Sergey Share - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Another 10-15 years ago, the word "content" was used in narrow circles and for most people remained a highly specialized term. However, with the development of the Internet and the appearance of all new and new platforms, this term has lost the mysterious halo - now users have learned its meaning, learned to classify, and also distinguish good content from the bad.

Good, for example, includes professional photos and travel articles, and the combination of these photos and articles is a win-win version. A person who creates interesting content may not only become famous, but also to receive profit from this, like Sergey Share.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born in Kharkov, then in the Ukrainian SSR. It happened on November 13, 1973. A year later, the share of the share is moving into the Science of Dubna (about 120 km north of Moscow). Sergey is joking that he did not want to move, but because of the age, his opinion, no one took into account. In 1980, the share begins to study in Lyceum No. 16 named after academician Georgy Nikolaevich Flerova. He studied Sergey well, although he was not excellent. The least in school he liked writing writings.

"It did not like to write writings and fly on airplanes," the share in an interview admitted.

Who would have thought that after a while it would become its main occupation. After the end of the lyceum in 1990, Sergey submits documents to the university, but he was destined to become a student only a year later. And in the interval from the autumn of 1990 to the summer of 1991, it works as a mechanic man. The salary does not suit, so in my free time the share is working as a DJ on the main dance floor of the city and the administrator in the interior of the video roller.

In 1991, re-submitted documents to the Tver State University - this time successfully. From September 1, he officially becomes a student of the Department of Magnetism of the Physics and Technology. In the same year, his future wife Larisa is received at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. 1996 is becoming for Sergey Markov - not so much due to the receipt of a diploma, how much because of admission to work in the company "Philips", which will determine the future of Sergey.

Sergey Share on Bicycle

Having worked for two years under the wing of the company, the share is solved for a serious step - to leave "Philips" to become a distributor of its products in Russia. The idea turns out to be successful, and Sergey begins his business activities. At first, he works himself, but with an increase in orders, the share is forced to start a set of personnel. In 2001, the first team was formed, in which there was a place for the four former colleagues from Philips.


As the share itself admits, photography and travel is its main hobbies in life. It is worth noting that Sergey began photographing and traveling at the same time - during foreign business trips in 2007.

Photographer Sergey Shady.

The first chamber is "Olympus E-10". Potting it half a year, Sergey began to seriously study the photo. The result of these studies was the transition to the cameras "Canon", whose fan share and remained for a long time.

The transition from "Canon EOS-1DS Mark II" to Nikon was the case of the case: during the next trip, Sergey noticed that weather conditions prevent him from making the necessary picture, while his comrade with a "nikon" sir of problems no. Assessing the market situation, Sergey decides to sell its CANON cameras and lenses to them to update a personal photo address.

Now the share takes pictures on two Nikon D4 cameras using optics with different focal lengths: 14-24 mm, 24-70 mm, 70-200 mm and 200-400 mm. This kit is expensive, but with it the probability of missing a successful frame due to the lack of the desired glass comes down to zero.

In addition to photography, Sergey is engaged in video production - removes Vlog. Two thirds of video materials shot on an action chamber. The first similar camera, which the share acquired was not the most discerning "Gopro Hero 4". She did not satisfy the interests of Sergey and replaced with a new model - "Gopro Hero 5". The results "Hero 5" were also not happy, so it was decided to purchase a "Sony FDR-X1000V", which enjoyed familiar jutupers.

Sergey Share in 2017

However, and here, the share was waiting for disappointment - due to non-standard for action chambers of the form factor, as well as for the absence of a "Sony FDR-X1000V" of the video screen, the video was obtained with a serious defect in the form of a "diluted" horizon. This was the reason for returning to "Gopro Hero 5", but only before the "Sony FDR-X3000 4K" release, which Sergey uses and so on.

Also in 2017, Sergei's collection was replenished with a full-fledged Sony Handycam Ax53 camcorder with a whole set of Sony accessories. On the question of why "Sony", and not "sjcam" or "Xiaomi Yi", the share is simply responsible: its company distributes the products "Sony", so confident in their quality.


Sergey rightly calls himself the most popular Travel Blogger in the country, since he began at the LiveJournal Playground ("Living Journal"), which he does not leave today. It publishes articles and photos from expeditions and travel. Also, some photos are located on the share page in "Instagram", and the sobs and other stock footage - on a youtube-canal.

Sergey's share blog "Virtual Traveler Page"

Nevertheless, after Nephorum, Bloggers-2017, Sergey published a video in which he admitted that "LJ" dies, and there is no options for its rehabilitation. For this reason, the share of openly declared: by the end of the year, the blog "Virtual Traveler Page" is fully replicated in Youtube and "Instagram".

Personal life

Sergey has Larisa's wife, who graduated from the same university as he, but at the Department of English Philology. The couple have two children - Sergey and Diny. Both boys inherited the parental craving for creativity: the eldest, like Dad, is a photographer, and the youngest is fond of playing the guitar.

Sergey Share and wife Larisa

On the Internet, the Internet slipped the information that the share was divorced with Larisa to marry some Natalia Cosharl, but this is not true - Sergey was and remains an exemplary family man.

Sergey Share now

From the first days of the fall of 2017, Sergey participates in the #mamontcup project. By the way, during this project, a sensational salvation of China was conducted during this project (and not simple, and the Greenlandic dying point), stuck in the lake salty in the island of Great Chatestant.

On the personal YouTube Channel, the share showed how the information that everyone was observed from the TV screens or read on the Internet, differs from the truth, and who actually saved the marine mammal. In the free time, Sergey decides the company's business or conducts fees in the Dolkabar's own restaurant. Also, the share likes to relax with the family in the apartment on the Krylat hills, listen "The Beatles" and "Queen" or read a good book.

The change in the situation helps to avoid health problems - behind this Sergey is watching after two cases with flicker arrhythmia (after the first share he lost 40 kg), one of which even led to a heart stop.


  • 1998 - Distribution of Philips products
  • 2007 - Blog "Page of Virtual Travelers"
  • 2010 - the book "far, far"
  • 2011 - the book "Oversizing the Sun"
  • 2011 - the action "Blogger against garbage"
  • 2012 - the action "Blogger against garbage"
  • 2012 - restaurant "Dolkabar"
  • 2012 - organization "Change World"
  • 2013 - Agency "ADVERTOS"
  • 2014 - Project "Exprussia"
  • 2015 - Conquest Dyatlov Pass
  • 2017 - Project "#mamontcup"

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