Fedor Alekseevich - biography, photo, personal life, board



Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich is called the predecessor of Peter I and in the inheritance of the throne, and in the preparation of reforms. The once-brother of Peter Great for 6 years of government (from 1676 to 1682) began a lot from the fact that the All-Russian emperor successfully completed. The heir to the Russian throne Fedor Alekseevich Romanov was born in the capital in 1661.

Portrait of Fedor Alekseevich

The marriage of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who was nicknamed for a good temper, with Maria Miloslavskaya turned out to be rich in heirs: the spouses had five sons and seven daughters. But all offspring did not differ in strong health. Three sons died in infancy. Ivan Alekseevich - the youngest of the children of Quiet - doctors diagnosed mental retardation.

All hopes of the monarch laid on Fedor, smart and loved science. But he also turned out to be unhealthy: the royal heir was sick in Qing, walked, leaning on a stick, and rarely chose from the palace. Fedor Alekseevich's education was legally on the shoulders of Simeon Polotsk - philosopher, theologian, poet and playwright, famous for universal knowledge.

Fedor Alekseevich in his youth

Under his leadership, the heir studied Polish, the ancient Greek and Latin, translated Psalms and made poems. And he became interested in music and singing. Fedor Alekseevich crown in 1676, when he was 16 years old. The rite of wedding for the kingdom took place in the Kremlin, in the Assumption Cathedral. It was necessary to hurry because of the sustainable death of the father - Alexey Mikhailovich.

Beginning of the Board

The first months of the reign of the young king were marked by the Heavy Disease of Fyodor Alekseevich. He managed the state of Patriarch Ioakim, Middle Boyarin Artamon Matveyev and Voevod Ivan Miloslavsky. But in mid-1676, Romanov recovered and sent a tried to take power into his hands Matveev in the link.

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich

Fedor Alekseevich after the first two years of the Board abolished the Decree of the Father on the uncomfortable advanced, received on the careful service. In the same 1678 held a census of the population, and in a year she placed his direct tax, which was paid from income to the property. Later, his younger brother Peter the Great entered the pillow. The taxation initiated by Fedor Alekseevich filled the treasury with money, but raised the ropot of serfs, dissatisfied with a strengthened oppression.

The king, imitating the Western European rulers, has banned his membership and softened criminal penalties. The attempt was partially successful. In the southern borders of the state (wild field) Fedor Alekseevich ordered to build defensive fortifications. It helped nobles to increase the estates and expand land ownership. The king prepared the provincial reform introduced by His follower, establishing ordinary management for the governor and the population.

Fedor Alekseevich on the icon

Historians are called the main internal political reform of Fyodor Alekseevich, the abolition of the "emergency seating" of the Zemsky Cathedral. According to these obsolete laws, a person received a Chin who corresponded to the place of service of the Father. Such a state of affairs did not give effectively to develop the state, braking his promotion forward.

The discharge books in which the list of posts were keen, by order of the king burned, introducing pedigree books instead. They entered the names of the Russian nobility, without pointing out places in the Duma. Fedor Alekseevich, who received secular education, removed the church from interference in public affairs, increased the collection from church estates. Soon, Peter completed the process started by his brother by eliminating the patriarch.


Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov moved the center of gravity of state decisions in the Duma, increasing the number of members from 66 to 99. A number of reforms king sent to the centralization of power, strengthening the position of the nobility. The reign of the predecessor of Peter the Great was marked by the construction of palace temples, chambers and orders, under the facilities of the Kremlin laid the first sewage system.

Fedor Alekseevich with officials

In the capital, the order, writing in Ukrainian cities and monasteries of nurses and beggars. Up to 20 years, they worked under the monasteries, they studied crafts, and in 20 young people he was recorded in service or in charge (applied duty). Fyodor Alekseevich did not have time, as planned, to build yards to train the craft of street children.

The educational intentions of the king were embodied in the invitation of foreign scientists and teachers in the capital. At the beginning of the 1680s, the monarch developed a draft of the first academy, but Pyotr Alekseevich managed to convert 6 years after 6 years. Fedor Alekseevich's reforms met the rejection of different estates and aggravated social contradictions. In 1682 there was a shooting uprising in Moscow.

Streletsky Bunth 1682

The foreign policy of the monarch is an attempt to return the state to the Baltic Sea, which Russia has lost during the Livonian war. Fyodor Alekseevich paid a learning and uniform of troops much more attention than his father. To unleash the "Baltic task" hindered the Turks and the Crimean Tatars who raised on the southern borders of Russia. Therefore, the autocratic from the genus Romanov in 1676 began the Russian-Turkish war, which was successfully completed in the 1681th peace treaty in Bakhchisara.

Under the terms of the contract, Russia united with Left-Bank Ukraine. By order of the king in the south of Russia, a raisin of a line of 400 versts appeared, bonded by Slobodskaya Ukraine from the devastating Turko-Tatar raids. Later, the defensive line continued, connecting with a Belgorod molar line.

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich

The main reforms Fedor Alekseevich has committed the reign in the last three years. After stopping medieval torture convicts for criminal offenses, he raised the state to a new stage of civilization. Taxation has undergone changes, fee charging ordered.

Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, being an educated person, stood at the origins of the Creating School of Typographic School, which is called the forerunner of the Slavic-Greco-Latin Academy. Romanov took up the project on the introduction in the state of the ranks (Peter the first completed the reform by introducing a chance of ranks) and divided the power of military and civilian. Fyodor Alekseevich developed the project of the Military Academy, but did not manage to implement.

Personal life

Favorites Fedor Alekseevich in the early years of the Board were deft, but rooted bedding Ivan Languages ​​and Stolnik Alexey Likhachev. They played the king's personal life a considerable role, introducing Romanov with a girl he has seen, participating in the cross move. Languages ​​and Likhachev found out that the beautiful name is Agafia Grushetsky. Deca Zaborovsky, Guardian Agafia, ordered not to give the girl to marry and wait for the decree.

Agafya Grushetsky

In the summer of 1680, Fedor Alekseevich and Agafya Grushetsky were crowned, but the marriage broke into tragic: a year later, the wife died at birth, giving the wife of the heir Fyodor. Soon the newborn died. Tsaritsa attribute a beneficial effect on her husband: at her request, the king made the nobles cut and shave the beard, wearing the Polish Kuntushi and Sabli. Schools appeared where children were taught in Polish and Latin.

Marfa Apraksina

For a talked widowed king, who was deprived of the heir, urgently found the bride. They were influenced by the same languages ​​and likhachev. Fyodor Alekseevich took Marfraxin's wife, but the marriage lasted two months.


The king died on 21 years of life in the spring of 1682, and not leaving the heir to the throne.

Death Fedor Alekseevich

Fedor Romanova buried in the Moscow Kremlin, in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral. The kings were proclaimed by the Brothers Fyodor Alekseevich - Uni-utilized Ivan and the Motherland Peter.

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