Helen Hunt - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Helen Hunt - American actress, screenwriter, director and producer. Her climbing to glory began in 1992 with filming in the series "Crazy from You." Participation in Sitkom made a fragile blonde, which because of the external similarity is often confused with Jody Foster, one of the highest paid actresses of the 90s.

Helen Hunt and Jody Foster

Upon completion of the work on a multi-meter project, Hunt starred in the films of "Pay Forward" with charming Kevin Spacei in the lead role, in the comedy "What do women want?" With the handsome Malo Gibson and in the "expensive" with Tom Hanks. These filmmakers fastened for a charismatic woman reputation wizard reputation.

Childhood and youth

Helen Hunt was born on June 15, 1963 in the southwest of California in Calver City. The father of the future Hollywood movie star, Gordon, was a director, and Mother, Jane Elizabeth Novis, worked as a professional photographer. Grandma Helen - Dorothy Fries - taught scenic speech. It was she who instilled his granddaughter love for cinema, theater and opera.

Helen Hunt in childhood

According to the memories of the actress, the atmosphere of all-consuming creative anarchy always reigned in her family. Parents never brought over the hot chud, providing the daughter's right to choose. Sport, singing, drawing - wherever Helen, Gordon and Jane came with joy and supported her. Despite the permissiveness, it is difficult to imagine that such gifted mother and father would have a child with mathematical sciences.

Helen Hunt in Youth

As a child, the future actress refused to play with peers, preferring to a cheerful pastime with friends of television shows, which told about the secrets of the Lyedyman's profession. The blonde was six years old when she finally decided that he would like to tie her life with acting paths.

The first professional achievement of Hunt was the role in the television series "Shaw Mary Tyler Moore." Announcing a talented girl still on the casting assistants on the selection of actors began to invite it to various TV projects. Hunt starred in several commercially not successful films (the most famous of them was the "Swiss family of Robinsons" in 1975) and TV shows, and also discovered the scene.

Helen Hunt in youth

Being extremely intelligent and pragmatic child, Helen decided that, first of all, you need to get a good formation and only then think about your career. The teachers of the Catholic school in Berbanka, in which he studied in the high-class Hunt, remember her with moutigation. Teachers say that the actress masterfully combined the work on TV with a visit to the classes to which she always came with a prepared homework.

In the youthful years, Helen behaved like an ordinary teenager, never emphasized her superiority, and she tried to remove during the summer holidays to keep up with the school program. Despite the success in studies, an example for imitating the artist has never been. Her classmates remember how the Hunt is a couple with a girlfriend scared teachers during the lesson, depicting the voices of different animals.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, Helen entered the University of California. After two months, a talented student stopped going to classes, prefering to school, which she had previously put on a pedestal, moving to New York and a full immersion in the acting environment. At that time, the Hunt was secured by the reputation of a diligent worker, and its work on a large and small screens as a result brought actress long-awaited success.


Hunt declared itself as an actress after the premiere of a youth comedy held in 1985 "Girls want to have fun." In the film directed by Alan Metter, in addition to Helen, Ed Lotter, Sarah Jessica Parker, Morgan Woodward and Shannen Doherty. After a year, the actress starred in the film "Puggy Sue married", in which she got the role of daughter of heroes Nicholas Cage and Kathleen Turner.

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All America spoke about the charming blonde after the premiere of the series "crazy about you." Film, which went into broadcast from 1992 to 1999, brought Hunt four AMMI bonuses. It is known that in the final season, the actress received $ 1 million for the episode.

In 1996, Helen starred in the movie "Tornado", and after a year he received a major role in the tragicomedy of James L. Brooks "Better". Kinokartina brought Blonde her first in the life of Oscar. It is noteworthy that the initial role of Malvina Yudala was offered not to Jack Nicholson, but John Travolta. In turn, Carol Connel should have played not a Hunt, but Holly Hunter.

Helen Hunt and Jack Nicholson at the award ceremony

In the 2000th, the artist triumphantly returned to the cinema, starring immediately in four films: "Knife", "What do women want?", "Pay another" and "Dr." T "and his women." In the romantic comedy Nancy Myers "What do women want?" Hunt tried on the image of the advertising agent Darcy McGuire. According to the plot, ambitious emphasis in love with the local playboy Nika Marshal (Mel Gibson), which, thanks to the ability acquired as a result of an accident, can read the thought of women and plans to achieve the dismissal of the new boss.

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In 2001, Woody Allen invited the actress in his comedy "Curse of Jade Scorpion". The history of the insurance agent who fell into the trap of the villain-illusionist, I liked the audience, with the budget spent on the shooting. Three years later, the Blonde filmography was replenished with a role in the tape "Good Woman", in which, in addition to Helen, notorious Scarlett Johansson starred, Stephen Campbell Moore and Mark Amberrs.

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In 2006, the Bobby documentary drama was released on large screens. Thanks to the phenomenal game of Anthony Hopkins, Sharon Stone, Helen Hunt and Demi Moore Painting received the Prize of the Venetian Film Festival in the nomination "Best Biographical Film".

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In 2012, the actress starred in the film "Surrogat". The plot of the director of the director Ben Luin is based on the essay of the journalist and the poet Mark O'Brien "In Search of Sex Surrogat". Two years later, the premiere of the comedy "Trip" took place. In the painting, Hunt got the role of a mother who, because of his son, who quit school for the sake of a surfer career, turned her life from his legs on his head, filling it with new paints.

Personal life

The relationship with representatives of the strong half of humanity Hand was never particularly applied. Despite the efforts of the actress, do not publish his personal life, it has always managed to learn the most piquant and scandalous details of communication of artist with men outside the set.

Helen Hunt and Eric Stolz

It is known that during the filming of the film "Dancing Water" (1992) Helen met with a colleague on the site - actor Eric gallez. True, the relationship of lovers ended immediately after entering the picture to large screens.

In 1994, the charming blonde has a novel with a television actor Hankom Azaria, for which the executor of the leading role in the comedy "What do women want?" In 1999 he married. A couple of months after the wedding, young people realized that they were not ready for the gray realities of family life and were divorced.

Helen Hunt and Hank Azaria

In 2001, the actress met producer Matthew Karnajan. Already in May 2004, she gave birth to a beloved daughter Macken Leu Gordon Karnajan. It is worth noting that the stellar couple did not formally legalize the relationship. For 16 years, the spouses lived in the soul in the soul, and in 2017, the Western media referred to insiders that Helen and Matthew broke up.

As it turned out, former in love for a couple of months live apart. Over the years, they had difficulties in relationships and serious disagreements. Their gap happened back at the end of 2016, but they tried to keep the family for the sake of a common daughter.

Helen Hunt now

In March 2017, the world premiere of the Firetrel TV series was held. In the film director Gina Prince-Baitvwood, Reggae Rock Baytvuda and John David Coleza Helen reincarnated in the governor Patricia Eamons. A film company engaged in the production of an American dramatic project extended the detective history to the summer spectators for the second season, the release of which is scheduled to begin 2018.

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Also this year, films of the director of Ben Shelton "Bank of Candy" will be released on large screens and Louis Si Keia "I love you, daddy." It is known that Hunt will appear in the film. Due to the fact that the paintings are in the status of post-production, the details regarding the cast and the plot at the moment there are no.

Helen Hunt in 2017

Despite the dense work schedule, the famous actress does not forget about the fan. In "Instagram" and "Twitter" actress regularly posts photos from filming and video clockwork from recreation. It is worth noting that social networks are not the only resource telling fans about the latest news from the life of Hunt: Materials associated with the creative biography of the Hollywood star are often published on Internet portals and in printed publications.


  • 1973 - "The first among women"
  • 1979 - "Transplant"
  • 1986 - "Peggy Sue married"
  • 1987 - "Project X"
  • 1992 - "Only you"
  • 1996 - "Tornado"
  • 1997 - "Better does not happen"
  • 2000 - "Pay another"
  • 2000 - "Izgoy"
  • 2000 - "What do women want"
  • 2001 - "Curse of jade scorpion"
  • 2007 - "So she found me"
  • 2012 - "Surrogat"
  • 2017 - "Firetar"
  • 2017 - "I love you, daddy"

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