Khalima Sultan - biography, photo, personal life, actress



Khalima Sultan is a concubine of the ruler of the Ottoman Empire Mehmed III. She gave birth to three children from Sultan. Twice during his life wearing the title of Valida Sultan. Khalima was born in Abkhazia in 1571, in the family Akuch Bay. At birth, the girl was named altunas, but later the name was changed to Khalima. At an early age, the girl became concubine in the harem of the future Sultan Mehmed III. At that moment he served as the military head of one of the administrative units of the Ottoman Empire.

Mehmed III, husband Halim Sultan

Mehmed showed the greatest sympathy for Khalima compared to other girls from Harem, and soon she became his favorite. In 1587, the concubine gave birth to a son from the future of Sultan. The boy received the name Mahmoud. Before climbing the throne, the girl was twice twice became a mother. The second of Mehmed and Khalima was born Mustafa boy.

The third child was a girl whose name is at the moment unknown. The daughter of the future Sultan became the wife of the Great Vizier Davud Pasha, who at one time enjoyed the limitless trust of the ruler of Ottoman II and became famous for the fact that in 1622 he killed this ruler of the Ottoman Empire.

At the Sultan Palace

The throne of the ruler of the Ottoman Empire in 1595 moved to Mehmonda. Khalima falls into the Palace of Topkan, where all the power focuses in the hands of Safiye-Sultan Valid, Mother of the new Sultan Mehmed III. Safiy had a huge impact on the Sultan, which was able to use to achieve personal goals. The woman played an important role in the execution of his own grandson of Mahmouda, the firstborn Khalima and Mehmed. Safiy fell from a religious seer, intended in initially Khalima.


The letter said that the son of Safiya in the next six months is waiting for an inevitable death. The throne of Sultan, according to Providen, inherits the eldest son Khalima - Mahmoud. According to the English ambassador, Mahmoud negatively treated the methods of government in the palace of his grandmother. He stated that she appreciates only his own desire for material well-being, while having a huge power over his father-Sultan.

The Sultan Mehmed III himself recognized about the sayings of Mahmud, after which she suspected his son in the fact that he plunges to overthrow him from the ruler's post. Jealousy to Mehmonda, together with suspicions, led to the fact that Sultan ordered to execute his own child. At the same time, he accepted this decision, being under pressure from his mother Safiya Sultan. The execution of the Son became a sad event in the history of Life Khalima.

Shekhzade Mustafa, son Halim Sultan

In 1604, the prediction of the death of Sultan Mehmed III came true. According to the customs of the Ottoman Empire, all the brothers of the new Sultan had to execute, in order not to disperse among them the struggle for power and prevent the occurrence of unrest in the country. Mehmed, following this bloody tradition, ordered to execute the 19 of his one-sighted brothers. For this reason, over Mustafa, the second son Khalima, the mortal danger was hung.

The power after the death of Mehmed took his son Ahmed, who was at that time thirty years. The new Sultan decided to leave his only brother alive. As scientists believe, the mental disease of Mustafa became the cause of such an act, because of which, according to Ahmed I, brother could not claim the ruler of the Ottoman Empire in any case.

Ahmed I.

But another important reason for which Ahmed presented Mustafa life was the influence of his favorite concubine to him. The latter could not allow, in the event of Ahmed's death, his eldest son Osman came to power, the mother of which was another concubine of Sultan - Makhfire. Koyssem was sure that if Osman becomes Sultan, he executed her two sons, which she gave birth from Ahmed.

Sultan Ahmed I Rules until 1617. All this time, Mustafa was isolated from the surrounding world in one of the rooms of the Sultansky Palace. For Mustafa, he constantly followed the guard, without giving him a single opportunity to break free. Halim himself sent to the old palace, where she received certain payments for becoming a widow of Sultan.

Valida Sultan

In November 1617, Sultan Ahmed I died. At that moment a dilemma appeared, which in the history of the Ottoman Empire had never arose before. Two Shehzade claimed to the throne. The courtyard was divided into two groups. The first one expressed that the state began to rule the brother of the late Sultan mentally sick Mustafa. This fraction was headed by the Supreme Advisor to Islam Khodjasadtinzade Mehmedo Esat-Efendi and Sofa Mehmed-Pasha, who was replaced by the Chief Minister of Sultan during his absence in Istanbul.

Serial actors

At the same time, the first group substantiated its position by the fact that the Ottoman, the son of Ahmed, will not be due confidence of the people because of his young age. The second group under the leadership of the head of Black Enuhov Mustafa-Agi was against the Board of Mustafa, arguing that a mentally unhealthy person is not able to manage the empire. Ultimately, the objections of Mustafa-Agi did not accept. Mustafa was appointed ruler.

After the construction of the second son, Khalima urgently delivered from the old palace and proclaimed her Valida Sultan. Because of the mental deviation, Mustafa could not rule on his own, so the valid had to take the reign of the Board of the Ottoman Empire.

The decisions of the new Valida Sultan acted, consulted with the Great Vision of Damate Halila Pasha. The board of a country with a unhealthy psyche did not arrange many. In 1617, one of the factions at the palace overthrew Mustafa from the Sultansky throne, and the nephew Osman II was appointed in his place.

The former Sultan came to imprisonment in a cafe, and his mother was sent back to the old palace. After the Board, Mustafa Khalime began to pay an additional pension. Now the woman received a manual not only for being a widow of the ruler, but also for being a former valid. The Board of Osman II lasts until 1622, while Yanychars did not overthrow him from the Sultan Tron during the rebellion. The rebels freed Mustafa and again proclaimed the head of the Ottoman Empire.

Asheanian Gürbuz in the role of Halim Sultan

Historians believe that, perhaps, it was not without interference with Khalima, who, together with a Vision, Kari Davudom Pasha, developed a clear plan to return the son of the title of the ruler. In the country after returning Mustafa I, conflicts began to flare up. In order to resolve the situation in the empire, the rule of the ruler in 1623 was offered to deploy Mustafa from the throne in exchange for his life. Valid agreed, after which Mustafa was sent to Cafe.

Personal life

After the death of Sultan Mehmed III of his personal life, Halim did not have anything. The woman devoted himself to children, she did everything possible to Mustafa to be in power. The biography of the former valid was the basis of many films, including the basis of the series "Magnificent Century. The Empire Kösem, "where the role of Khalima played the actress Astenian Gürbuz.


Halim in 1623 returned to the third time in the old palace, where he died in the same year. Mustafa lived for another 16 years. After death, his body was buried without any honors.

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