Andrey Smirnov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Director 2021



The creative biography of the actor, director, playwright and scenario Andrei Smirnov developed not easy. Soviet censorship did not miss his films or "cut the living", completely throwing out "ideologically harmful" scenes. But today the director is experiencing difficulties, although their nature is different, not related to the prohibitions and censorship.

Childhood and youth

The director and actor in the creative family in the spring of 1941 in Moscow was born. Andrei's father is a famous Russian writer Sergey Smirnov, who wrote a novel "Brest Fortress". The ancestors of his mother Virginia Smirnova were representatives of different nationalities - Jews on the Father and Armenians by Mother.

The half-starved childhood of Andrei Smirnova is burned by the war, to grow up in the years of restoration of the country from the ruins. In childhood, the future director did not dream of a career in the theater or cinema, although the atmosphere in the house was creative.

Andrei outlined a working specialty, but in high school he was carried away by cinema and gladly visited performances in metropolitan theaters.

Smirnova was interested in the process of creating films and productions, so after graduating from school he entered VGIK by choosing the Directory Faculty. He fell into the workshop of the famous Master of the Russian Cinema Mikhail Romma. In 1962, Andrei was awarded a diploma.

Personal life

In the personal life of a man had two bright unions. The first marriage with the actress Natalia Rudnaya, which he concluded in his youth ended in a divorce. Two daughters, Avdots and Alexander were born in the family.

The eldest Dunya chose a creative path - became a screenwriter, a writer and a popular director. Active life position influenced its social activities: since 2012, she has a co-founder of the Foundation "Exit". The organization assists children suffering from autism.

Alexander's younger moved to live in London, where he works in a large company not related to cinema.

With the second wife, Elena Prudnikova, Andrei Sergeevich met the shooting. In this family, the daughter of Aglaya Smirnov was born. Today, she works as an editor to the Marmot Valery Todorovsky film studio.

After 11 years, when the director was 50 years old, his spouse gave him the heir, Alexei's son. The guy went footsteps of his father and graduated from Vgik, directorial faculty. Together they starred in the documentary "Dynasty" in 2013.

Andrei Sergeevich is a happy grandfather of two adult grandchildren, the daughter of Aglai Taisiya and the Son of Avdoti of Smirnova Danil. He also proud of his relationship with Anatoly Chubais, who in 2012 became the son-in-law director.

The actor does not use social networks, but his photo appears in "Instagram" in thematic accounts dedicated to the Russian cinema.


The first steps in Cinema Andrey Smirnov did in the student. He starred in episodes of several popular artistic tapes - "Call, open the door", "White Sun of the Desert". The roles did not bring fame, but experience gained.

In the last courses of Vgika, the student removed the short films "Yurka - a cerebral team" and "Hey, someone!". Teachers and critics highly appreciated the works of the novice director and referred to him a successful career, but the rapid takeoff did not happen.

In 1964, the premiere of the Military Drama "Pant of the Earth" was held, where Alexander Zbruev and Yevgeny Urban starred in the lead role. The picture about hot summer 1944, I liked the audience, and officials from the cinema.

Andrey Smirnov in the film

The film was the only sacred project of Andrei Smirnov. All further pictures of the young director met the cold reception and were ruthlessly ruined with censorsky scissors. Some projects lay on the shelves of the archive of Goskino: they were forbidden to show.

The breakthrough happened in 1970, when the Military Drama "Belorussky Station" came to the screens, where Evgeny Leonov, Anatoly Papanov, Vsevolod Safonov and Nina Urgant starred. The picture and in our days call the best film about the Great Patriotic War. In 1971, the Belorussky Station was awarded the main award of the film festival in Karlovy Vary.

After 4 years, Andrei Smirnov removed the "Autumn" melodrama, in which Leonid Kulagin and Natalia Oreva. The roles of the second plan played Natalia Gundareva and Alexander Fatyushin. But censors saw frank personnel in the painting, for which they accepted the current standards of a very modest bed scene. Perhaps the film was put on the regiment because of the poems of the OPECAR writer and the poet Boris Pasternak sounded in it.

Andrey Smirnov in the film

In 1979, Andrei Smirnov removed the 2-serial production drama "faith and truth" according to the scenario of Alexander Cervinsky. This is the first Soviet picture about the place and the importance of architecture in life, about housing construction during the reign of Nikita Khrushchev. But due to the pressure of censorship, the director had to trim the idea, throw many "crazy" scenes. As a result, the tape turned out to be exhausted, all sharp corners were smoothed.

Without believing that censors will allow to implement ideas, Andrei Smirnov threw a director. From poverty rescued acting. In 1986, he starred in the production drama "Red Arrow" and Melodrame "My Favorite Clown".

Among the best acting works by Andrei Sergeyevich - Roles in the melodrame of Rodion Nakapettova "Going next" and in the art film in the same name of Sergey Jurassic "Chernov / Chernov". In the last project Smirnov played the main character. Sergey Yursky, Elena Yakovlev and Oleg Basilashvili appeared in the tape.

Andrey Smirnov in the film

In 1993, films "Dreams of Idiot" and "Cloak of Casanov" came to the screens. The first project is a joint picture of Russia and France on the novel by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov "Golden Calf". Smirnov in it got the role of Koreiko. Russian director Alexander Galin removed the second tape with the Italians. The main role in the painting in Inna Churikova. Andrei Smirnov appeared in the image of the artist Daphnis.

A year later, the actor debuted on the theater scene. He set the play "Dinner" on the play of Jean-Claude Brisville at the Moscow Theater Oleg Tabakov.

Realship and loud success came to the artist in the early 2000s. In 2000, the premiere of the biographical drama Alexei Teacher "Diary of his wife" about the life of the writer Ivan Bunin. The main character was played by Smirnov. The author of the scenario became Dunya Smirnov, his daughter.

In 2003, the audience saw the decreement of Roman Fyodor Dostoevsky "Idiot". Vladimir Bortko removed the 10-serial tape, and the main roles went to Evgeny Mironov, Vladimir Mashkov, Lydia Velieva and Inna Churikova. Andrey Smirnov appeared in the form of Totsky. In the same year, the performer was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Andrey Smirnov in the film

Often, the actor is filmed in the sensational series. He played bright roles in the Moscow Saga and Apostle projects. In 2005, the premiere of the Polish drama Kshysistef Zanussi "Person Non Grata" was held, where Smirnov reincarnated to the secretary of the Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. In the same year, the actor appeared in the adaptation of the novel of Alexander Solzhenitsyn's named "In the Circle of the First", where Bobyanina played.

In 2008, the film "Fathers and Children" of the Daughter of Artist Avdoti Smirnova, where Andrei Sergeyevich got the role of Pavel Kirsanov. After 3 years later, the actor filmography was replenished with sign work - the drama Andrei Zvyagintseva "Elena", where he fulfilled one of the key roles. The premiere of the picture took place in Cannes in the 2011th. The tape was awarded the prize of the "special look" jury, she was seen in 45 countries of the world.

In the same year, Andrei Smirnov's return was held as a director. He submitted to the audience an epic cloth about the events that took place in Russia from 1909 to 1921. In the film "Once upon a time there was one woman" the topic of civil war and Tambov uprising was affected.

The main character of the narrative was the young woman of Barbara, which almost immediately after the wedding lost her husband. The tape was warmly accepted by film critics and spectators. At the Film Festival "Window to Europe", she was awarded a special prize, and Andrei Sergeevich himself became the laureate of the Nika Prize. Smirnov spoke about his work in an interview to Vladimir Poznor.

In 2013, Andrei Smirnov pleased fans by the appearance in the popular series "Black Cats" and "Thaw". In the spring of 2014, the artist signed a letter of Russian cinematographers in support of Ukraine.

In 2016, Andrei Sergeevich presented his book "Lopukhi and Lebed", in which he presented his reflections on the development of Soviet and Russian cinema.

In 2017, a man appeared in the TV series "Optimists" Alexey Popogrebsky. This is a historical adventure drama about the 1960s Soviet diplomats. The project premiere took place in the spring of 2017 on the TV channel "Russia-1".

The main roles in the series went to Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Severia, Janushaw, Hirura Koreshkov and Rinal Muhametov. Appeared in the tape and masters Yuri Kuznetsov and Anatoly White. Andrei Smirnova Spectators saw in the image of the testing of the main character.

In the summer of 2017, a 75-year-old director complained to disrupt the filming of the picture whose working name is "French". It is a tape on the 2014 Scripture written Scenario about times thawed in Moscow. Money from sponsors appeared in 2015, then Andrei Sergeevich started shooting. But in 2016, "burst" the bank in which funds were kept, and the shooting had to stop.

Despite all the difficulties, Smirnov managed to finish working on his film, and in 2019 he went to the screens. The news about the drama show pleasantly pleased with the fans of a man.

Andrey Smirnov Now

In May 2020, the premiere of the 2nd season of the comedy series about the former "meblers" Semen Babushkin "Dinosaur" began.

In the new series, Andrei Smirnov's hero, with his friend, the character of Alexander Pankratov-Black, starts his own business, opening a firm for opening the doors. But the elderly adventurers in their path meet real scammers in the face of the Father and the Son of the Kuritsyn, who played Valery Barinov and Alexander Oleshko.

Now the film "Ampir V" is being prepared for the exit, in which Andrei Sergeevich fulfilled the role of Vampire Oziris. You can hear Smirnov today on the radio "Echo of Moscow", in the programs of "Persons" and "Diffiramb".

Filmography (actor)

  • 1986 - "Red Arrow"
  • 1990 - "Chernov / Chernov"
  • 1993 - "Dreams of Idiot"
  • 1993 - "Cosanov's Cloak"
  • 2000 - "Diary of his wife"
  • 2003 - "Idiot"
  • 2004 - Moscow Saga
  • 2005 - "In the first circle"
  • 2008 - "Apostle"
  • 2008 - "Fathers and Children"
  • 2011 - "Elena"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2013 - "Black Cats"
  • 2017 - "Optimists"
  • 2018-2020 - "Dinosaur"

Filmography (director)

  • 1961 - "YURCA - Celebrating Team"
  • 1962 - "Hey, someone!"
  • 1964 - "Pant of the Earth"
  • 1966 - "Joke"
  • 1970 - "Belorussky Station"
  • 1974 - "Autumn"
  • 1979 - "Vera and the Truth"
  • 2006 - "Freedom of Russian"
  • 2011 - "Once there was one woman"
  • 2019 - "French"

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