabrics and geometric patterns, horizontal asymmetry, loop, festo.

Personal life

The tart charm of Lily fascinated men, and the loop of her natural sexuality attracted and blinked blood. Bric knew the secrets of seduction and skillfully used them. When Lila was seventeen, she fell in love with his native uncle and began to persistently demand the hands of the niece. Parents from sin away sent daughter to grandmother.

To take something to take a child, they hired for Lily Teachers, who taught her game on the piano, from which the young giving soon became pregnant. To avoid publicity, abortion was made in a provincial clinic. The failure of the operation was forever deprived Lils to learn the charms of motherhood.

Osip BRIC and Lily Bric

Although the Museum of the avant-garde considered the Institute of Family and Marriage with the remnant of the past, with which it is necessary to fight, there were three official marriage in her life. The first husband of the young lady became Osip BRIC. Their wedding took place in March 1912. Young people married the Jewish rite, but not in the synagogue, but at home. Lily's parents were happy that the daughter demonstrating their unbridled love temperament from thirteen years, finally came to.

If the parents of Lily were happy to marry her daughter, then Osipa's parents experienced about the Son's Union with a windy girl. In order to protect their relatives from the nervous disruptions, the master had to write them long letters. A married happiness of lovers continued before in 1915, Idillya of their marital life destroyed Mayakovsky.

Lily Bric with Vasily Kathanyan

Immediately after the death of Vladimir Vladimirovich, Lily divorced Osip Berik and married Vitaly Primakov. When that was shot, Lily married the literary critic, who studied the life and creativity of Mayakovsky - Vasily Kathanyan. BRIC led Katanyan from the family and lived with him about forty years.


In 86, Lily broke the neck of the thigh and, so as not to suffer the most and not to be in the surrounding surrounding, committed suicide, taking a deadly dose of sleeping pills. It happened on August 4, 1978.

BRIC dust dispelled under Zvenigorod (Bususharino village, Odintsovo district of the Moscow region), and at the site of the rite of farewell, the gravestone was established with the inscription "L. Yu. B. " (Lily Yuryevna BRIC). The same three letters Mayakovsky engraved on the ring, with whom Muse avant-garde did not part for a second.

Lily BRIC in old age

It is worth noting that two years before the tragedy, Brick has already tried to commit suicide. True, then her attempt to leave life more resembled a reheated performance. The "ambulance", who arrived on the day of the premiere to the view, found a farewell note on the table, in which Lily asked no one to blame in her death. After the shifting speeches, there was a signature and the name of the drug she took to leave this mortar world. That day, doctors in the literal sense pulled off BRIC from the world, flushing her stomach and appointing bed regime.


  • 1915 - "Cloud in the pants" (V.V. Mayakovsky)
  • 1915 - "Flute-Spine" (V.V. Mayakovsky)
  • 1916 - "Lilichka!" (V.V. Mayakovsky)
  • 1918 - "Man" (V.V. Mayakovsky)
  • 1922 - "Love" (V.V. Mayakovsky)
  • 1989 - "Resurrection of Mayakovsky" (Yu.A. Karabchievsky)
  • 2010 - "Lily Bric. Life "(V.V. Katanyan)


  • "It is best to meet in bed"
  • "I'm not good. Kindness should go from the heart. And she goes from mind "
  • "It is necessary to inspire a man that he is wonderful or even ingenious, but that others do not understand this. And allow him what is not allowed at home. For example, smoking or ride, where he wants. Well, the rest will make good shoes and silk underwear "

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