Alexander Pichushkin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Victims 2021



"Bitsevsky maniac" or "killer with a chessboard". So Alexander Pichushkina, accused of committing 49 murders and in 3 assassination attempts in the metropolitan Bittsev forest park. Pichushkin's dream was to eclipse the predecessor, whose name became a nominative - Andrei Chikatilo.

Childhood and youth

Pichushkin was born in the spring of 1974 in the Moscow region Mytishchi. Father threw the family when the son turned 9 months old. Mom, Natalia Elmuradovna, raised her son together with his father, Alexander Grandfather. Two years after the birth of the son, the family moved from Mytishchi to the Cheremushkinsky district of the capital (Zyuzino). Pichushkina lived in an apartment building on Kherson Street.

Alexander Pichushkin in childhood

At 4 years old Sasha fell from a swing in the courtyard at home. With the brain trauma of the boy was taken to the hospital. After discharge of a son from the Hospital, Mom noticed that the Son confuses the letters "sh" and "C". Later, when Alexander Pichuzhkin went to school, Natalia Elmuradovna translated him to the speech therapy boarding office # 138: Sasha Putal "Sh" and "C" and in conversational speech, and when writing.

Alexander Pichushkin in childhood

The boy was tiche, did not hooligan, the teachers and parents of classmates did not complain. He loved chess and escaped companies, was notobudy. Muscles swinging: in the storeroom, the grandfather, the grandfather set the crossbar, on which Alexander was writhing. Over 50 years old, Grandfather Elmurade, Frontovik, became a friend and grandson mentor. But when Alexander Pichushkin turned 14, the grandfather had a woman to whom he moved. The grandson regarded the care of his grandfather as a betrayal.

Alexander Pichushkin in his youth

Later, psychologists will say that the murders of the Bittsev maniac predominantly older men are a kind of revenge Father and grandfather, who threw Alexander in childhood and youth. After the end of the boarding school, Alexander Pichushkin entered the Vocational School, where he learned to a carpenter.

In ordinary life

The tightened and sports Alexander liked the girls and did not hesitate to mild miserabity. But Mom Pichushkin can not remember that the guy had a girl. But the beautiful classmate, who left Sasha a note, ending with the word "kiss", she remembered. Alexander Pichushkin stretched to older men. According to Natalia Elmuradna, his father's love lack.

Sports Alexander Pichushkin

At the urgent service, Pichushkin did not take: after a conversation in the military registration and enlistment office, the guy was sent to P.P. Psychiatric Hospital Kashchenko, from where he, according to Mom, returned to changed. With double power, began to pull up on the horizontal bar. But at 22, Alexander was addicted to alcohol. In the past couple of years, he was drunk so that he could not climb to his floor and waited for mom on the bench at the entrance. The regips were replaced by tears, repentance and classes on the horizontal bar.

Alexander Pichushkin in youth

Until 2006, Pichushkin worked in a supermarket on Kerchenskaya Street, a loader. After the removal of the left hand, Alexander was operated on. In the store it was transferred from a warehouse to the hall, where he set the goods. Up to 32 years old, Alexander Pichushkin has never been married.


The first in his criminal biography of the murder Manyak made at the age of 18: Pichushkin strangled the fellow students on V. Mikhail Odiychuk in the summer of 1992. According to the killer, the guy's body dropped into the well, but the remains of Mikhail did not find. Alexander Pichushkin confessed to a crime after 14 years, saying that the first murder cannot be forgotten as first love.

Victims of Alexander Pichushkin

The number of future victims Alexander Pichushkin "suggested" a favorite game of chess: the killer planned to "fill" 64 cells of the chessboard. Later, at the interrogation, the maniac admitted that as I approached the filling of all the cells, he planned to buy classic Russian checkers, on the board of which are 100 cells. At first, Alexander Pichushkin killed the people of asocial - homeless, alcoholics. But then switched to acquaintances, arguing that "killing those whom you know, especially nice."

Bitsevsky maniac

Mass murders have begun since 2001, but law enforcement agencies have not searched for a serial killer. From the corpses, the maniac got rid of one way: he dumped dead into sewer hatches. The disappeared Muscovites fell into the list of missing. After capturing the maniac, the head of Kuryanovsky sewage treatment plants called the number of corpses found in the sewage. From 2001 to 2005, employees found 29 corpses. They did not start criminal cases until the confession of Pichushkin in murders.

Alexander Pichushkin in the courtroom

In the fall and in the winter of 2005, the murders in the Bitzo Park became more frequent. The killer's corpses did not hide, but left on the surface. All had a "branded sign": a barbed skull and a branch or bottle inserted into the wound. The press appeared notes about the maniac, cruelly killing older men.

"Purpose" Alexander Pichushkin on the murder of a familiar woman. She invited Marina Moskalev to the park. The son-teenager Marina, leaving, left the number of the mobile phone Alexander - her phone broke. Moskalev found killed on the second day. The investigators remained to identify a person who belonged to the number. For the murderer, they came early in the morning, putting his handcuffs in bed.

Marina Moskaleva and Alexander Pichushkin on the Murder Day

At the interrogation, Alexander did not unlocked and confessed to the murder of Moskaleva. Soon he confessed to the rest of the crimes and stated that he was the desired Bittsev Maniac. Pichushkin sent forced treatment to the Serbian Institute. The Moscow Prosecutor's Office has put a point in the investigation in the summer of 2007. Alexandra announced the perpetrators of 52 crimes.

In the same year, a court began, ended with a harsh sentence: the defendant received a life imprisonment. Alexander Pichushkin argued that he killed 61 people, but then called the numbers 62 and 63. Three of them are women. The maniac killed two - Larisa Koulugin and Marina Moskalev. Mary Virichyeva was lucky to escape from the maniac's hands. The killer did not repent of crimes and in court stated that he was not going to stop.

Alexander Pichushkin in prison

In October 2007, Alexander Pichushkin was steady in the colony of a special regime on the Yamal "Polar Owl". Already in November, he appealed against the verdict, asking for a sentence of up to 25 years. The Supreme Court rejected the cassation. In 2008, Pichushkin wrote the mother of the first letter in which she listed everything you needed that he would need in prison.

Alexander Pichushkina has a correspondence with a woman named Natalia, who confessed him in love and agreed to become his wife. According to unconfirmed information, the wedding in the colony did not take place due to the angry letters of relatives of the Manyak's victims, who applied to the leadership of the colony.

Alexander Pichushkin now

In 2017, the killer who serves the term on Yamal was interviewed. He confessed to love for animals and called himself "the personification of good." One of the disadvantages recognized one - excessive kindness on its value system. The maniac will be happy to paint the details of crimes and methods of murder. At work, he shook when the staff discussed the next bloody crime, without guessing who committed it.

Alexander Pichushkin in 2017

Women Pichushkin called the "accessory, a friend of man." He was not interested in killing women, but he noted the traces, confusing investigators. Alexander Pichushkin, answering the question of journalists, why did people kill people, he answered that he received colossal pleasure. Before applying a fatal blow, he recognized the victim's plans, dreams.

"After all, it was important for me not just to kill the flesh, this is the simplest. It was important that it was to kill a person. "

The history of the serial killer became the plot of the 4-serial film "Gardener". About Alexandra Pichushkina seized several documentaries. The tape "Military Chess player" came out on the TV channel "Discovery".

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