Vladimir Vasilyev - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, ballet artist, "Don Quixote" 2021



Vladimir Vasiliev is an outstanding dancer, who struck by artistry and the technical equipment is not one generation of viewers. In addition, Vladimir Viktorovich is a member of the Russian Academy of Arts and the International Creative Academy. However, few people know that the heritage of ballet genius is not limited to dancing.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Vasiliev was born in Moscow on April 18, 1940. Father of the future star, Viktor Ivanovich, worked as a chauffeur. Mother, Tatyana Yakovlevna, worked by the head of the sales department at the felt factory.

In childhood, Vasilyeva showed talent to painting. Mom showed the drawings of the Son by a professional artist, and he advised his parents to train his drawing, but there were no money for the lessons.

At the age of 7 years, the boy accidentally fell to the class club class in the house of the pioneers. Choreographer Elena Ross, who worked with children, immediately drew attention to the ability of little Volodya and invited the boy to do. So, already a year later, Vladimir Vasilyev first went on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater with Ukrainian and Russian dances.


The creative biography of Vladimir Vasilyeva continued in the walls of the Moscow choreographic school, later than the Academy. The teachers noted not only the undoubted talent of Vladimir, but also acting abilities: the young man, in addition to the ideal technical execution, was investing in the dance of emotions, expression, with ease reincarnated into the heroes of performances as a real artist.

After completing training, Vasilyev entered the service in a large theater and became the official member of the ballet troupe. At first, Vladimir Viktorovich got the characteristic roles: the artist performed the Gypsy dance in the "Demon" - Lezginka. But soon the inimitable Galina Ulanova drew the attention to the novice dancer, offering Vasilyev the party in the classic ballet formulation of "Shopenian". That was not just a party, but a duet with the most Ulanova. After that, Galina Sergeyevna will remain another and mentor Vladimir Vasilyeva.

In his youth, the artist was distinguished by a statist figure and high growth (185 cm). I drew attention to Vasilyeva and Yuri Grigorovich, theatrical balletmaster. Vladimir Vasiliev seemed to Grigorovich a very promising dancer. Soon Vasilyev received the main batch in the ballet "Stone Flower". This formulation presented the dancer of the first fans and fans, not alien art.

Long 30 years old, Vladimir Vasilyev gave a large scene. From 1958 to 1988, the dancer was listed by the leading soloist of the theater. Ballerina Ekaterina Maksimova, part-time wife Vladimir Vasilyeva, became his permanent partner.

Perhaps, the main recognition of Talent Vasilyeva was the fact that the dancer was not only invited to the main parties in the already finished productions, but also wrote them specifically for him. Kasyan Goleyovsky for Vladimir Viktorovich composed a choreographic miniature of Narcissus to music N. Cherepnin, and later - Majnun's party. In 1977, the outstanding balletmaster Maurice Bezhar put the Board of the young man in Persushka exclusively for Vasilyev.

The intricate plastic forms, cascades of jumps created by the balletmaster, the unusual support were in combination previously not performed on the ballet scene, but embodied by the artist, they seemed a spontaneous emotional response to music.

Dance successes Vasilyeva saw not only the walls of the Bolshoi Theater. The dancer visited the tour in the Paris Grand Opera, the Italian theater "La Scala", the New York Metropolitan Opera, London Covent Garden.

In 1988, Vladimir Vasilyev and his permanent partner and his wife Ekaterina Maksimova left the big one. The reason was the dispute for a professional topic with Yuri Grigorovich. Vladimir Viktorovich continued his creative career as Konruku of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater, this position will remain at the dancer until 2000.

Vladimir Viktorovich showed talent and in the activities of the choreographer-director. In 1971, the artist first put his own dance performance. It was the ballet "Icar", presented in the walls of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. A few years later, the production of "these charming sounds" will appear, in 1980 Vasilyev will present Macbeth, and in 1984 - "Road House".

Foreign countries will also be lucky enough to get acquainted with Vasilyevsky-director. At the Argentine scene, Vladimir Viktorovich presented to the court of the audience ballet "Fragments of one biography", and the United States admired the talented interpretation of Don Quixote.

In the 1990s, Vasilyev worked on a series of productions based on classical works. After some break, Madre presented the ballet "Red Mac" in Krasnoyarsk, and then - the ballet formulation for the children "Balda".

Vasilyev had an honor to personally speak in the ballet "First Ball of Natasha Rostova" in 2014. This mini-production was prepared specifically for the concert on the opening of the Sochi Olympic Games. Vladimir Viktorovich got the party Ilya Andreevich Rostov. In the same year, the choreographer submitted to the audience a project for the works of Viktor Astafieva. Staging consisted of six dance miniatures.

In 2015, in honor of the 75th anniversary of the dancer, the premiere of the ballet play Donna Nobis Pasem on the music of Bach was held. The jubilee came as a ballet director, the batch was performed by the dancers of the Tatar Academic Theater named after Musa Jalil.


The talents of the ballet artist were also in demand in the theater and cinema. The dramatic scene saw the fairy tale "Princess and the Woodrovosk" and Rock Opera "Juno" and "Avos" "- for these performances, Vladimir Viktorovich became a choreographer. And the photo of the dancers in the images of the cumshots and Nikolai Rezanov was stored, perhaps in the collection of every fan of art.

I tried Vasilyev strength and in acting skills, appearing in the films "Gigolo and Gigoletti", "Fuete", as well as television versions of Spartak ballets, Gran Pa in White Night and others. Here, Vladimir Viktorovich also not only danced himself, but also took on the placement of parties for other artists.

In addition to the ballet, Vladimir Viktorovich is interested in painting, writes paintings and even arranges his own exhibitions. A series of personal expositions of the artist took place in the capital and other cities of the country.

Not alien to Vasilyev and the world of poetry: In 2001, the dancer presented the world a collection of poems called "Chain of Days".

Personal life

Vladimir Vasilyeva's personal life is an example of a strong love that lasted a lifetime. The chief of the talented dancer was Ekaterina Maximov, also not a thinking life without dance. Catherine Sergeevna became for Vasilyeva beloved, another and permanent partner on stage. There were no children from the creative couple.

In 2009, Maksimova died. Vladimir Viktorovich, on his own admission, lost part of the soul and still grieves the spouse. The dancer and the balletmaster still devotes the performances, performances and exhibitions Catherine Sergeevna.

Despite the long marriage, the life of the Marata turned out to be more difficult than her visibility. In the spring of 2021, the People's Artist of the RSFSR Aleftin Evdokimova visiting the transfer of the "Fate of Man" told that he was a long relationship with Vasilyev. According to the actress, the couple hid a novel for 14 years, but broke up under the pressure of the KGB. Evdokimova admitted that he wore a child from the beloved, but pregnancy did not save, in order not to destroy the family of the dancer, who was married at that moment.

Vladimir Vasiliev now

Now Vladimir Vasiliev continues creative activities. The dancer no longer goes to the stage due to old age, but with youthful enthusiasm takes for new productions, heads and participates in the work of the jury of Russian and international ballet artists' competitions, gives master classes, rehearse, teaches a talented shift.

About the choreographer came out the documentary program "Class of the Master. Vladimir Vasiliev, "in which the Master conveys his unique experience and shares unique secrets of skill with the younger generation.


  • 1958 - "Demon"
  • 1958 - "Shopenian"
  • 1959 - "Stone Flower"
  • 1959 - "Cinderella"
  • 1960 - "Narcissus"
  • 1961 - "Forest Song"
  • 1962 - "Paganini"
  • 1964 - "Parsley"
  • 1966 - "Nutcracker"
  • 1968 - "Spartak"
  • 1971 - "IKAR"
  • 1973 - "Romeo and Juliet"
  • 1976 - "Angara"
  • 1987 - "Blue Angel"
  • 1988 - "Pulchinell"

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