Little Prince - Biography, Home Thought, Facts and Quotes


Character History

Allegoric story-fairy tale "Little Prince", which teaches to appreciate the friendship and relationship, knows almost every literature literature: the work of the Frenchman Antoine de Saint-Exupery is even included in the list of the university program on the humanitarian faculties. The magic fairy tale flew around all countries, and the chief hero who lived on a small planet is dedicated to the museum in Japan.

History of creation

The writer worked on the "Little Prince", living in the largest city of America - New York. The Frenchman had to move to the Coca-Cola country and Mickey Maus, because in those days his homeland occupied fascist Germany. Therefore, the first to enjoy the fairy tale were the carriers of the English language - the story that was published in 1943, was sold in the translation of Katerina Woods.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The fundamental work of St. Exupery decorated the author's watercolor illustrations that are not less famous than the book itself, since they became part of an eccentric visual lexicon. In addition, the author himself refers to these drawings in the text, and the main characters sometimes even argue about them.

In the original language, the fairy tale was also published in the United States, but French literature lovers saw it only after the war, in 1946. In Russia, "Little Prince" appeared only in 1958, thanks to the translation of the bar of Gal. Soviet children got acquainted with the magic character on the pages of the literary magazine "Moscow".

Author's illustration of Exupery to the "Little Prince"

The work of Saint Exupery autobiographically. The writer wisered according to childhood, as well as in himself in himself a small boy, who grew up and brought up in the city of Lyon on Payra Street, 8 and which was called the "King Sun", because the baby was decorated with blond hair. But in college, the future writer was acquired by the nickname "Lunatic", because he had romantic traits of character and was sown to bright stars for a long time.

Saint-Exupery understood that the fantastic time car did not invent. He will not return to a happy time when it was possible not to think about concerns, and then time to do the right choice regarding the future future.


No wonder at the beginning of the book, the writer tells about the drawing of the Bade, who heaven an elephant: All adults were seen on a hat with a hat, and also advised not to spend their time for meaningless creativity, but to engage in school objects. When the child became an adult man, he was not addicted, like Rembrandt, to the canvas and brushes, and became a professional pilot. The man still showed his creation to adults, and they again called the snake headdress.

With these people, it was impossible to talk about the benefits and stars, so the pilot lived in full of loneliness, until he met a little prince, "the first head of the book tells about it. Thus, it becomes clear that the parable tells about the undispical soul of the child, as well as about important "non-disheveled" concepts, such as life and death, loyalty and treason, friendship and betrayal.

Saint Exupery and Consuelo

In addition to the Prince, other heroes are found in parable, for example, touching and capricious rose. The prototype of this beautiful, but the spiny flower served as the wife of the writer Consuelo. This woman was an impulsive latino, with a hot temperament. No wonder friends called the beauty of the "Little Salvador Valkan".

Also in the book there is a fox character who came up with, based on the image of a small fnequer fench, inhabiting the desert terrain. Such a conclusion was made due to the fact that in the illustrations of the red hero he has large ears. In addition, the writer wrote the sister:

"I bring up Fenqueka Lisenka, is also called a lonely fox. He is less than the cat, he has a huge ears. He is charming. Unfortunately, he is dick, like a predatory beast, and growls like a lion. "

It is noteworthy that the tailed character caused a stir in the Russian version engaged in the translation of the "Little Prince". Nora Gal remembered that the publisher could not solve: the book speaks of the fox or yet about the Lisea. From such a little thing, the entire deep meaning of the fairy tales depended, because this hero, according to the translator, embodies friendship, and not rival a rose.

Biography and plot

When the pilot flew over sugar, something broke into the engine of his aircraft. Therefore, the hero of the work was in a disadvantageous position: if he does not repair the breakdown, it will die from the lack of water. In the morning the pilot woke a children's voice, asked to draw a lamb. A tiny boy with gold hair was standing in front of the hero, which was incomprehensible in the kingdom of sand. The little prince became the only one who managed to see the woven, swallowing an elephant.

Little Prince

The new friend of the pilot flew from the planet, which has a boring name - asteroid B-612. This planet was a small size, a value from the house, and the prince cared for her every day and cared for nature: I cleared the volcanoes and smeared the sprouts of baobabs.

The boy did not like to live a one-eyed life, because every day he did the same thing. To dilute the gray linen of life with bright colors, a resident of the planet admired the sunset. But one day everything changed. A flower appeared on an asteroid B-612: proud and touching, but a wonderful rose.

Little Prince and Rose

The main character loved the plant with spikes, and the rose was too arrogant. But at the time of farewell, the flower told the little prince that he loved him. Further, the boy left a rose and went on a journey, and curiosity made him visit other planets.

On the first asteroid, the king lived, who dreamed of acquiring faithful subjects, and suggested the Prince to become a member of the higher authority. On the second there was a ambition, on the third - dependent on the hot drinks.

Little Prince

Later, the Prince met on his way of a business man, a geographer and a lamporist who liked him most, for the rest forced the hero to think about the fact that adults are strange people. According to the persuade, this unfortunate lantern lied every morning and turned it off at night, but since his planet decreased, he had to perform this feature every minute.

The seventh planet was the land, which made an indelible impression on the boy. And this is not surprising, because there are several kings, thousands of geographers, as well as millions of ambition, adults and drunks.

Little Prince and Fox

However, the little man in a long scarf made friends only with the pilot, fox and snake. Snake and Fox promised to help the prince, and the latter taught him the main thought: it turns out that you can tame anyone and become a friend to him, but you always need to be responsible for those who have tamed. Also, the boy learned that sometimes you need to be guided by the field of heart, and not reason, because sometimes the most important thing is not to see the eyes.

Therefore, the main character decided to return to the abandoned rose and went to the desert, where she landed earlier. He asked the pilot to draw the lamb in the box and found a poisonous snake, whose bite instantly kills any living being. If she returns the earth, then a little prince returned to the stars. Thus, the little prince died at the end of the book.

Pilot with Parashka

Before that, the prince said the pilot so that he did not suffer because the night sky would remind him of an unusual acquaintance. The narrator fixed his plane, but did not forget the chille boy. However, sometimes they mastered the excitement, since he forgot to draw a strap for a muzzle, so shells could easily be enjoyed in a flower. After all, if the roses are not, then the boy's world will not be the same as before, and the adult is hard to understand.

Interesting Facts

  • Squeezing to the "Little Prince" is found in the clip of the "Depeche Mode" group on the song "Enjoy the Silence". In the videoode, the audience see the flashing rose and Vocalist Dave Gahan, who is dressed in an elegant raincoat and crown.
  • The French singer Milen Farmer sang a song, which translated into Russian means "Drawing me a lamb" ("Dessine-Moi Un Mouton"). Also, the hero of the work was dedicated to the song Otto Dix, Oleg Medvedev, Egor Letov and other performers.
  • Before the creation of a "Little Prince", Exupery did not write children's stories.
Little Prince and Rose
  • In another work of the French author of the "Planet of People" (1938) there are similar with the "Little Prince" of the motive.
  • On October 15, 1993, an asteroid was opened, which in 2002 was appropriated the name "46610 BESIXDOUZE". The mysterious word comes after numbers is another way to translate B-612 to French manner.
  • When Exupery participated in the war, in the interruptions between the battles, he painted on a sheet of a boy - either with wings, like a fairy or a cloud-sitting. Then this character acquired a long scarf, which, by the way, wore the writer himself.


"I didn't want you to hurt. You yourself wished me to tame you. "I wish I would know why the stars are glowing. Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone could find her again. "" You never need to listen to what flowers say. We just need to look at them and breathe their aroma. My flower drank myself with the fragrance of my planet, and I did not know how to rejoice. "" That was before my fox. He did not differ from one hundred thousand other foxes. But I made friends with him, and now he is the only light in the whole. "" People are not enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready in stores. But after all, there are no such shops where they would sell friends, and therefore people no longer have friends. "" After all, vain people imagine that they all admire. "

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