Ekaterina Ifody - biography, personal life, photos, news, Boris Nemtsov, "Instagram", received inheritance 2021



For the first time, Catherine IFODO was spoken about Catherine in 2015, due to the loud murder of Boris Nemtsov. Being a secret mistress Politics, a woman not only was able to prove that he was the father of her son, but also to get a part of the inheritance.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Ekaterina Ifody Tumann, she was born in 1982 in the Vologda region. The origin of the parents of celebrities and its nationality is definitely not known, but she has a rare surname for Russia, which has Romanian roots.

From an early age, Katya was distinguished by bright appearance, participated in beauty contests and worked as a model. But she believed that this was a frivolous profession. Therefore, the girl was educated at the Economic Faculty of the Institute of Innovative Technologies and was looking for work in the specialty.


For some time, Iftodi worked in the Gazprombank Cash Service Department. But one day she was offered to be held for an advertising campaign. Banners with photos of the model were hung throughout Russia, but it did not like her boss, so she was forced to quit.

Personal life

In the youth of Katya was married, the Union existed for 8 years, but in the end collapsed. After some time, the girl met Boris Nemtsov. The politician asked her phone number, after which communication was tied.

At that time, Boris Efimovich pursued the glory of the playboo. He fell weakness to beautiful women, and they were responsible, but the mistress did not confuse it. Iftodi knew about children and wives politicians, but considered him a freedom-loving person and did not claim the official status.

The couple met in the apartment of a man in Ordyanka. The girl came to his beloved according to the first call, tried to create a cozy atmosphere, pamper delicious. Nemtsov could tell a girl about his family for a long time, and she walilously listened.

In official marriage, the statesman had a senior daughter Zhanna. The journalist and TV presenter Ekaterina Odintov gave him two children - Anton and Dina. From the businesswoman Irina, the queen politician brought up sophia. He recognized all the heirs and secured.

Therefore, when the celebrity realized that she was waiting for the child, she was not very worried. Boris Efimovich perceived the news of the pregnancy of mistress, surrounded by her care and attention, bought everything you need. On April 7, 2014, she gave birth to the Son - Aries on the sign of the zodiac - and called in honor of the Father Borea.

According to the model, her lover did not visit the child, but often in telephone conversations were interested in them. In the birth certificate, the mother's surname was indicated. The politician promised to recognize the heir officially when the year will be. Previously, I could not, did not want to spoil the reputation, since he was elected to the Yaroslavl Duma.


I did not have time to give my son to my son: late in the evening on February 27, 2015, an unknown policies were shot at Moskororetsky Bridge in Moscow. During the investigation of the murder of Boris Efimovich, Zaur Dadaev, Anzor Gubashev, Temirlan Escherkhanov, Jadid Dadaev, Hamzat Bahaev. The Moscow District Court recognized the help of suspects and sentenced.

The relatives of the statesman first saw Catherine at the funeral. She took some photo of the deceased, which outraged relatives. Later, the woman appealed to them with a request to recognize Bourgeing the legitimate heir, but the family of the beloved from her turned away. Nemtsov's mother, Dina Yakovlevna, refuses to accept Boris's children, which is unknown to her. The first son Anton responded, but he later broke off all the contacts.

Then Ipetodi decided to publicly tell the details of the personal life policy. For the first time she declared himself, appearing on the "New Russian Sensation" show, where it was called "the secret wife Nemtsov." Then followed the trial. Catherine demanded recognition of the statesman by the father of her son.

The woman continued attempts to attract attention: participated in the scandalous talk show and gave a provocative interview. She stated that she did not pretend to inherit, but he wants her son to wear his father's name and did not need. The state of the former lover she estimated at $ 1 billion.

At the same time, it became known about several other possible children of Nemtsov. Anna Lesnikova announced that he brings up the son of Daniel, and some Christine reported that she had gave birth to a politics daughter with Child. But to ensure the recognition of paternity managed only to Forti.

Having lighted in the court of the first and second instance, the woman reached the Supreme Court. The defendants in a civil case were the heirs of Nemtsov and former chosen. To establish paternity, it took DNA expertise. The sample of the blood of the statesman took in the streets in the case of his murder. The test showed: Boris Efimovich - Father Boris Ifody, which has become a confirmation of celebrity words. She told about his success on the program "Let them say" with Dmitry Borisov.

Catherine's son got the surname of his father and was able to claim inheritance. He got a two-bedroom apartment, where little Boria moved along with his mother.

Ekaterina Ifodi now

Now Catherine is concentrated on the upbringing of the heir. The boy is growing active and creative, likes to reclaim poems, participates in contests. In 2021, his name appeared again in the news, in connection with the action, arranged by the supporters of United Russia in honor of the International Day of the Theater.

In the telegram channel of the party, a video was published on which the boy reads the work of Alexander Pushkin "High-grade prayer." It provoked a wave of discussion and was perceived as a political gesture. Later, the celebrity gave an interview with "rain" and stated that it was exclusively a public mission. The record of the discussion was published in the instagram account of the TV channel.

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