Anna Dubrovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Anna Dubrovskaya is a talented actress, who has loved the audience and theatrical roles, and in bright work in films. Popularity and recognition came to the artist not immediately, now the creative biography of Anna comes with a large number of new projects every day. But all this could not be: only a happy confluence of the circumstances led it from death in young years.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born on November 27, 1972 in Minsk. The father of the girl worked as an inventor designer, the mother served the actress of the theater of the Operetta. When a little Anna turned 7 years old, his parents divorced, but his father wouldingly continued to communicate with daughters (Anna Dubrovskaya has an older sister of Ilona).

Mother often took Anna to the theater, where the girl watched the reincarnations of artists, rehearsals and performances. She admits that still by heart remembers the texts of the operetta from the repertoire of the mother.

In early childhood, Dubrovskaya was a closed girl. However, music classes helped ane to believe in their own strength and liberate. In addition to music, she was interested in poetry: she composed poems and songs, and also performed them on their own. Later, these compositions became popular on Minsk Radio - the direct and touching execution had to do with listeners. Anna's talents applied to the sport - she achieved a junior discharge in figure skating.

However, the theater attracted more Anya. The extinguishes for the scenes during the speeches of the mother, the future artist dreamed of applause and glory. The first step to the implementation of the dream was the transition from the usual school to a specialized, where, in addition to traditional items, students taught the Amese skills.

In 1990, graduating from school, Dubrovskaya went straight to the Minsk Theater Institute. Unfortunately, here the girl was waiting for disappointment: the examiners did not allow her even before the first stage of entrance tests. But Anna did not lower his arms and decided to go to Moscow.

In the capital Dubrovskaya was lucky much more. The girl from the first attempt was entered into the legendary Schukin school. Anna fell on the course to Vladimir Ivanov, who still remembers with gratitude. According to the actress, this teacher has become for students and teacher, and friend, and father.

Personal life

The personal life of Dubrovskaya has developed happily. Anna became acquainted with the chosen one, being a student, and since then the lovers did not part. In the youth, the actress was completely given to a relationship, without noticing the courtesy of other men.

Anna's husband with an unusual name Tudor Andronaki was born in Romania. Couple brought up a jet daughter Nina.

Although this marriage lasted almost 20 years, in an interview with the artist recognized that he was more a guest. At some point, she realized that she had not enough support and the attention of the spouse. By the way, he never became an actor: in the 90s, to feed the family, the man did business.

On the set of the paintings "Ivanov" in 2008, Anna met the director Vadim Dubrovitsky, at that time both were not free. Feelings stuck in love, and the couple had a novel. And when the project was over, they decided that they should be together. In 2009, the actress designed a divorce with Tudor. But, before becoming the wife of the director, she lived a year with him, and only in 2010 they played a wedding.

Anna Nina's matured daughter went in the footsteps of the mother: the girl graduated from the theater institute named after Boris Schukin, after which she also began to play in the theater.

Dubrovskaya does not lead a page in "Instagram", but the fans created a group in Vkontakte, dedicated to the work of Dubrovskaya. There they exchange the photo of the actresses, discuss the productions in which it participates, and are divided by video.

The woman leads a modest life, does not distribute pictures in swimsuits and other candid outfits. But without them, it can be seen that the actress is watching health and has an excellent figure - with a height of 170 cm, it looks silty and tightened.


In 1994, Anna graduated from "Pike", becoming a full-fledged actress. The girl's graduation work was remembered by teachers: Dubrovskaya chose the role of Elizabeth in the play of Vladimir Ivanov "Tsarist Hunt" on the work of Leonid Zorin.

Immediately after the school, she was invited to join the body of the theater named after E. B. Vakhtangov. A beginner actress with joy agreed, rejecting the proposals from Lenkom and the theater. Vl. Mayakovsky. The fact is that Dubrovskaya considered: its acting future is connected only with the Wakhtangov Theater. Especially since, studying at the 4th course, the student has already received a major role in the famous Vakhtang production "Princess Turandot".

The successful start of the career, unfortunately, was soon changed by a period of stagnation. As many as 4 years, the actress spent without new roles. This time was severe for Anna, the girl almost disappointed in the choice of profession. However, faith in their own strength and perseverance to university with hard work played a role. The artist was invited to the role of Dzentmones in Shakespeare's "Othello". The game of Dubrovskaya in the play also appreciated the audience, and obscene critics, which are not so easy to please.

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After "Othello", the actress's repertoire was replenished with the roles of Alcmen (the play "Amphitrion"), Gali in the formulation of "for two hares", stepadids ("barbarians") and other no less bright heroines.

2017 I was pleased with the fans of the actress of the new formulation of the Chekhov "Cherry Garden" on the scenario of the director Vadim Dubrovitsky.

Anna played 27-year-old Elena Andreevna, the wife of the retired professor Serebryakov Alexander Vladimirovich.

Among the brightest theatrical works, Anna Dubrovskaya it is worth mentioning the roles of Romeo and Juliet, "Mount from Wit", "Planet" and "Protransport Potion". With each yield on the stage of the actress becomes more artistic and convincing, charming spectators.


For the first time, Anna Dubrovskaya starred in the film in childhood. The girl then was barely 6 years old. It was a picture "Between A and B", where Ana got an episodic role of a small schoolgirl. The real professional debut in the cinema took place in 1992, when the actress, being a sophistine, received an invitation to star in Sergey Nikonenko's film on the play Mikhail Zadornov ("Last Attempt") called "I want your husband."

This comedy fell by the audience, and the directors paid attention to the young talent. Following the first shot, the paintings were followed by "I want to America", "Countess de Monsoro", "House" and other at least memorable films.

It would seem that the acting profession does not apply to life-threatening. However, one of the filming almost became for Anna Dubrovsky Last. The girl should have played a major role in the film Sergei Bodrov - the younger "connected".

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Together with the film crew, subsequently deceased due to the departments of the glacier, Dubrovskaya went to the Carmadon Gorge. The actress was repurchased fate: the day before the tragedy, she returned to Moscow to catch at the performance of "Othello", in which he played Dzentemon. The remaining participants in the shooting, including the vigor himself, were missing.

In 2004, Dubrovskaya Anna Dubrovskaya filmography was replenished with the film "Night Watch". This fantastic story about the confrontation of light and dark forces in the conditions of modern Moscow, shot by talented Timur Bekmambetov, broke the rolled record records. The actress admits that the work on this picture demanded the voltage of forces, and physical, and moral.

Shots often passed on the roofs of the Moscow highlights, which turned out to be a test for the actress, which is afraid of heights. In addition, the complex makeup, necessary for the role of Dubrovskaya (the girl played a vampire) demanded many hours of patience from her: it was necessary to wait motionlessly until the make-up artists finish working out.

However, such sufferings were worth: "Night Watch" still revise new generations of viewers, admiring the well-thought-out special effects and the development of the plot, and the photo of Anna Dubrovskaya in the image of the vampire was decorated with a collection of fantastic paintings.

Not less memorable for the audience was the role of Anna in the series "My beautiful nanny", "Butterfly Kiss" and "There would be no happiness ...". The last picture is kind and touching New Year's comedy, in which Dubrovskaya played a major role.

In 2008, the artist was offered to reincarnate in the director of the company Anita Ritter in the Kamenskaya-5 television series, where Elena Yakovlev, Sergey Nikonenko, Sergey Garmash and others fulfilled the main roles. The detective was created by the novel by the writer Alexandra Marinina, who also participated in the work on the series.

Anna's more memorable in the Career was the work in the film "Ivanov", shot on the eponymous play of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Alexey Serebryakov played the main male character, Dubrovskaya got the image of his wife. In the same year, the woman was invited to shoot a documentary tape about the celebrity, which was called "Sergey Bodrov. He just went to the mountains. "

Then Dubrovskaya played a couple of minor characters in the television series "Military Hospital" (2012), "Dam" (2015) and "Scenario" (2016). In 2017, I tried the image of a nurse in Herasima, and a year later I took part in the filming of the TV series "Tetrad Fallo". Events unfold in Afghanistan, but as locations the directions chose the picturesque places of Crimea.

Anna Dubrovskaya now

The actress now continues to play on performances and periodically receives roles in films. Also, it is invited to different programs to learn more about the hidden life of the artist. On April 15, 2020, she appeared on the air channel "Russia-1" in the studio of the program "The Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov.

The Anna program told about the first roles in the cinema, about the difficult female share and about the period of life, when, finally, was able to feel happy next to his beloved man.

News about the fresh roles of Anna in the cinema have not yet appeared, but because of the coronavirus pandemic and perform the whole troupe in the theater. In order for the cultural life of Russia did not stop even at this difficult moment, during quarantine, many theaters conduct online broadcasts operas, ballet and performances. So, on April 10, 2020, the fans of Dubrovskaya creativity were able to enjoy the production of Saturday, Sunday, Monday with her participation.


  • 1992 - "I want your husband"
  • 1994 - "House on Stone"
  • 1997 - "Countess de Monsoro"
  • 1998 - "Black Sea 213"
  • 2000 - "Woe from Wit"
  • 2003 - "Operation" Color of Nation ""
  • 2004 - "Night Watch"
  • 2006 - "There would be no happiness ..."
  • 2008 - "Kamenskaya-5"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2012 - "Military Hospital"
  • 2015 - "Damage"
  • 2016 - "Scenario"
  • 2017 - "Gerasim"
  • 2018 - Tetrad Fallo

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