Elchin Sunga - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Red-haired Turkish actress Elchin Sungua conquered the hearts of millions of television viewers after entering the light of the series "priceless time." The artist is actively filming the cinema, continuing to replenish its new jobs filmography.

Childhood and youth

Sangu was born on August 13, 1985 (zodiac sign - lion) in Turkey, the city of Izmir. The head of the family left his wife when the daughter was hardly 2 years old. It is thanks to the Father's genes, which by nationality was Circassians, the actress was already different from those surrounding her people atypical for the people of Turkey. Nature generously gave Elchin Copper bright red hair and white as marble skin.

The 2nd time the Muiser marriage (Mom's name) did not come out, preferring to the female happiness calmness of his daughter, who was extremely zealously referred to the emergence of new cavaliers in the life. The future actress grew surrounded by representatives of a weak half of humanity, which was supported and directed by the hottest child in both children's and junior years. It is reliably known that the mother of the actress instigated the child's love for the opera, grandmother - to theatrical productions, and aunt - to the dance.

According to the memoirs of Elchin, the relatives constantly said that in the future she would definitely achieve success and become a popular person. In order to dilute the pompousness of spoken speeches, the ladies jicely stated that children's photos would sell journalists, on which Sangu was captured in negligee.

The artist from the young age practiced the main credo of his life: if you take it - do it better if not sure what to cope, - do not try. Having successfully graduating from school, she entered the Conservatory at Mersin's University. There the lady first tried herself in Opera. True, due to the fact that strict canons of classical music did not give opportunities to develop creatively, from the idea of ​​becoming a singer's red-haired festival refused.

In 2006, Sangu received a grant for training at the University of University. Becoming a certified specialist in the field of visual art, the girl moved to Istanbul. In the largest city of Turkey, Elchin began to master the profession of a hyseride, to participate in theatrical productions and learn Italian and English.

Personal life

In the world of Turkish cinema, curious situations often occur. So, the popularity of the teleeclarshed couple from the TV series "For a rent" has reached such heights that fans wishing to see the main roles together in real life, began to attack pages in social networks of their favorites, leaving countless comments to publications.

Married on the actress Geuz Ozay Barysh Arduch was abstract from this pressure, but Elchin, who since 2011 met with an artist Yunus Ozdique, suffered a wedding. Despite the fact that young people have long been conventionally called each other with her husband and wife, because of the increased attention to the personal life of the red-haired beauty, lovers decided to postpone the wedding ceremony for an indefinite period. So, Santa does not have a husband or children.


The debut in the series "Renomy Time" turned out to be more than successful: Despite the lack of experience, Elchin coped brilliantly with a rather difficult role of a negative heroine. Colleagues on the set in this tape were Aych Binghel, Yyldyz Chagra Atiksa, Aras Buhulut Weemeli, etc.

Then Sangu played nohur in the series "What size is love?" And Ed in the picture "The Story of One Love". The historical and dramatic multi-seater TV project "Kurt Seit and Alexandra" brought wide popularity. In it, the actress embodied the image of the sister of the chief hero of Jildyz, who secretly was in love with Gelliers.

Not every series is destined to become a cult. It so happened that the film "Challenged with Love", in which Sangu was filmed, quickly curled. However, the closing of the film did not upset wisely not by the years actress. In a conversation with media representatives, she said that she received valuable experience, and while preparing the shooting mastered the skill of a riding ride, which, according to the artist, she would use in the future.

In 2015, Elchin received a major role in the series Star TV channel - "Love for rent." The main heroine of the tape is the refuna, which was played by Sangu, is a waitress in a restaurant. She lifestates sister and brother on her feet. The protagonist Omer Iplicchi (Barysh Arduch) is a popular designer of fashionable shoes. His parents died. From the family there were only native units with aunt and grandfather, with whom Omer does not speak from 15 years.

A businessman leads a closed lifestyle, itifies it right, engaged in sports and works a lot. Once Omer, to get rid of an annoying fan, kisses a stranger to the waitress of the defense. After that, a relative of the designer comes home to the lady of home and offers the girl the money for the waitress spinning with her nephew romance.

The caste of the series is an example for others with regard to warm friendly interconnections on the set. So, Actor Sechkin Ozdemir, who joined the current composition in the middle of the season, easily found a common language with the whole team.

During the couple of months, Sangu, along with a colleague on the TV series "Love for rent", the Barysh Arduch was laid out on the pages of their social networks photos from the set. Attentive subscribers noticed that the same scenery flashes in the pictures, and suggested that the actors prepare a joint project to exit. In September 2017, artists officially announced the beginning of the shooting of a romantic comedy in the American style "Stay with me."

Wound to meet the audience producers and scenarios, mining Elchin and the Barysh in the next film, violated the most ancient tradition of Turkish cinema - not to remove the same actors in the role of lovers twice. The shooting of the painting, based on the plot of which lies the history of the lives of two absolutely different people, passed in Istanbul. The premiere of the series took place in November of this year. Also, Sangu appeared in a lamination for the new season "Channel D". In the video clip, which was broadcast in August, in addition to her, starred Enth Akyush, Halit Ergech and Bergusar Korel.

In 2018, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with the series "Lifeless" and "Collision".

In the drama "Collision", the plot begins with the accident, which the Kadir Commissioner arranged (Kyvanch Tatlyug). The man wanted to commit suicide, because he feels guilty of his family's death. The participants of this accident also became the employee of the Bank Zeynept (Elchin), which, because of the husband's debts, were stolen daughter, lawyer Jemre (Melisa Asla Pamuk) and the crowded Thief Core (Alpere Duimaz). The fates of these people, different in age and social status, face the road during an accident and intertwined.

In the Turkish saga about vampires "lifeless" Elchin, the role of 164-year-old Vampire Mia, who dreams of becoming a man again. She goes to Istanbul in search of Dmitry (Kerem Bursin), who turned it into a vampire. To kill one of the strongest in the dark kingdom, the heroine will need allies - they will be able to find them among those who stretch to the light.

Elchin Sunga now

In 2020, the premiere of the picture "9 times Leila" took place. The comedy tells about the rich businessman Adem (Halyuk Bilginer), which decides to kill his wife Leila (Dememe Akbag) to build a happy marriage with the mistress of NORGIS (SUNU). The wrong husband took 9 attempts to get rid of the spouse that disagrees to the divorce, but instead of the death of a woman he himself enters funny adventurous adventures.

Another novelty of 2020 is the series "and in sadness and in joy" with Yemerin Allen, Elchin and Ozan Dolunay starring. In the center of the plot - Red-haired Beauty Leila, who works as a wedding manager, and played Sangu. The girl itself is unhappy in his personal life, because 5 years ago, she threw it in front of the altar. Another couple, for which it takes to organize a celebration, become the daughter of her boss and escaped the groom.


  • 2010 - "priceless time"
  • 2012 - "What is the size of love?"
  • 2013 - "The Story of One Love"
  • 2014 - "Kurt Seit and Alexander"
  • 2015 - "My Love, Alabor"
  • 2015 - "Challenged Love"
  • 2015 - "Love for rent"
  • 2017 - "Stay with me"
  • 2017 - "Girl's Business"
  • 2017 - "Time of Happiness"
  • 2018 - "Lifeless"
  • 2018 - "Collision"
  • 2020 - "And in sorrow and in joy"

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