Konstantin Simonov - biography, photos, personal life, poems



Konstantin Simonov is a famous writer, poet and journalist. His works written during the war years were not just a reflection of reality, but also a kind of prayer. For example, the poem "Wait for me", which became 1941 and dedicated to Valentine Serovoy, to this day gives the hope of soldiers who sent on the battlefield. Also, the genius of literature is known for the works of "kill him", "soldiers are not born", "open letter", "live and dead" and other remarkable and ingenious creations.

Childhood and youth

With a cold autumn day in the city on the Neva, who used to be called Petrograd, on November 28, 1915 in the family of Major General Mikhail Agafangelovich Simonov and his spouse - Princess Alexandra Leonidovna Obolenski - Son was born, which was called Cyril.

Writer Konstantin Simonov

Cyril is a real name of the writer, but due to the fact that Simonov Kartvil did not pronounce the solid "L", he began to call himself Konstantin, but the mother of the writer did not recognize the pseudonym of his offspring, so he always called the Son gentle by Kiryuska.

The boy grew and brought up without his father, because, as a biography, compiled by Alexey Simonov, traces of his grandfather are lost in Poland in 1922: the main breadwinner in the house was missing, participating in the First World War. And therefore, the memories of Konstantin Mikhailovich are more connected with stepfather than with his father.

Konstantin Simonov as a child

In search of a better life, the mother of the future writer, together with his son, moved to Ryazan, where he met Alexander Grigorievich Ivanishev, who worked as a military specialist, and later led the workers' and peasant Red Army. It is known that a warm friendly friendship arose between the new spouse of Obolensk and his stepmaking.

While the head of the family was at work, Alexander prepared lunches and dinners, led a household and brought up Constantine. Proser recalled that his parents often discussed politics, but all these conversations Konstantin Mikhailovich practically did not remember. But when the head of the family entered the service in the Ryazan infantry school to the tactic teacher, the family has reigned a negative opinion about Trotsky, in particular, adults criticized in the fluff and dust of his activities as drug addiction.

Konstantin Simonov in youth

Then this post was taken by Frunze, who met well, but the tactics of his follower - Voroshilov - did not like the stepfather of Constantine. Also, the writer remembers that the news of the death of Vladimir Ilyich was a deep shock for his family, there were tears in his parents, but the wrestler came to replace the wrestler with Trotskyism Stalin, they were not much realized at that time.

When the boy was 12 years old, in his memory imprinted an event that he recalled until the end of his life. The fact is that Simonov faced the concept of repression (which at that time only gave the first sprouts) and by coincidence, returning to the house for a forgotten thing, personally watched the search in the apartment of his distant relative - a paralyzed old man.

"... an old man, leaning against the wall, half a walk on the bed, continued to scold them, and I was sitting on a chair and looked at all this ... In the soul it was not a shock, but a strong surprise: I suddenly encountered something that seemed absolutely not Combined with the life that our family lived ..., "Konstantin Mikhailovich recalled in his memoirs.

It is worth noting that in childhood the future writer was not tied to a certain place, because due to the specific profession, the family moved from place to place. Thus, the youth of the writer passed in military towns and commander hostels. By coincidence, Konstantin Mikhailovich graduated from seven classes of the secondary school, and then, who was passionate about the idea of ​​socialist construction, chose a landed path and went to receive a working specialty.

Konstantin Simonov

The choice of a young man fell on the school of factory apprenticeship, where he studied the profession of Tokar. In the biography of Konstantin Mikhailovich there were also unable days. His stepfather was arrested for a short time, and then fired from office. Therefore, the family extended from the housing almost remained without livelihood.

In 1931, Simonov, together with their parents, moved to Moscow, but before that she worked on the metal to the metal on Saratov production. In parallel with this, Konstantin Mikhailovich received education in the literary institute named after Maxim Gorky, where he began to manifest him creative potential. Having received a diploma, Konstantin Mikhailovich was adopted in the graduate school of the Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History named after N. G. Chernyshevsky.


Simonov was called into the service in the army, where he served as a military correspondent before Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov announced the radio for Adolf Hitler's attack. The young man was sent to write articles about the fights on the Khalchin-goal - a local conflict between the Japanese Empire and Manzhou. It was there Simonov who got acquainted with George Zhukov, who received the People's Nickname Marshal of Victory.

Konstantin Simonov in war

In graduate school, the writer did not return. When the Great Patriotic War began, Simonov joined the ranks of the Red Army and published in the newspapers "Izvestia", "combat banner" and "Red Star".

For their merits and courage, the writer who visited all the fronts and saw the land of Poland, Romania, Germany and other countries, awarded many remarkable awards, and also passed the way from the senior commissioner of the battalion to the colonel. Constantine Mikhailovich is a medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus", the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree, the medal "For the defense of Moscow", etc.


The man who saw the horrors taking place during the Great Patriotic War carried these memories as a grave load throughout his life. Therefore, it is not surprising that the bloody events of 1941-1945 became a background for creativity, because people wanted to share what they had to be survived, and Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov - no exception. The main theme of its works, like Vasil Bykov, is the war.

Poet Konstantin Simonov

It is worth noting that Simonov is a universal writer. Its service is listed both small stories and stories and poems, poems, plays and even whole novels. According to rumors, the Wizard began to study writing in youth, staying at the university bench.

After the war, Konstantin Mikhailovich worked as the editor in the magazine "New World", was in numerous business trips, watched the beauty of the country of the rising sun and traveled in America and China. Simonov from 1950 to 1953 was at the post of chief editor of the Literary Newspaper.

It is known that after the death of Joseph Stalin, Konstantin Mikhailovich wrote an article where he called on all the writers to reflect the Great Personality of Generalissimus and write about his historical role in the life of the Soviet people. However, this proposal was perceived in the bayonet Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, who did not share the opinion of the writer. Therefore, by order of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Simonov, were shocled from the position.

It is also worth saying that Konstantin Mikhailovich participated in the fight against a separate interlentication layer. In other words, the writer did not have a sympathy for his colleagues in the workshop - Anna Akhmatova, Mikhail Zoshchenko and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Boris Pasternak was subjected and Boris Pasternak, who wrote "non-parade" texts.

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In 1952, Konstantin Simonov comes out the debut romance, which was called the name "Arms Comrades", and after seven years the writer becomes the author of the book "Alive and Dead" (1959), which has grown into the trilogy. The second part was printed in 1962, and the third - in 1971. It is noteworthy that the first volume was almost identical to the author's personal diary.

The plot of the Roman Epopea is based on the events that occurred during the war, from 1941 to 1944. It can be said that Konstantin Mikhailovich described what he saw with his own eyes, artistically adds the work of metaphors and other speech turns.

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In 1964, the famous director Alexander Tsper postponed this work on the screens of the TV, removing the movie the same name. The main roles were performed by Kirill Lavrov, Anatoly Papanov, Alexey Glazerin, Oleg Efremov, Oleg Tabakov and other famous actors.

Among other things, Konstantin Mikhailovich translated into Russian the texts of the Reddard Kipling, the author of the famous book on the adventures of Mowgli, as well as the writings of the Azerbaijani poet by Nasimi and the Uzbek writer Kakhhar.

Personal life

The personal life of Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov could serve as the basis for a whole novel, for the biography of this person is rich in events. The first chief of the writer was the writer Natalia Ginzburg, which came from a notable and durable family. Konstantin Mikhailovich dedicated to his beloved Konstantin Mikhailovich, but the relationship of two creative personalities suffered Fiasco.

Konstantin Simonov and Natalia Ginzburg

The next chief of Simonov became Evgenia Laskin, who gave Alexei's Son's writer (1939). Laskin - Philologist for education - worked as a literary editor, and it was she who published in 1960 the immortal novel Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".

Family Konstantin Simonov and Evgenia Laskina

But these relationships were separated from the seams, because, despite the birth of a small son, Konstantin Mikhailovich plunged on his head in a novel with the Soviet actress Valentina Serovoy, who played in the films of the "Hearts of Four" (1941), "Glinka" (1946), " Immortal garrison "(1956) and other paintings. Girl Maria (1950) appeared in this marriage. The actress inspired Simonov on creativity and was his muse. Thanks to her, Konstantin Mikhailovich released several works, such as the play "Guy from our city".

Konstantin Simonov and Son Alexey

According to rumors, Valentina saved the writer Ivan Bunin from an imminent death. It is saying that Konstantin Mikhailovich went to the capital of France in 1946, where Ivan Alekseevich was to be persuaded to return to his homeland. However, in secret from her husband, his beloved told Bunin in secret about what he was waiting in the USSR. Scientists failed to prove the accuracy of this story, but Valentine no longer went to joint trips with her husband.

Family Konstantin Simonov and Valentina Serovoy

Fortunately or regret, Valentina Serov and Konstantin Simonov broke up in 1950. It is known that the former wife of the writer died in the 1975th with unexplained circumstances. The writer sent to the coffin of a woman with which he lived for 15 years, a bouquet of 58 scarlet roses.

Konstantin Simonov and wife Larisa Zhadova

Art historian Larisa Zhadova, who, according to Contemporannik, was a tough and conscientious young lady, turned out to be the fourth and last love in Simonov's life. Larisa presented his spouse to Alexander (1957), and the daughter was brought up in the house from the first marriage of Larisa and the poet of Seeds Gudseenko - Catherine.


Konstantin Simonov died in Moscow in the summer of 1978. The cause of death has become a malignant tumor of the lung. The body of the poet and Prosaika was cremated, and his dust (according to the will) dispelled over the Bainynsky field - a memorial complex located in the city of Mogilev.


  • 1952 - "Arms Comrades"
  • 1952 - "Poems and Poems"
  • 1956-1961 - South Stand
  • 1959 - "Live and Dead"
  • 1964 - "Soldiers are not born"
  • 1966 - "Konstantin Simonov. Collected Works in six volumes "
  • 1971 - "Last Summer"
  • 1975 - "Konstantin Simonov. Poems "
  • 1985 - "Sophia Leonidovna"
  • 1987 - "Third Adjutant"

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