Eduard Mana - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Pictures



Throughout the lifetime, the founder of the founder of Impressionism Edward Mana, who freed painting from the shackles of academic standards was criticized. Contemporary contemporaries and conservatism of generally accepted norms, admired the works written in accordance with art canons, which tried to bring something new to the art.

Portrait of Edward Mana

Due to the fact that the audience did not understand and did not accept the works that reflect the personal worldview of the artist, the first official exhibition of the community, in which, in addition to Mana, included the unsolved Camille Pissarro, Pierre Renoir, Paul Cezanne, Frederick Basil and Edgar Dega, marked by failure.

Childhood and youth

On January 23, 1832 in Paris, the head of the Ministry of Justice Augustea Mane and his wife Ezhenyi-Dezir Fournier, the daughter of the diplomat, was born a son, which was named Eduard. The parents of the Impressionist hoped that the hot Favorite Choo would receive a prestigious legal education and would make a brilliant career of a state official.

Parents Eduard Mana

In 1839, they gave off to the pension of Abbot Pualu. Due to the absolute indifference to school, Auguste translated the heir to Rollen College, in which he studied in the period from 1844 to 1848. Despite the great desire of Mane to become a painter, the father was against the Son, violating the family tradition, a stable work preferred creative self-realization.

It is not known how much the fate of the Impressionist was formed if the brother of Mother Edmont-Eduard Fournier, who saw in Eduard craving for art, did not pay the nephew to visit the course of lectures on painting, to which the boy went after school at school.

Eduard Mana in youth

Due to academic standards, which devoid images of thought teachers considered the basis of the artistic identity of the painter, drawing lessons did not cause the expected interest in Mana. Copying gypsum sculptures He preferred drawing portraits of his comrades.

Understanding that the Son, even under the fear of death, will not connect life from the Rutin State Service, Auguste chose a smaller of two angry, allowing the offspring to go to the navigation. In December 1848, Eduard as a jungle rose to the ship. Traveling across the Atlantic and stay in Rio de Janeiro turned his world from his legs.

Born under the smoky sky of Paris and raised in the bourgeois environment, the guy discovered the beauty of sunny spaces and the radiance of paints of his reality. Mana realized that he wanted to master the skill of transfer seen in real life on canvas. When June 13, 1849, an ambitious young man went on a French shore, his road suitcase was paranging with pencil sketches.

After the cruise, he from 1850 to 1856 he studied painting in a workshop popular at the time of the artist Tom Kutur. However, in these occupations, a strong antagonism was immediately manifested: it is difficult to find something more incomprehensible than the desire of mana to live art and the worship of Couture with genre and stylistic drawing canons.

Artist Edward Man

The only advantage was that it was in the workshop of Tom, who demanded from his disciples to study the old masters, the creator of the painting "Lola from Valencia" discovered a classic heritage for himself. Leaving the routine of art school, 24-year-old Edward took up self-education. In addition to the regular visit to the Louvre, he often traveled on the Museums of Italy, Germany, Austria, Holland, Spain, after visiting which, like any novice artist, copied the work of great masters - Titian, Velasquez and Rembrandt.


At the very beginning of the creative path, every artist who wishes to gain popularity should be exhibited on the official exposition of the Paris Academy of Fine Arts. Mane has reached his paintings many times for consideration of the jury, but it was too conservative to put his work.

In 1859, together with friends, he tried to put his canvas in the Salon once every two years. Then his creation "amaster absinthe" was rejected. However, in 1861, critics favorably adopted two other works of Eduard - "Portrait of Parents" and "Gyutaro".

In the early 60s, marine and Spanish motives prevailed in the works of Mana ("Lola from Valencia", "Kirsaja", "Spanish ballet", "Alabama"), plenuner scenes ("Run in Long-Shan"), themes of modern history ( "Emperor Maximilian's execution"), as well as religious plots ("Dead Christ").

In 1863, Emperor Louis Napoleon commanded the rejected works of the official salon in the nearby Palace of Industry. This parallel exhibition was called "Landscreen Salon". The genuine center of attraction was the picture of Eduard "Breakfast on the grass".

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She followed "Olympia", at which the simulator of the Quiz Meran was depicted nude on the bed.

In the subsequent decade, Mane revealed his associates a brilliant example of creative energy. He wrote portraits, flower still lifes and scenes on racing. If an important event happened somewhere, he went there and portrayed him.

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In the 70s, the painter created the brightest works: "Railway", "in the boat" and "arzhante". A reflection of his heavy thoughts inspired by the disease is written in 1881 a picture of suicide.

Personal life

In 1849, Susanna appeared in the artist's life. The woman in which the painter fell in love at first sight, worked as a teacher and taught the piano letter to the younger brothers of the author's painting "Nana" - Eugene (1833-1892) and Gustuuu (1835-1884).

In January 1852, Susanna gave birth to a son, which was called Leon. It is noteworthy that paternity was not attributed to mana, but a certain coelf. Edward became the god dad of the newborn. Biographers who study the lives and creativity of the eminent impressionist, to this day, cannot give an accurate answer about Rodance Leon and Eduard.

Eduard's wife Mana Susanna in the picture

On this score, there are two official theories: the first states that the real father of the boy was Auguste Mane, who put his eyes on a twenty-year-old teacher at the time of her house appeared in their home. Supporters of the second version suggest that Leon is the son of Eduard, who was afraid of condemnation and hurry a painter wanted to admit.

It is noteworthy that the relationship with Suzanny Portraitist did not give publicity until the wedding. During the secret novel, Engraver replenished his amur piggy bank with a pair-triple names.

Eduard Mana

It is known that the artist had an intrigue to the simulator of the Quiz Meran. The girl captured the painter with his natural beauty and the fact that due to its natural artistry, easily changed images. Their love story ended when the quiz was addicted to alcohol, and there was no trace from her former charm.

After 11 years from the moment of the birth of Leon, October 28, 1863, the impressionist married Szanne. After the wedding ceremony, the lady began to live together with her husband, his mother and son under the same roof.

Son Edward Mana in the picture

It is known that mana Regularly changed the spouse that, by the way, was aware of its frequent intrigues. Even before the wedding, the lovers concluded a secret agreement with each other: Susanna did not rinse the chosen character about his novels, and Edward, in turn, did not stay for the night of his mistress and returned home every evening, continuing to play the role of a faithful husband and a loving father.

In 1868, in Louvre, the creator of the masterpieces "Olympia" and "Breakfast on the grass" met the artist Berth Morizo. Impressed by the original beauty of a woman, at the first meeting he persuaded her posing.

Berta Morizo ​​in the picture of Edward Mana

In total, Edward wrote at least 10 portraits of Berth ("Balcony", "Rest. Portrait of Berth Morizo", "Portrait of Berth Morizo ​​with a bouquet of violets", "Berta Morizo ​​with fan"). Despite mutual attraction, there could not be anything other than friendship between them. At the time of their meeting, Mane was already connected by the Uzami marriage. Berta was left to let the savory comments towards the artist's spouse and be content with their common with Eduard Passion to painting.


In 1879, Mane appeared the formidable signs of ataxia - the disease, in which the coordination of movements is disturbed due to the lesion of the brain. Official recognition of Eduard He received a year before his death. In the 1882th, the painter finished one of the most significant works in the European painting of the 70s-80s of the last century - "Bar in Foli-Berger", for which he was awarded the Order of the Honorary Legion.

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Mana died in eleven days after amputation of the affected gangrene foot on April 30, 1883. The grave of the creator of the painting written under the influence of França Hals and Diego Velasquez, "Music in Tuilery" - located on the Passy Cemetery in Paris.

Mogila Edward Mana

On the mourning ceremony, in addition to relatives, Impressionist's friends were present - Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Pierre Renoir.


  • 1859 - "Boy with cherries"
  • 1864 - "Racing in Lonzhan"
  • 1864 - "Cut white peonies and a secateur"
  • 1867 - "Olympia"
  • 1868 - "Emperor Maximilian's execution"
  • 1869 - "Balcony"
  • 1874 - "Argent"
  • 1874 - "Seland of the Seine near Arzhantei"
  • 1877 - "Suicide"
  • 1878 - "Cabaret Reichshiffen"
  • 1880 - "In Cafe Shantant"
  • 1882 - "Bar in Foli-Berger"
  • 1881 - "Spring"
  • 1882 - "Portrait of Madame Michel Levi"
  • 1883 - "Lilac Bouquet"

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