Ksenia Merz - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", plastic, secular lioness, "Instagram" 2021



Bright, the shocking Ksenia Merz attracts the attention of the thirsty high-profile events of the public. The former spouse of the building oligarch and the ex-girlfriend of the singer Mitya Fomina likes to attract attention to non-trivial actions, loud statements on the talk show and is not afraid to put into the course of the fists, if he thinks necessary.

Childhood and youth

Oksana Bondarenko, namely, the real name of the secular lioness Xenia Merz sounds, was born on August 7, 1972 (zodiac sign - lion) in Barnaul. Information about parents is incomplete - no data about this father.

When Oksana turned 10 years old, her mother Galina married Vladimir Mersez, who adopted a stepdaughter, giving her his last name.

In the second marriage, Galina Merz gave birth to two children - Oksana has two younger brothers. They live in Barnaul now.

Years of childhood and adolescence in the biography of a secular lioness - the mystery, which she never listed. Failed to find information, what school graduated from Merz. It is known that Oksana received a higher education in the Timiryazevsky Agricultural Academy (now the Russian State Agrarian University - MSX Names of Timiryazev's Clement).

Life and scandals

Do not notice a bright blonde with expressive lips difficult. And Merz herself does not hide in the shade: she is a frequent guest of secular events and rating television shows. For a long time, the husband of glamorous diva was the owner of a major capital construction company. He was not against the work of the spouse as a TV host on the MUZ-TV channel. The wife began to spend more time in the studio than at home, so the man put it before choosing - shooting on television or family.

After the divorce, the woman did everything to be called a secular lioness. Soon, Merz had his own business - she became the owner of the beauty salon. But this did not prevent Ksenia Vladimirovna to continue the telemarier.

The program "Let them speak" in 2016, where the fate of the secular lioness Alena Kravets was discussed, the glamorous diva pounced with his fists on the photographer. On a talk show, the main topic of which was the divorce of the Hollywood stars of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Merz reasoned about parting a couple with knowledge of the case, declaring that her house on the Cote d'Azur should next to the arts of celebrities.

In the spring of 2016, Ksenia Vladimirovna declared a "zombie-tutor" attack on her daughter. Once she was tempted home after the call of the frightened 12-year-old Stephanie. The teacher attacked the girl who was saved by choosing with shouts about helping the corridor.

Looking at a secular lioness, ill-wishers and TV viewers talk about plastic operations to which she resorted. On the plastic, the Haters mark, point the lips of Merz, taut face and a lush chest. But the celebrity does not comment on rumors and does not make clarity, preferring to keep intrigue.

Bright scandals and fights raise the rating of a secular lioness. In the fall of 2017, a photo of a crippled Merz fell into open access. The glamorous divorce spent on the car parking lot in the center of Moscow with the "Mjor Rider". The verbal sword turned into a fight.

At the same time, the history of the divorce Ksenia Vladimirovna was touched upon in the Talk Show "Direct Ether with Andrei Malakhov", dedicated to the problem with which Dana Borisov faced, - a ban on communication with his daughter.

Ksenia Merz to plastics and after

In early 2018, the secular lioness visited Dmitry Shepelev's studio, this time with recognition in a romantic relationship with the ex-spouse now former friend Alena Kravets.

In the spring of TV presenter became a guest of the Men's / Women's program, the release of which was called "I don't prohibit a richly", and after half a year, Merz's name again fell into the field of view of journalists. On the ether of the program "In fact," she was accused of a love connection with a personal driver that the glamorous diva categorically denied.

At the end of the same year, Ksenia Vladimirovna became a succession of another scandal. This time the conflict occurred in her country house. Merz learned that the housekeeper used her things, which without the consent of the hostess secretly surrendered, and some items of the wardrobe were disappeared without a trace.

Ksenia Merz and her former husband Valery Demichev

Glamorous diva demanded that the employee compensation for the damage in the amount of 15 million rubles. Later it turned out that the daughter of the housekeeper became the culprit, who behind his mother turned the illegal business behind his back.

In December 2018, Ksenia Vladimirovna appeared again on the program "In fact," where he was checking on the detector of lies. According to the former housekeeper Merz Alfia Abdrashitova, she was forced to spend 2 weeks in resuscitation after the ill-beating of the hostess.

In 2019, the glamorous diva continued to appear on TV screens. With her participation, the release of the program "Let them say", dedicated to the topic "The White Wedding". In this regard, on the page in "Instagram", Merz remembered the marriage of Lera Kudryavtseva, where she and Otar Kushanashvili were chosen witnesses.

Personal life

Former celebrity spouse Valery Demichev - the owner of the construction company "Russian Monolith". They met in the youth. According to Merz, Valery began his business with the production of CDs. Later he took up the construction business, and the family in which the daughter of Stefania was born, removed the house in the elite suburban village of Zhukovka. Soon there was his own mansion.

Romance in the relationship of spouses dried up: the rich man reproached his wife in imperfect appearance and aging. He had a young mistress. Ksenia with scandal divorced Valery. According to the surrounding, one of the reasons for the separation of the spouses was the emotional instability of Merz. To protect the psyche of the girl from a scandalous mother, a former husband was forced to ban ex-wife to see the daughter. Ultimately, she managed to return his rights and stay with the child.

The personal life of a secular lioness soonly played new paints: a romance flared by the oligarch from the oligarch's wife. There were rumors about the emergency marriage of the couple and the birth of common children, but the relationship ended with parting and the scandalous recognition of the secular lioness that Mitya changed her with men. She was not going to share his beloved, so I chose to say goodbye to the Fomin. In 2017, the singer had to prove that he was not the father of the child of the former beloved, for which the DNA test had to be passed, which was confirmed by the right thing of a man.

In the fall of 2017, information about the novel of the secular lioness and the fitness coach of Alexander Zdasyuk appeared in the media. Relationships launched 2 months and ended with another scandal. In the studio TV show "In fact," a lie detector is used, Merz said that the young man introduced himself to the son of the rector of the metropolitan university. Glamorous diva did not bother to gifts and expensive trips for the beloved.

Having found a lie in the words of Alexander, Merz decided to recover from him those means that spent during communication. According to Ksenia, Vladimirovna, the amount amounted to about 5 million rubles.

The events of the personal life of Merz highlight from the personal instagram account, which also places advertising posts dedicated to its cosmetology studio. Now the celebrity business expands, but she hides all the details from the microblog subscribers. The secular lioness resorts to the services of their masters, which allows it to maintain a daily appearance and a slender figure (with a height of 168 cm, the weight does not exceed 55 kg), which it is happy to demonstrate in trendy outfits and swimsuits.

In June 2020, according to media information, Merz had a new fan of Artem Komarov, who was married to Evgenia Daravina. The age difference in the son of the Russian oligarch and a lioness is 18 years old. According to insider data, the acquaintance took place in the metropolitan restaurant, Artem gives the beloved flowers and along with her spent time at the hotel in Barvikha.

Ksenia Merz now

In February 2021, Teediva was in the center of the next scandal. Criminal authority from the 90s Yevgeny Orlov, and now the homeless homeless area from the Ivanovo region on the program "In fact" stated that 30 years ago, Merz, which at that time was 17, was its content. The man accused a secular lioness in the fact that she took possession of his property, and his burned he himself. To refute the charges, Ksenia Vladimirovna was inspected at the polygraph.

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